Boon corruption isn't random

Boon corruption isn't random

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rodyc.1574


Unlike what was said in the livestream today which boon gets corrupted is not (always) based upon what was last applied.
In fact many professions have different FIXED orders in what’s removed next.
In the given examples order doesn’t matter if the boon is present it will be prioritised over others.
some examples:
Thief steal prioritises stability and protection.
Necro corruption skills (Well of corruption, corrupt boon, dark path) start with retaliation and protection and perhaps the most well known fact: it ends with stability (the reason many necro’s don’t use corrupt boon if the’re more than 5 boons present).
Mesmer is random or might even be based upon what’s last applied.

(small mistakes might be present in the examples above)
Do notice as well as these all fit with the profession, thief is meant to be impactful while the necro is a bit less impactful (they have several corrupt skills), mesmer is random like many other parts of the profession.

Some players actually used these mechanics in there plays, like the corrupt boon example i gave earlier, but also with necromancer well bombs in WvW (to remove protection and damage at the same time).
This mechanic is now going to be random, which limits skillful play of the people who are aware of these mechanics. For WvW specifically it can be quite frustrating to randomly get your stability turned into a fear, mainly because it’s hard to counterplay a random effect.

The reason i’m writing this post is because as seen in the stream today (some) developers aren’t aware of this and thus i question the reason this change is made.

This is only about boon corruption not necessarily boon/condition removal.

(edited by rodyc.1574)

Boon corruption isn't random

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tim.6450


Actually you’re wrong on necro part but not that wrong, for most necro’s it seems like a buff because for condi builds swiftness and protection were converted first which were lackluster and focus removed boons at random so power builds are relatively spared either.


Boon corruption isn't random

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rodyc.1574


My mistake in that case.
I figured it out once, didn’t write it down and only remembered the parts that mattered to me.
I do disagree on the importance of protection but this might depend too much on the scenario to actually claim.

I do agree on it being a buff though, that said still dislike the change.

You wouldn’t happen to have a full order?

Boon corruption isn't random

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tim.6450

