Bored beyond measure?!

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xian.5204


Why did you all ever think it was a good idea to have 5 default attacks per weapon set; and think this would be fun long term. I have leveled 5 characters 30+ and 1 to 67 and I am so beyond bored that I am already considering jumping ship on this game permanently. Guild Wars 1 was amazing, I could spend all day min/maxing skill sets to figure out what would rock in a certain area… This game gives the player no variety, no choice, and in my opinion ultimately nothing but boredom.

It seems to me that you tried to take League of Legends and make an MMO out of it. This is not and MMO, this is not fun.

So here is the question, are you going to eventually add player choice in this game or what? Where are the different attacks so that I have some kind of choice as to what I am doing? Because as beautiful as this game world is, and as promising as WvW would be if you would turn off the ridiculous free transfers, I already feel like combat is stale, stagnant, boring, lame, yawn, etc, etc, etc.

If this was p2p, I would show you my disappointment by canceling my account; since its not bully for you! You got my money, now carry on.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: silvermember.8941


1. Guild wars 2 is not guild wars 1. Guild wars 1 had a lot of useless skills, in life quality is more important than quantity.

2. guild wars 2 has no sub and it just like every other game you buy for 60 bucks. You play and once you stop having fun you move on. And if an expac peaks your interest you return or not. That is how guild wars 1 was set up

3. if you are not having fun QUIT.

Also your last statement is stupid because it was designed to not be a sub game. A lot of the systems in place are based on the idea of not wasting your time. if guild wars 2 was a sub based game, it would be a lot different than it is or it would be WoW with dynamic event so your last statement is moot. And if you want to show your disappointment dont buy the expac.

Tl;DR if you are not having fun quit. Only mmo players seem to have this weird obsession of playing a game they hate. Sane people will quit doing boring things, if their objective was fun.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilandred.9870


You have numerous weapon, healing, utility, and elite skill choices, not to mention trait selections that you can use to compliment your playstyle. Did you not know that?

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tangleknot.8605


I know of game that has lots of skills, and a gear grind you might like.
It even has pandas
Seriously though, some people need lots of skills and grinds to make their expeience seem rewarding. GW2 isn’t one of those games. You play it cause its fun, if its not fun then its time to stop playing it.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreenZap.1352


1. Guild wars 2 is not guild wars 1. Guild wars 1 had a lot of useless skills, in life quality is more important than quantity.

2. guild wars 2 has no sub and it just like every other game you buy for 60 bucks. You play and once you stop having fun you move on. And if an expac peaks your interest you return or not. That is how guild wars 1 was set up

Extremely bad argument, maybe one of the worst argument for anything I’ve heard for weeks. This game unlike GW 1 is a open world MMORPG, not instanced like GW1 was. What does this means then?

1). It means that to be able to progress through PvE and PvP in GW2 you need a healthy playerbase because you need people to do the events witj so you’ll get EXP and Karma.

2.) It means that ArenaNet needs a big enough community to both support the game and the development through micro transaction but they also need a lot of people playing it in order to make the game enjoyable. As I said before try to imagine this game if you only have 10 players running around in a 10-25 level area.
It just doesnt work because of the choice they did to design PvE progression partly around events, without enough ppl doing events you won’t get EXP and you will never progress. This is not a quest hub game where you can run around solo and take quest after quest until you hit 80, you are hugely dependant on other players doing events with you in GW 2.

Without a steady playerbase this game won’t function because in difference with instanced GW1 or Quest Hub based MMORPGs this games lives entirely if it has a community big enough that players are running around and getting involved in events everywhere.

Pls use ur head before posting. Thanks!

Zayn Al’Sabaan
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer

(edited by GreenZap.1352)

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knuckledust.5621


Completely agree with this, I don’t play the game its been 3 weeks… there is absolutely no replayability.

Dont mind the fanboys OP, they will keep using the same old and weak “arguments” to stand by ArenaNet on the terrible developer choices like the skill system.

When I started playing it really astounded me I would be stuck with that same 5 skills forever. The person in charge of this must have been drunk at the time.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


For those with issues regarding skills.

Swap weapons if they dont fit you or attunements/kits.

I far prefer this system with a select few skills that does the job compared to games like WoW or ToR and so on with countless useless skills that clutter your skillbook/QB.

10-14 skills is just enough, it limits the need and job with balancing and gives the devs more time to create things we need.

But if you dont like the game then there is nothing forcing you to stay.

@GreenZap: Very untrue, you dont NEED people for anything in this game except a maximum of 5 people for dungeons. Events are a bonus and not needed for leveling, hearts and your personal story aswell as some instances on the side easily gets you to level 80. After that EVERYTHING is obtainable from TP to keep you on equal footing with others. No need for other player when it comes to grinding money/gathering.

p.s. Scouts are your friend.

edit: A question to those that dislike the skill system. What difference is there between having 10-14 skills that you always use to having 40 skills where only 5-10 are actually used by 90% of the playerbase? Because thats the case in WoW, you have millions of skills but you use mostly if even 10 skills per class/spec.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreenZap.1352


Completely agree with this, I don’t play the game its been 3 weeks… there is absolutely no replayability.

Dont mind the fanboys OP, they will keep using the same old and weak “arguments” to stand by ArenaNet on the terrible developer choices like the skill system.

When I started playing it really astounded me I would be stuck with that same 5 skills forever. The person in charge of this must have been drunk at the time.

That’s what I am afraid of. I like this game but before this game I played TOR which I also think had a lot of potential. Unf the nagging fanbois destroyed the game due to their moronic belief that “change is bad/the game is perfect!” agenda and unf again Bioware listened only to the white knights of the games.

Guess what? Most of those die hard defendng white knights doesn’t even play TOR anymore. Fanbois = defending a game like their life was depending on it, continue to defend it when it loses subs and when the company admits that it didn’t go well then all white knights jumps the ships and jumps into the next game they can viciously defend.

kitten I hate kittening white knights. What’s wrong with critique? That’s what forums is for and even if someone is posting something that might not be constructive it’s still feedback. What you kittening white knights think that arena net cries themselves to sleep if someone bash GW2?

If you really believe that then you need to grow up.. ssly. kitten

Zayn Al’Sabaan
Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


You guys may flame him because of his tone, but he’s 100% right.

Don’t let your fanaticism blind you. =p

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


1. Guild wars 2 is not guild wars 1. Guild wars 1 had a lot of useless skills, in life quality is more important than quantity.

2. guild wars 2 has no sub and it just like every other game you buy for 60 bucks. You play and once you stop having fun you move on. And if an expac peaks your interest you return or not. That is how guild wars 1 was set up

Extremely bad argument, maybe one of the worst argument for anything I’ve heard for weeks. This game unlike GW 1 is a open world MMORPG, not instanced like GW1 was. What does this means then?

1). It means that to be able to progress through PvE and PvP in GW2 you need a healthy playerbase because you need people to do the events witj so you’ll get EXP and Karma.

2.) It means that ArenaNet needs a big enough community to both support the game and the development through micro transaction but they also need a lot of people playing it in order to make the game enjoyable. As I said before try to imagine this game if you only have 10 players running around in a 10-25 level area.
It just doesnt work because of the choice they did to design PvE progression partly around events, without enough ppl doing events you won’t get EXP and you will never progress. This is not a quest hub game where you can run around solo and take quest after quest until you hit 80, you are hugely dependant on other players doing events with you in GW 2.

Without a steady playerbase this game won’t function because in difference with instanced GW1 or Quest Hub based MMORPGs this games lives entirely if it has a community big enough that players are running around and getting involved in events everywhere.

Pls use ur head before posting. Thanks!

You’re wrong. Use your head before posting.

1. Events scale. This means if you’re on the only player on the entire map, the events will be easy enough to solo.

2. See above.

By the way, this is the case with low-pop servers already such as Ruins of Surmia. And it wasn’t any less doable than events on a high-pop server.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


Biggest issue here is that you can’t add skills customization without rebuilding the whole system from ground up.

What can be done however:
- Add a 3rd weapon to sawpping, making a whole new veriety of combos and options (seeing as eles and engi’s can do the same).

- Reduce cooldowns significantly on #3~5 skills, utilites, and elites (240s on become the “insert animal”, 30s duration. Just one example out of many)

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zionka.6897


Man I can’t wait til all this complaining stops, heh.
Well ok, it’ll never stop, it’s the nature of MMOs, but as one person stated here, people just move on if they happen to buy a console game they don’t like. They put it on the shelf and it gathers dust. No biggie. But with MMOs, the players get so ouraged when it isn’t everything they want or expected. Rest assured, bugs will be fixed, other things will be tweaked and adjusted, but if it isn’t RIGHT NOW, the sky is falling. In offline games the attitude is so different.

If the game upsets and frustrates you that much, just let it gather dust a while, and someday when the mood stikes you, give it another shot. The beauty of non-sub. In GW there were times I’d get bored and would not play for as much as a year. Then I’d start it up and have fun again. No loss.

~Jade Quarry Server~

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apteryx.6274


The number of skills and the way you acquire them are different to what you would expect with some of the other MMOs and perhaps slightly limiting at first… but there are a number of other ‘interesting behaviours’ you can unlock by assembling combos, either by yourself or with other people.

This is avenue which is only starting to be explored by anet, and perhaps will be further expanded in the future.

It could actually become quite a complex and rich system given further development, and then perhaps you will be thankful for the limited base set of skills to get your head around.

I for one am optimistic about this and will give it the patience it deserves.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kodesai.6529


Sadly, I completely agree with the OP.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Dont mind the fanboys OP, they will keep using the same old and weak “arguments” to stand by ArenaNet on the terrible developer choices like the skill system.

I’m still enjoying this game and all my alts. Kitten me, right?

It’s fine to not enjoy Guild Wars 2. I’ve always figured that not everyone would. But please don’t reject anyone who likes the system out of hand because it doesn’t do it for you.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


Man I can’t wait til all this complaining stops, heh.
Well ok, it’ll never stop, it’s the nature of MMOs, but as one person stated here, people just move on if they happen to buy a console game they don’t like. They put it on the shelf and it gathers dust. No biggie. But with MMOs, the players get so ouraged when it isn’t everything they want or expected. Rest assured, bugs will be fixed, other things will be tweaked and adjusted, but if it isn’t RIGHT NOW, the sky is falling. In offline games the attitude is so different.

If the game upsets and frustrates you that much, just let it gather dust a while, and someday when the mood stikes you, give it another shot. The beauty of non-sub. In GW there were times I’d get bored and would not play for as much as a year. Then I’d start it up and have fun again. No loss.

For real though, I agree with you here.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Such an original topic.

You couldn’t add your rant to the other countless threads?

To answer your question, try another weapon set. There’s your choice. Not enough for you? Bad luck.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dayne.8910


Although i am still enjoying the game, for me its not that its only 5 attacks total, its that they are preset and you cant customize them at all, i half expect to see the ability to do this in an expansion though.

Example: Greatsword has 5 attack buttons, but 15 attacks to choose from for each of those buttons.

The amount of buttons to push is fine, anymore and it would be annoying, just like alot of older games are with skills. More buttons does not equal variety.

P.S. (Edit) oh and the quality over quantity argument only works when a bunch of skills aren’t garbage.

(edited by Dayne.8910)

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


If they did what you wanted, all they would add is just bells and whistles. Useless attacks which serve no purpose like in other MMO’s. They explained this.

Bored beyond measure?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


To all of you fighting the original poster, check out my thread in my signature before you start complaining at him.

Yes, this is not 1. It is supposed to be better. :P It is supposed to make people want to play it, not get bored after storyline. There is an overwhelming number of people who feel the same way as him, and I. (I have created a fix though.)

Traits btw do not define your character. It would be like me giving my ranger a staff in GW1 and saying it makes him better. It doesn’t. :P

I highly suggest you read the original post to my current thread, which goes over every single possible counter argument to anything you could possibly say to me. :P

Bet you 10 bucks though, you won’t even skim it. Because people cannot handle reading more than two lines of a thread before getting lazy. :P

-Original is linked at the very top of the thread. *

My plan to fix it is the thread itsself.

“Tl;DR if you are not having fun quit. Only mmo players seem to have this weird obsession of playing a game they hate. Sane people will quit doing boring things, if their objective was fun.”

And intelligent people find ways to make it better if they hate it. (;
It is players of all types, fyi. People have a desire for positive change. Although often that desire is never fulfilled because the developers lack effort or interest.