Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Some ideas, very rough and unpolished too…

Propably only single weapon set, scythe…
Little similar to Mesmer Shatter, except removes or “rends” boons from themselves for additional effects, depending on skills

Profession skills:

“Earth Boon”, “Wind Boon”, “Mystic Boon” and “Rend Boons”

Earth Boon: While active, grants toughness and healing power.
End effect: if lasts full duration, Protection, if rended, Regeneration or something.

Wind Boon: While active, grants power and precision.
End effect: if lasts full duration, Might, if rended, Fury or some other boon…

Mystic Boon: While active, grants vitality and condition damage.
End effect: if lasts full duration, retaliation, if rended, aegis or some other boon.

Rend Boons: remove 1 or more dervish boons and 1 or more boons.
Inflict conditions or damage depending on rended boons.

Weapon skills include Pious types which rends boons to trigger the removal effect, along with some usuals.

Healing skills are “Pious Renewal”, “Vital Boon” and etc.
Pious Renewal removes all boons and does what ever it does…

Utilities also include pious types but also purity types which requires that the dervish doesn’t have any kind of boons on themselves.

Not very creative tho, based on GW1 of course…

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


i just want the scythe. we need more weapons. could just give scythe to guardian/necro and on the guardian you’d have your dervish. and i’d get my melee cleave on my necromancer.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Oh man I completely forgot about the boons and the rending

I miss dervish now ;_;

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leinahtan.7160


The game needs a 3rd Heavy Armor class. As of now, there are 2 Heavy Armor Classes, 3 Medium, and 3 Light. Out of these armor categories, there exists 2 classes which do not use weapon swapping – Elementalist and Engineer. They instead swap elemental status or kits. So if we are to add a third Heavy Armor class, it should be a class that specializes with a singular weapon at any time, with its own unique approach.

Let us say this class has 3 Stances it channels between at any time. Activating 1-3 delivers plain attacks dependent on the weapon held. However, Hitting 4 or 5 will still do an attack but will also snap the character into a different stance associated with the 4 or 5 – thereby changing all the 1-5 skills. Think of the character behaving as one of those characters from a fighting game who has various stances. You can also manually swap your stance using F1, F2, and F3, but switching stances that way will be slow (but defensive, ally boosting).

Any thoughts on this?

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkness.6572


I don’t know about you guys but dervish would be a human only class only because it was a class that were basically holy knights for the 5 gods in gw 1.

I thought about it for awhile and said why not just make a racial class for each class, something to capitalize on racial skills or better yet make better versions of them for the racial classes.
Norn – Shapechanger/havroun – Medium/Light Armor – (don’t need to say a lot about this one change forms and own?)

Human – Dervish – Heavy/Medium Armor – (or at least give us scythe as a weapon lol)

Asura – Golemancer – Light/Medium Armor – pre release there was pictures of a class like this don’t know what happened though

Charr – Warmonger – Heavy Armor – guns swords and artillery strikes nuff said .

Sylvari – Dryad/Druid – Light Armor – plants maybe some summons?

That’s just what I think we should see would be nice but something tells me probably not

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Back during GW2’s development they talked about racial bonuses and why ANET had decided to go with the only racial differences being intentionally underpowered racial skills. ANET wanted people to go with the race they liked, not picking one race over another because it gave a slight stat difference. So I doubt ANET would be willing to go with racial classes.

That might seem a problem for Dervishes at first glance. But one line on the wiki stands out:

There is no established church or school for Dervishes in Elona. Instead, a master passes down their secrets and philosophies to a single pupil at a time. Even after that pupil has set out into the world to follow their own path,

That sounds like the traditions of a Dervish could change quickly. For example, a human master could take on one of the other races as his student. As for Sylvari, someone trained one of the Firstborn in the ways of the Dervish. Then those memories passed into the Pale Tree and onto new Sylvari.

Humans talk about how their gods have stopped answering their prayers. Maybe dervishes have the same problem, so they have been forced to start channeling power from elsewhere. The difficulty would be picking something the Charr would tolerate.

Maybe different races channel different things that have the same effect. Maybe humans channel their gods, norn channel their spirits, sylvari and asura channel a mix of both.

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: videoboy.4162


I think the simplest solution would be to say that their traditions evolved from worshiping gods to channeling the aspects those gods represent. Ex) instead of Praying to Dwayna, they invoke the wind.

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


The game needs a 3rd Heavy Armor class. As of now, there are 2 Heavy Armor Classes, 3 Medium, and 3 Light. Out of these armor categories, there exists 2 classes which do not use weapon swapping – Elementalist and Engineer. They instead swap elemental status or kits. So if we are to add a third Heavy Armor class, it should be a class that specializes with a singular weapon at any time, with its own unique approach.

Let us say this class has 3 Stances it channels between at any time. Activating 1-3 delivers plain attacks dependent on the weapon held. However, Hitting 4 or 5 will still do an attack but will also snap the character into a different stance associated with the 4 or 5 – thereby changing all the 1-5 skills. Think of the character behaving as one of those characters from a fighting game who has various stances. You can also manually swap your stance using F1, F2, and F3, but switching stances that way will be slow (but defensive, ally boosting).

Any thoughts on this?

or you could make the stances perform exactly like elementalist’s attunements. making your idea 100x simpler, but still just as good. let them use all 2 handed weapons only, or something. greatsword, hammer, staff, bow. hopefully the introduction of scythe. (lol still more weapons than engineer gets) call it dark templar or something. idk.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Bored, thought some ideas on Dervish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkness.6572


the only problem I see having with the human master taking another race for a student is that for a dervish the divine is kind of a key part of the class in the fluff as. while it is true they didn’t have what you would call a church they did all follow the 5 gods (6 after kormir became a god) which is were the problem comes in…

Charr have no god and almost adamantly refuse to follow one (not counting the other faction who don’t really follow a god so much as an element)

Norn have their spirits but do not believe them to be gods only a protector for each of their respective area’s.

Asura…. well Asura lol.

Sylvari are kinda hard to place they have no real god but believe in the dream which I wouldn’t call being close to a god anyways.

my point is that back story wise and fluff wise making a dervish a human only class would be easier than saying hey master taught a charr.

also they could bring avatars back if they kept them to humans only couldn’t really do that with mixed race class