

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


Dungeon runners a.k.a PvErs will never be satisfied even if Anet gonna add a hundred more dungeons. Like after those dungeons what else to do right? No endgame! lol!

Anet, please open your eyes and see the crowd youre targetting here.
You prefer these kinda crowd or The Crowd that played GW1 for 5-7 years?
What keep them coming back to GW1 in all those years even WITHOUT endgame?
Answer: GW1 PvP – HA, GvG, AB & Arenas (with PvE Armors/Weapons they farmed for weeks, months).
Hell some even posted they will hop back to GW1 if you guys release a new expansion for it now. For new skins to farm not stats. See what i mean?

Keep pleasing these Dungeon crowd and Stats Grinders Anet.
I hope they will stay with this game for 7 years or more.
New AAA MMOs are coming out next year just fyi.
You think this crowd will stay like those who are with you in GW1 did?
Think about it Anet. Even for a min.

(edited by Jabronee.9465)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Love posts like these.

if you feel there’s nothing else to do in an mmo most likely it’s mmo burnout and not the current game you’re playing.

Go make some cookies, plant a vegetable garden, read a book would be my suggestion.

Love posts like these.
You should make less assumptions about people.

How can it be MMO burn out when this only the second MMO I’ve played in 10 years?

And yeah, I’ve cooked already, I cook 3 times per day and it’s all vegetables and meats from scratch. Did the dishes too. A laundry basket full of dishes after each meal, which I wash and dry by hand. Started fermenting my cabbage and carrots for next week and fed my sourdough culture so it’s ready for tomorrow’s pumpkin pancakes. Also hanged some fresh milk with cheesecloth to make cream cheese which we’ll eat with my sourdough bread this week.

There’s nothing to do in the garden this time of the year?! Hello, it’s december? I already harvested the vegetables and preserved them and put them in storage. I also already built the raised garden beds so they’re ready for february next year. I already made my garden plans too including To-do list for each month. Just waiting for the seed catalog to come out now.

I’ve already read so many books, I research a lot of topics so read atleast 5 books per week.

It’s saturday morning so I also Skyped my family who live overseas, spoke with friends online, and in the afternoon I went out with a friend.

Well, what else would you like to know about my life?

Anyway, so now here I am, wanting to play a game. But there’s really no point to anything and I do and it’s really difficult to play with friends in this game. I already have one Lv 80. I’m trying to play again, don’t get me wrong, for the gazillionth time I’m trying again, but it’s kinda… boring. If only there was challenge and playing with friends, this would be lots of fun. Lots! But alone? I’m in a guild, got on-and-offline friends who play, but no one actually plays together because there’s no point. So… alone, it’s just boring.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HeeHee.5208


Welcome to Gw2 endgame.

More like welcome to MMOs!



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


This is why I wish Blizzard would go back to their Vanilla/BC ways and make people work for things. Vanilla and BC you had to put in time and effort to just get attuned to be able to enter one of the raids. Then you also need to farm rep. It was more than just dailies then to get rep. You could get it by a lot of ways but yeah it was still farming. But this took up a lot of time and always gave me something to do along with many others. I never logged on and just sat there and tried to think of something to do like you do in most mmo’s today. Also make the end game raids like then also. None of this LFR, normal and hard mode stuff.

I know I am talking from a pve perspective but, well, GW2 is becoming more pve when I thought it was supposed to be pvp.

Yes I know also that people now-a-days don’t have that time anymore but you know what, those same people are complaining about nothing to do also and how easy everything is. I think gaming companies will be surprised that they may not lose people going back to this way and also won’t need to feel the need to pump out tons of new content every other week because it will take time to do things. There is a reason WoW’s numbers grew how they did from Vanilla and BC and started dropping during Wrath and Cata.

Not only with the end game but they also would pump out lots of events and even a couple events where the whole server needed to participate in (Opening of the AQ gates and unlocking Sunwell and the territories there). That was so much fun.

If people don’t have the time and don’t want to put in the time then go play single player RPG games like Skyrim.

This isn’t just about Blizzard and WoW but used them as the example since they are the only ones to do it right in Vanilla and BC. I would love other mmo game to be like that even if it is from another company.

Have to disagree Vanilla and BC of course you are going to have growth its a new game and the only of its kind. Wrath was its biggest subscription time and growth but gear was available to everyone thru justice points and valor points. They went back to gated gear in Cata and now MoP and the subscriptions and sales have steadily declined.
The problem here is everyone wants to be rewarded for their time playing in unique ways not just dungeon runners.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


idk, im still on first character, been 80 for months, got a few nice skins i wanted, run dungeons for cash and titles, fractals, WvW never gets old, pvp, DE for loot.

dungeons are challenging enough to keep things interesting, alot of other games have no learning curve a monkey can play them.

mostly i run dungeons though for loot and armor/weapon sets.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


dungeons are challenging enough to keep things interesting, alot of other games have no learning curve a monkey can play them.

That’s how I think about this game, that any monkey can play it :P
Proof? I’m a monkey at video games. ^^


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I hate these threads. People are so driven by what items

I’m not.

If you don’t like PvP

I like Pvp just not this one. “cap point” is boring to me.


WvW is lots better thankfully. I do feel it’s too complex so I don’t always understand what’s going on. I try though No one ever wants to team up though. It’s weird going alone. Teaming up I could see what conditions and boons they have, their health, and so on.


exploration? why would I explore? I could just go outside my own door and explore. I generally like questing and boss hunting (in other games) and that sort of stuff, if that’s what you meant.


I love dungeons but not the ones in gw2. Only high Hp enemies and no challenge only boredom.

They just added fractals and already you’re sick of them?

Sick of them? I’ve only done one level and only got to the place with 3 wasps or wisps or whatever. Not really interested in doing more if it’s just more of “guess the puzzle which has no logic to it” and fighting more high hp monsters. Heck there’s other dungeons I still haven’t done because frankly I don’t want to waste 4 hours fighting high HP enemies (or however long they take; it’s been a while) just to feel like I had no fun at all at the end

Everyone whines about “not enough endgame”

I don’t think that’s the issue, gw1 barely had any endgame until 2007 yet people played it all the time. There’s lots to do in this game, I have no complaint about lack of things to do. Actually I think it’s really silly they keep adding content, I wish they didn’t, since there’s so much they need to work on to make the rest of the game fun

but how many dungeons do you need before it’s “enough?”

how about they go for quality over quantity? right now we have so many more dungeons then we ever had in gw1 but they’re so boring.

There are plenty of things to do: go for 100% map completion, join a guild, make some in-game friends, try PvP, shoot for an achievement, level crafting, play the TP market, roll an alt or 2, etc.

Done and done, and it wasn’t that fun :S Probably won’t be here next year as I’ll be busy and probably without internet but I hope they fix this mess.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


What the OP seems to be asking for is a gear treadmill that one way to keep things from becoming boring but it would also make the game aimed for the full time players and this game is simply not that type. The idea is to run daily and not to play ALL DAY LONG you can still play other games this is where all mmo are going. There a new event coming in a few weeks and most like new things in wvw and other places.
Also keep in mind this game only been out for 3 months now so there is a lot of room to grow and even in these 3 months look at how much as been added to the game at this rate there going to be too much to do by the time the first expansion comes out.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA