Bosses – Updated!

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Fought yesterday several times against Teq, always failed…
Fought once against the new Jormags Claw and won….

I find the new Jormag alot better.. lesser enemies on the field, and no save areas anymore to avoid the attacks from the claw. Slightly better rewards.
The only annoying thign is, he screams now alot more often and longer fearing everyone away permanently fora huge long way if you don’t have at the moment a stun breaker or condition heal at the use to counter that. but if everybody brings some aoE condition remove, then it works fine, like for example the theifs signet of agility that cures in a small area for everyone 1 condition and is good to use against the fear.

Teq I find is way too ridiculously powerful now. If there aren’t enough players right from the begin on, you basically can instantly forget to fight Teq at all, because if you have not the manpower to fight him, then you won’t make it in these ridiculous 15 minutes to beat him.
Most people don’t even get him down by just 10% of his HP, before the timer runs out already. This is just bad design, especially when you get forced to play on an overflow server where absolutely NO PLAYER COORDINATION exists, as everybody just does, what they want due to language barriers, what will automatically result in douzends of players just dieing, lieing stupid ariound waiting for revivals, instead of using the waypoint as quickly as possible to come back.

Alot of people, which use wrong the turrets and make no place or people,that know what is to do to actually help everyone having a slight chance of winning at all….
And all of this only, to get to the point where you can fire off finally if peopel would be so good to resach that point at all, the Mega Laser, because its the only thing that deals some heavy damage to Teq and allows for the players to deal some massive damage for some time (like the golem/elemental boss from fractals that receives instantly like 300% more damage once you let them run into the lava spots)

Because only if you reach as quick as possible the point where you can weaken massively teq through the Megalaser, only then you can win at all the whole battle in 15 minutes…
However, I think the whole timer is way too short for this game design.
The Timer should have at least 30 minutes.
Its way better to make the times for the first time more than long enough so that plyers can get first used to the new battle design and then Anet can still slowly reduce the timer when we can see, that theres in the avarage battle more than enough spare time, that the set up timers were basically too long that there is no pressure behind them.

SO if anet see, the average zerg can beat the new Teq in easily like 20 minutes if everything runs well and the timer was set up for 30 minutes, anet can stil lreduce the time in a quick mini update then to say 25 minutes down or even 20 minutes to increase the pressure, but 15 is just too less for a boss like this with to much HP, the ability to create those bone walls that make him invulnerable to damage and let all players literally lose 2 minutes of time and that stuff around the megalaser being the only mechanic, that can lead to the possibility to be able to deal big damage to him as

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


I only fought Golem Mark II and that fight has become a lot more entertaining. Still, they just don´t get it. I will welcome such a fight 1 time, 5 times, maybe 10, but then… yay, 3 champ boxes with the usual rng, 95 of people getting vendor/luck trash, 4 percent a rare, maybe 0,9 an exotic and 0,1 something worthwhile. One look at the facebook announcement of first Teq defeat was mindbaffling for me. 300 Karma, 1,something silver, yay! yes, yes, I know, you get more abysmal RNG boxes, great. Yes, I know, I have to find the fun in playing, not in the loot. But well, I´ll do this for fun once or twice, and then?

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

UMAD that Teq had 10.000.000hp and now This is all anet’s good for, increase HP=higher difficulty. Originality/Mechanic to battles isn’t something known to them very much.

Except they did add a bunch of new elements ta the fight with Teq, not just more hit points.

hmmmmm why can i still stand on his left, never get hit by anything and only in need of moving when he flies away at phase 2? its like they added 10 million HP per 1 new teq animation and Teq got like what, 3-4 new animations? Now he’s SpongeBoB Maximus.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Yep, logged in, nothing left to do, logged out. I mean I can go to teq and watch it fail over and over, or I can go to something like fire ele and hope a huge wall of zerg farmers come in once the fire ele pre is done and whack-a-mole so we can succeed. Went to other boss events, temples etc etc and no one is bothering any longer. And certainly, as I play more after peak, I won’t be seeing any game content any longer apart form JP’s. So I’m usually playing at this time, already grinded my daily, now dusting off another game to play. wtg anet!

Your server must be absolutely horrible to begin with if the entire population was avoiding even the unaltered boss fights.
I know you dont speak from experience on the other bosses on where they are doable or not. We had a bunch of bosses pop at the same time, thus leaving some with fewer participants. FE was not bad at all with 5 or 6 people, it was dying pretty quickly until closer to the end of the fight a slew of people from another event that ended showed up and it got alot worse once it scaled. Maw took about 10mins, but 8 of us took it down easily enough. Doesn’t sound much like needing a zerg to me. In fact, I found both of theses events to be alot more fun with fewer people, that I would rather try to hit them in off-peak hours.
Love the conclusions being jumped to without even trying it. You shouldn’t be able to solo them, but they should be doable with a small group…and the ones I’ve tried so far are. They just require more than standing still.

Just did Shadow Behemoth with a minimal group (less than 10), took a whopping 3 mins
Just did Maw again, with 5 people this time. Actual Svanir boss part took 10mins (a lot fewer deaths this time, since we knew what he was gonna do).
If people are abandoning these in off peak-hours because its 10mins and involves actually playing the characters, then thats kind of sad.

(edited by MrRuin.9740)

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JDGumby.7685


UMAD that Teq had 10.000.000hp and now This is all anet’s good for, increase HP=higher difficulty. Originality/Mechanic to battles isn’t something known to them very much.

Except they did add a bunch of new elements ta the fight with Teq, not just more hit points.

A visible stomp wave that you can jump over (for an achievement) and it being mandatory to have the turrets manned to clear away the ground AOE clouds (rather than have them manned to do damage to Tequatl or adds; haven’t been on one, but I’m betting that they decided to make the turrets into mortars so that it becomes a matter of luck to actually get the shots to go where you want). “Two” is not “a bunch,” by most definitions.

EDIT: Oh, and the completely arbitrary timer to make sure the event fails more often than not and so not worth even bothering to try.

(edited by JDGumby.7685)

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eliandal.8735


Pretty happy with most of the changes…just get rid of the time limit. All it does is penalize off peak users on many servers forcing them to guest, or miss content – especially on certain fights (like Jormag) where there is a critical mass of players needed.

Only boss that was done poorly (IMO) is Fire Elemental. Increasing his health and doubling the amount of fire does not do anything except cause frustration when you dodge roll from fire into 3 others.

Just lose the timers. Why actively penalize servers with lower population?

Cuthache | Ranger
Yak’s Bend!

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Yeah, I agree. Obviously by my previous posts, I’m a big fan of this update. Its not perfect, but a good step.
The timers would be something I don’t care for though. I’m not sure what the point is and would like to see them removed.
Or changed perhaps. Like if you beat the boss within the 15mins span you get the regular/current rewards + bonus champ chests or something. Over 15mins and you still get the regular/current rewards.

(edited by MrRuin.9740)

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


to make this post a little bit more accurate i will try it again. im tired of writing long post because i dont think anything will change and i dont think anything written here will affect developer decisions. i dont think they read here anything ever. still wondering this post didnt get an infraction.

i love the released game, but im not happy with the released upgrades. fractal patch was awesome. aetherblade dungeon was ok and the first adventure box was ok.
i did most events/patches for achievements but i dont think doing achievements for the points is really satisfying. some ppl made it a goal to have lots of avs but thats only a hand full. its not really rewarded and for me it doesnt fit. its doing content u dont like just for points and many avs had been a grind.

my thoughts on the tequatl upgrade:
i think to adress the real problem that keeps us away from awesome content upgrades is very complex.

except fractals we didnt get any permanent content. its is still the game that has been released 1 year ago. a few skins, ascended weapons and thats it. there is nothing new that came into the rotation of content we r playing. there is nothing new to explore. we need new content for small groups badly.

the goal with the boss revamp is “to make them more challenging and fun”

i think we have a totally different idea of “challenging and fun”

it would never come to my mind to release something like that to “improving the gamers experience”

i never enjoyed these big events. there r different reasons why i dont like them and why i tried to avoid them.

now we have come to a point where we got “challenging content” with ppl that we cant choose.

challenging is ok, but not like this

we got an overflow and bad performance problem with big events. instead of giving us something new where we dont have this problem we get it over and over. content that always forces these problems.

i think many things u r saying is misleading. u r selling everything as “awesome and fency” and u r always proud of small things that pretty much no one cares about. u r hyping everything to a ridicolous level.

“bosses – upgraded” doesnt fit. its bugfixes and increased hp. loot table is pretty much the same what imo is the main problem here. the hole loot system in the game is just really really bad.

these bosses have never been fun. and to think it will be fun with more hp and more onehit mechanics is totally wrong.

i watched the tequatl kill video and i really cant understand how u can call this “fun”

u pretty much dont see any red circles due to the masses. ppl dying over and over. its a zerg and nothing else. everyones standing in the same spot. events with masses of people never run smooth and if something doenst run smooth u cant call it “fun”.

it might be challenging but its no fun.

give us challenging content for small groups. where u can choose your group. where u get rewarded for challenging stuff.

imo the main reason for unsatisfying content is the free 2 play concept.

with the announcement they will stick to the living story all hope was gone. tiny upgrades every 2 weeks is not enough. i was hoping for a major upgrade with dungeons or whatever.

content upgrades that feel like addons. stop hyping everything….. we never got this. i kinda feel like we r getting fooled

it hard for me to adress the problems but even though i could point out the problems nothing would change.

i love the game but i feel the gemshop concept keeps us away from a better experience. i would like to pay 10 or 15 bucks a month to see satisfying content

If you never liked big boss fights, then logic tells me you probably wouldn’t like the new boss fight revamps. I liked the old boss fights, and I like the new Teq fight even more. It’s opinion and preference.

If you don’t like it, then don’t partake. There is still WvWvW, dungeons, events, and if none of that interests you, you can always become a Lion’s Arch Bank Defender.

Bosses – Updated!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordy.1570


If you never liked big boss fights, then logic tells me you probably wouldn’t like the new boss fight revamps. I liked the old boss fights, and I like the new Teq fight even more. It’s opinion and preference.

If you don’t like it, then don’t partake. There is still WvWvW, dungeons, events, and if none of that interests you, you can always become a Lion’s Arch Bank Defender.

and u dont see the problem here?
there is no new content since release except fractals.
we only get content that doesnt fits me. and im not the only person who thinks so. there r soooo many who quit the game because they hated the released content and got bored of the content we have since release.

we got minigames on mass.
we got zerg content like crown pavillion and scarlett events
but we never got anything permanent that fit into the “normal” game. its all special and fency stuff that kinda sucks. i just want to have normal content that i can play in a normal way.

the only reason im still here, i was hoping we will get a new dungeon or something permanent that is fun. but all hope is gone….

i dont see anything coming in the near future that fits my criteria of “fun”. challenging content for small groups…. thats all im asking for. something where challenge gets rewarded.

(edited by Jordy.1570)