Bot Trains becoming the trend again?
I think DR is used to generate gem sales and to prevent players from being able to play the game the way they want.
It’s probably the thing I hate most about this game.
I will not play another mmo that uses it the way it’s used in this game.
Drew agreed, I hate not knowing if I am in DR for loot or not just because of simple farming
I cannot enjoy the game without thinking oh crap I better keep moving or switch zones. Hey I better stop and start gathering herbs of all things.
I cannot enjoy the game without thinking oh crap I better keep moving or switch zones. Hey I better stop and start gathering herbs of all things.
Yep I’ve played many games and mmos and have never felt like the eye in the sky was watching what my toon is doing like I sometimes feel in this game.
I pretty much stopped farming ats to craft with and stopped crafting which is something I love to do in mmos because of the DR in this game.
I noticed it to a lesser extent in Dredgehaunt Cliffs on Tarnished Coast.
From what I’ve read, though, Gem→Gold conversion rates are closing in on gold seller prices. Maybe that will put botters out of business.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. If you see someone botting, please report them using the in game report tool but remember that making threads or posts about it in the forums does not solve the issue. Please refrain from this in the future.
Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed.