Bot Websites.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nicklin.3168


I was doing a search today to see if I could find anything about what ANet is doing about botting. I did an internet search, and I was suprised at how many sites there are that tell you how to bot, and provide the tools to do it with. I actually had to reword my search several times before I got hits for what is being done regarding bots.

I would think that ANet would take it more serious because if somebody can buy gold from a spammer or run their own bot to farm gold, why would they pay ANet cash for the gems to convert to gold or other uses. It means money out of their pockets.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Irnhide.3428


Its easy and cheap…. its tempting.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nicklin.3168


Irnhide, you hit my second point on the head. It is too easy and cheap to go around ANet to purchase things. If ANet wants to make money off of their gems cash sales, they need to make it less easy and less tempting.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


ANet takes Botting seriously. Just look at the 1st sticky in this forum:

You didn’t need to do much searching to find that out. How much more serious can they be with hundreds of bannings daily and taking enough care to make sure they protect the innocent?

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


ANet takes Botting seriously. Just look at the 1st sticky in this forum:

You didn’t need to do much searching to find that out. How much more serious can they be with hundreds of bannings daily and taking enough care to make sure they protect the innocent?

LOL you are joking right? Anet is doing as little as possible because more bots equals more copies of the game sold. I see far more bots now then I did when they first posted that sticky.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrasta Ethereal.8726

Andrasta Ethereal.8726

I’ve now gave up reporting bots as the same ones just keep appearing for weeks on end as it seems anet are doing sod all about this problem, I expected with the halloween update the banhammer would have hit them hard, but alas no, they’re back again

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cod Eye.1632

Cod Eye.1632

Its not just the bots they need to deal with. its the account that these bots are farming for, they are not stupid enough to keep all the items and gold on the bots account. Since the halloween patch the bots have returned in force, even more than there was before the patch.

“Hey I swung a sword, Hey Hey I swung a sword again,”

“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


LOL you are joking right? Anet is doing as little as possible because more bots equals more copies of the game sold. I see far more bots now then I did when they first posted that sticky.

LOL You are kidding right?
The number of bots you see in the game has nothing to do with ANets motivation to sell more games. I could argue that banning more bot accounts would get them more game sales.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

ANet takes Botting seriously. Just look at the 1st sticky in this forum:

You didn’t need to do much searching to find that out. How much more serious can they be with hundreds of bannings daily and taking enough care to make sure they protect the innocent?

LOL you are joking right? Anet is doing as little as possible because more bots equals more copies of the game sold. I see far more bots now then I did when they first posted that sticky.

You have no idea how the botters and gold sellers work.

They don’t purchase copies of the game… what do you think happens to all of those accounts that are ‘hacked’? They are used to bot and spam gold selling messages in chat.

Try educating yourself before making such ridiculous statements.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


The best way for ANet to make money is to sell decent items with good value.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harmadda.5971


Anet is doing as little as possible because more bots equals more copies of the game sold.

Aside from the fact that some BOTS are from hacked accounts, you’re logic is still flawed. If you buy the game, BOT, and then banned…you don’t get your money back they keep it.

You just wasted your money and time.
They have nothing to lose from banning a Botter who already gave them his money.

Bot Websites.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Thank you for your feedback, it’s appreciated. We are taking such issues very seriously, and it’s one of our top priorities at the moment. Our team is working very hard to find the best way to solve this.

But as we explained, we want to give you an update about that only when everything will be setup, not before.

Thank you for your understanding & patience.