Bots, does reporting help?

Bots, does reporting help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lanthrudar.1437


I’ve read the posts by dev’s saying to keep reporting bots, and yet I’ve reported all I see, reported them dozens of times and I still see them daily blipping through zone after zone every day, for weeks..

These are the “teleport in, gather, teleport out” kind, which I’ve taken to ‘friending’ and then reporting over and over.

I am not asking to be told what happens to them, but literally if you see the same toon cycling through the zones after watching them cheat, report it, and weeks later they are still around, why bother?

Talking to my guild they do the same thing and they too still see the bot’s around weeks after they are first reported.. Can something please be done about these? Thanks!

(Sorry if this is a redundant thread)

Bots, does reporting help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


Help and solve the problem are two different things.

Yes, reporting bots help but it does not solve the problem.

I don’t know their process for bot reporting but I have reported my fair share and seen some of them apparently banned and some of them not.

Bots are going to be in the game, nothing can be done about it. If they take a measure to stop one, another will arise. I’ve seen it for many years in many different games.

So keep reporting and hoping they will at least keep the game from being over run by them.

Bots, does reporting help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

it is very important to continue reporting bots but in the usual way, i.e. by using the in-game tool for that purpose or via customer service.