Bots in queensdale
They dont care. Incoming lock your post to hide how bad their game has gotten.
You actually have to right-click on each and every single Bots you encounter and report them single-handedly, whatever their number is at any given location in the game’s world.
That’s how they want us to report them (bots). And in defense of ANet here, these forums are not the best place to report them nor to point at how many are located at specific locations. Just report them while in-game if anything, and that you can be sure of goes directly to the developers as a accumulated list of reported bots.
It won’t do anything here on the forums.
If you had to sit and report them in game… you wouldnt actually have enough time to play due to the sheer number of bots. Their method is flawed. It isn’t our job to police their game. It is their job to police their game.
Their method is flawed, but it’s a method nonetheless.
You have a better solution? I’m sorry but indirectly permitting/hiring/expecting Mr. Joe everyone with sudden executive powers to punish Bots one-by-one on the open field is just as flawed as “their flawed method”.
I absolutely despise bots believe me and I do not want to sound like I am “against you”. All I am saying is that you and everyone else who hates the bots just like ANet themselves need to think twice about their so called solutions. How on Earth and in Tyria will it be possible to suddenly get rid of the bots if you and me were to be given powers to stop, punish or ban what we believe to be bots acting like a train in sync around farming mobs in Wayfarer Foothills or anywhere else.
I mean there’s no more advantages in doing that than there are disadvantages in doing it the way ANet wants us to do it. It’s about the same result. You report one bot, presuming it’s then gone then alright good, then what next, you spend how many hours doing that? Will you be content after reporting 57 Bots in two different maps? Or will you spend almost literally 8 hours every days of the week for months trying to catch them all Pokemon-style? You might as well be officially hired to do it and receive income for doing work like that.
@Gallian If they gave me that power i would use it wisely and double check and warn each person before banning them. (give them time to respond with a human message by asking unexpectable equestions). I also would do it for free cause it would be fun literally i would do it for free and wouldnt abuse the power cause it would be fun to ban bots espically if it came with a cool special effect
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
@Gallian If they gave me that power i would use it wisely and double check and warn each person before banning them. (give them time to respond with a human message by asking unexpectable equestions). I also would do it for free cause it would be fun
literally i would do it for free and wouldnt abuse the power cause it would be fun to ban bots espically if it came with a cool special effect
I know some would do it responsibly.
That’s not the main issue, however. The problem is that even if you do genuinely manage to ban bots and you got your fix of super cool visual effects by doing so, for every bot you manage to poof out of the game’s maps two new bots will be created, or make that three or ten or hundreds, whichever way you want to look at it. The point being that such a method would not get rid of the bots completely, which itself is the ultimately goal that we bots-haters all seek out including ANet.
We have to remain realistic guys. Yes, I would like to be able to do more than just right-clicking on the bots to report them with a drop-down menu of different offense types I can chose from and cross my fingers that ANet does something about that. Yes, it is a flawed system. But no, this suggestion of granting some of the community’s members more powers to “act” about it on an individual basis won’t suddenly convince the bots makers nor the bots users that their “cause” it lost forever and that we and ANet won. It doesn’t work like that.
I do not pretend to know a better solution than the one ANet did manage to develop, but I do know that eliminating bots one-by-one even if we’re literally two hundred or a thousand of us becoming GMs with powers won’t do more than just remove that number of bots from the game. But removing 100, 1K or 10K bots doesn’t mean that those bots are gone because they were the only ones. It means that out of the 10,000 bots we might have removed maybe 20,000 new ones will be created anyway.
The process, the “method” would have to be repeated ad vitam æternam.
@Gallium the stupid quote button hasnt come back yet. Well i would be like a game of asteriods to me you shoot 1 bot just to have 2 appear and you just keep shooting till they are all gone (eventually they will run out of accounts espically if Anet implements new 2 phase security)
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Community Coordinator
Hi everyone.
Thanks, Minus, but the forums are not the best place to help the security team. As other users have pointed out here, the best way to help us is to keep on using the in-game reporting system.
Thanks for the continued reports and everyone’s patience as it’s greatly appreciated.