Bots invade Winter Wonderland JP
Game Security Lead
Thanks ANet! Didn’t expect the ban hammer to happen this fast. A nice belated Wintersday gift to the community.
I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey.
Happy Hunting!
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Thanks ANet! Didn’t expect the ban hammer to happen this fast. A nice belated Wintersday gift to the community.
I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey.
I know this reference, well done.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Hehe, nice to see that those cheaters are getting what they deserve. Too bad we don’t have Dhuum showing up to personally give ’em the banhammer like we did back in GW1.
As for the botters reporting each other, it actually wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. See, if the botters are doing it to generate gifts to sell, they’d want to block off the competition so that the price of Wintersday Gifts remains high. If everybody (or everybody who wanted the Winter’s Presence) was botting, either nobody needs to buy gifts because they botted them all themselves, or now there’s a huge glut of gifts on the market from all the botters trying to sell their ill-gotten wares, and prices collapse.
Lol that’s just sad on a whole new level, botters reporting botters.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
HEADS UP! I was right about the botters watching this thread!
What they said about me:
Hi, Someone is watching this forum and keep putting information on gw2 official forum. I suggest you think twice to share crucial information.
If you can afford abusing report system, report that account(Charrbeque.8729) just for fun or for your salt XD. If a lot of people report him, the account may get flagged for whatever reason or even suspended for several days.
Well I sent a PM to a dev to give them a heads up, just in case.
Thing is, for about the past week or so I’ve been emailing links to ArenaNet for their website, screenshots, and info on what they’re up to.
Screenshot as proof, without revealing too much.
Edit: Posting that even though they know I was keeping an eye on them was stupid.
Also, since I gave a dev a heads up, if something happens to my account, all they have to do is take a look at every single account that reported me. Abuse of the report feature is against the rules.
P.S. A good friend of mine wanted me to pass on a message to the botters:
I told you, you were gonna get it. And I gave it to you.
Skritt Foreger
Winter Wonderland resident
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
Bug killer over 9000
Fixed that for you.
Thanks ANet! Didn’t expect the ban hammer to happen this fast. A nice belated Wintersday gift to the community.
I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey.
+1 for the movie quote!!! GJ
HEADS UP! I was right about the botters watching this thread!
Looks like they’re naming you by name now. You have become a symbol of justice!
Oh man! They sound really salted.
Based on my experience, people who scream the loudest usually the ones who’s guilty. So, charrbeque is the most active hater, makes me believe, he/she had his/her reasons to get on this forum. Installing and setting up application didnt go well, while others making a fortune, he/she was left out and its kinda upsetting. Now he/she is a fighter for justice.
Charrbeque, post this on gw2 forums too, give other players food for thought.
I NEVER registered with their site, nor would I EVER attempt to use such hack programs. First of all I don’t know a lot about computers, and second I know absolutely nothing about computer programming, or even understand what they do really. But ArenaNet understands just fine. As I pointed out in this thread earlier, their forums are PUBLIC, meaning, you don’t need to be a registered member to read them (but you do need to register to see links in posts).
What I do know is how to email ArenaNet with links to their forums, as well as reporting bots in the game, and give detailed descriptions on what they are doing.
They only have themselves to blame. I just happen to be the type that absolutely HATES these types of players, and I do have a tendency to make a fuss about it. Yeah I probably seem a little whiny about it. But I’m happy to have them out of our game.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
Using a public forum as diversion is so old school. Seriously, these amateurs should go back to their TOR network.
Personally i’ve thought the people teleporting around was just my connection, you see them fall and then back in the platform again.
In any case never bothered me that much, no more than players using a charr or fat norn to play the JP.
But i’m very happy that Aney is banhammering the cheaters. This will sanitize the game so it doesn’t get worst.
Time to go back to the JP i guess. I only have done the achievement 40 times
Holllllllly crud! I cant wait!! Guild Wars fanboy here, and I cannot stand people doing this. It makes it 100x times harder to be like “hey guys check out gw2, its core ftp, holiday events are available annnnnnnd yes those are bots in masses… please dont leave me” :. ( I sincerely WISH that Dhuum came back like in gw1 and perma killed a botter/hacker/spammer/overall cheater. If that was done you would see tons of youtube videos go up scaring cheaters and bringing those in who go “thats a pretty cool way to intimidate people from killing your games livelihood”. Imho at least, HAPPY HUNTING ANET!
Personally i’ve thought the people teleporting around was just my connection, you see them fall and then back in the platform again.
In any case never bothered me that much, no more than players using a charr or fat norn to play the JP.
But i’m very happy that Aney is banhammering the cheaters. This will sanitize the game so it doesn’t get worst.Time to go back to the JP i guess. I only have done the achievement 40 times
It’s not lag, I see it a lot. Especially if a player jumps right from the very edge of a platform where they drop down just a hair before jumping. I see it all over the game too, in other jumping puzzles and areas where people jump over gaps. I’ve always assumed it was just a weird graphical glitch of some kind that I see on my end, but to that player jumping they don’t see it. I never see my character do that, but I imagine I look that way to others.
Oh, wow.
probably the same guy botting and reporting bots ingame.
He was responding to the post telling people to mass report me.
Was I botting? No.
Was I reporting bots? You better kittening believe it!
Hell I’m probably the reason why they thought the other botters were reporting them. Because I’ve played GW since 2006, and GW2 since 2014. I know suspicious behavior when I see it and I know how to give detailed descriptions on what they’re doing.
Hell, one time years ago, just out of curiosity, I checked through my GW1 support tickets and counted how many bots I reported in a month and how many ArenaNet said were found to be in violation. I reported somewhere around 30 bots and at least 25 were found guilty. I’ve reported countless bots and gold sellers in GW1 and the amount found to be in violation was probably at least, by my best guess, around 75%. So I have a pretty good idea what to look for.
Also they posted this on their forum:
Heres a funny conspiracy theory for you guys… what if [redacted] is actualy part of anet team lol. Released a bot that works much better than the other bots and used the crashlog to confirm your account for bottin (; “Joined Dec 2015” … very clever coder… think about it xD
gg anet.
Well 2 things come to mind:
- If that’s true, ArenaNet are way better at making bots than them.
- If that’s true, the botters are much dumber than we thought, on account of they fell for it.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
Oh, how I love the salty tears of banned botters. And good work Charrbeque on screenshotting and staying one step ahead of the botters reporting them to Anet
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Oh, how I love the salty tears of banned botters. And good work Charrbeque on screenshotting and staying one step ahead of the botters reporting them to Anet
Np. Glad to help.
I’m sure they’re frustrated but that one botter doesn’t sound too upset. They knew the risks (and even warned each other about it).
P.S. Anybody who’s seen Noob Insurance in the JP knows for sure I’m not a bot. For a while people kept complaining about that “big norn in a dress” on account of I was blocking their view. Charr are the worse though. Even I have trouble getting across the presents sometimes with a furry butt in my face LoL.
Almost forgot, I didn’t have a single issue getting into the JP after getting the patch yesterday. So I’d say ArenaNet got a good handle on the situation.
I’m curious how much damage was done before the “swift” banhammers
There was a video once where I believe Chris (or someone at Anet) took over someone’s account, stripped the gear off & jumped off from the upper level of Divinity’s Reach to the bottom below in front of everyone. It was classic!
With the sheer amount of people that were glitching this, I doubt he has the time to do another video. It would be quite humerus though. Maybe he will surprise us.
I’ve played this game since launch and I can remember every time players were hacking, it was almost always reported, investigated/observed & then a wave of bans happen. It’s not always as fast as we would like, but in the end they have always issued bans to the offending accounts. I applaud this and am looking forward to getting hackers out the game.
With the number of potential people being banned, we might all have to recruit new people to play GW2 so we have people to play with. Or the devs might have to join us in game! LOL
Awesome job Anet!!!
Here is the video that has the jump from DR in it as I mentioned in my previous post.
Well, that explains why I didn’t have to spend an hour to get into the JP.
These pics are great lol, Feel free to post mopre people *Remember to hide all names though as it would be considered “blame and shame” *. These pics are done well
Those aren’t my screenshots. I saved them to my computer. They were posted on the botter’s public forums* by one of the players botting the jumping puzzle.
*Public forums meaning no registration is required to read them.
Speaking of which, 1 of the botters posted this on their forums:
So I added another botter as a friend to check their AP out of curiosity, but the list showed them offline. This means one of two things: they either blocked me or reported me. Considering that I never spoke to them or gave any indication that I was at the computer, I assume they didn’t block, but reported me instead.
I started checking to see if I was being reported by every fellow botter I saw. At least half are reporting me, which means they’re probably reporting you, too. It’s probably safer if the botting program didn’t put you under the starting area so that others would know for sure that you’re botting.
It’s disgusting to think that the main source of ban reports that ArenaNet reviews comes from our own ******* community.
Sounds like the botters are turning on each other. LOL
Note the bolded part in the quote. I’m curious as to how they would know who is reporting them or even if they were reported.
Sounds more like good-old-fashioned paranoia and jumping to conclusions to me.
These pics are great lol, Feel free to post more people *Remember to hide all names though as it would be considered “blame and shame” *. These pics are done well
Just wanted to add to this. We’re already seeing that these guys want to muddy the waters by getting innocent players caught in the net. Photoshop is still a thing. It’s not hard to doctor a screenshot, and reddit has a problem with at least one prick that likes to impersonate other players and try to bring the devs down on them. Let the security guys hunt them down with THEIR tools
It’s not lag, I see it a lot. Especially if a player jumps right from the very edge of a platform where they drop down just a hair before jumping. I see it all over the game too, in other jumping puzzles and areas where people jump over gaps. I’ve always assumed it was just a weird graphical glitch of some kind that I see on my end, but to that player jumping they don’t see it. I never see my character do that, but I imagine I look that way to others.
Of course it is only lag. the position of the character is locally better rendered for your char than over the server for other players.
I am very confident that nobody will be banned just because of a player-submitted screenshot. They most certainly take the evidence, and then do their own research
on the account in question.
About the botter’s forum: I am surprised they did not call me out as well for posting videos of botters and how to spot the bots <sniffle>
PS: Thanks for the official post and proving everyone wrong who say Arenanet does not take action against cheaters. I have been arguing with such people in another thread just yesterday. The teleport hacking gathering bot I reported a week ago (even with video evidence) is still online though :/
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)
(edited by Shikigami.4013)
that’s why we post on forum with alt account
Thanks ANet! Didn’t expect the ban hammer to happen this fast. A nice belated Wintersday gift to the community.
I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey.
Yay my original post has a tag on it and I don’t post often or at all, but I’m glad I did and I’m glad Arenanet and the whole community was on top of it. Charrbeque you are my hero, well done.
I’m so glad all of my reports were heard, it’s hard work earning 18 points on the JP legit and some botters were at average earning 17 points, that was frustrating.
Because MMOs are jobs, not games.
Hey, the hardcore players asked for stuff like this because the game they bought that catered to casuals wasn’t hard enough.
Go figure.
“The hardcore players” want challenges, not timesinks.
Triple Trouble is a good example of a “challenge”.
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))
Fort Aspenwood
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))
Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
I think wishing for more than dishonor on someones cow is cause for alarm…..
PvP shouldn’t be taken to a point of wishing harm on anyone physically and if you cannot see that, you need help.
Also yes off topic and wrong forum.
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
A player who posts on the forums should probably be up to date on what’s going on in the community. Please do make sure you are up to date on the pvp community if you are going to call someone out when it comes to PvP. You also may want to read up on the code of conduct and the general rules of what’s allowed speech wise within the game and forums. It may help you out in the long run : )
I think wishing for more than dishonor on someones cow is cause for alarm…..
PvP shouldn’t be taken to a point of wishing harm on anyone physically and if you cannot see that, you need help.
Also yes off topic and wrong forum.
The Great Job portion was sincere and on topic.
Didn’t know that adding a side note to something on topic it made it off topic
(my bad?)
Fort Aspenwood
Question for Anet (or anyone that can confirm). When these losers are banned, do all of their active buy/sell orders on the trading post get nuked as well?
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
A player who posts on the forums should probably be up to date on what’s going on in the community. Please do make sure you are up to date on the pvp community if you are going to call someone out when it comes to PvP. You also may want to read up on the code of conduct and the general rules of what’s allowed speech wise within the game and forums. It may help you out in the long run : )
I think wishing for more than dishonor on someones cow is cause for alarm…..
PvP shouldn’t be taken to a point of wishing harm on anyone physically and if you cannot see that, you need help.
Also yes off topic and wrong forum.
The Great Job portion was sincere and on topic.
Didn’t know that adding a side note to something on topic it made it off topic
(my bad?)
I’ve been here the whole time. PvP matters don’t belong in a bot farm ban thread. GG
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
A player who posts on the forums should probably be up to date on what’s going on in the community. Please do make sure you are up to date on the pvp community if you are going to call someone out when it comes to PvP. You also may want to read up on the code of conduct and the general rules of what’s allowed speech wise within the game and forums. It may help you out in the long run : )
I think wishing for more than dishonor on someones cow is cause for alarm…..
PvP shouldn’t be taken to a point of wishing harm on anyone physically and if you cannot see that, you need help.
Also yes off topic and wrong forum.
The Great Job portion was sincere and on topic.
Didn’t know that adding a side note to something on topic it made it off topic
(my bad?)I’ve been here the whole time. PvP matters don’t belong in a bot farm ban thread. GG
see the second response to another player.
If adding a side note deeply offended you then my apologies
Fort Aspenwood
Great Job
Now only if we can get some hammers swinging on the toxic chat in PvP :P
((death threats have been rather high lately from salty players))Seriously you want chat banning… Block. The PvP forum specialist should also know that belongs in the PvP forums.
A player who posts on the forums should probably be up to date on what’s going on in the community. Please do make sure you are up to date on the pvp community if you are going to call someone out when it comes to PvP. You also may want to read up on the code of conduct and the general rules of what’s allowed speech wise within the game and forums. It may help you out in the long run : )
I think wishing for more than dishonor on someones cow is cause for alarm…..
PvP shouldn’t be taken to a point of wishing harm on anyone physically and if you cannot see that, you need help.
Also yes off topic and wrong forum.
The Great Job portion was sincere and on topic.
Didn’t know that adding a side note to something on topic it made it off topic
(my bad?)I’ve been here the whole time. PvP matters don’t belong in a bot farm ban thread. GG
see the second response to another player.
If adding a side note deeply offended you then my apologies
I took no offense it just was a separate issue to hacking. PvP chat is often over the top even my own at times but Block works 100%.
Sorry to the thread I know I also derailed by trying not to have this derailed
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Bans are good, but is too little… too late. Wintersday is almost over. Besides, baned accounts are not a solution.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday. That way there would have been no hacking, no exploiting, no bans, and no flaming in forums.
Bans are good, but is too little… too late. Wintersday is almost over. Besides, baned accounts are not a solution.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday. That way there would have been no hacking, no exploiting, no bans, and no flaming in forums.
No. That’s not a good way to handle the issue.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday.
The shoulders are now a 0.001% drop from a chest at the end of Tixx’s Infinirarium.
There hasn’t been a chest in Tixx this year.
Bans are good, but is too little… too late. Wintersday is almost over. Besides, baned accounts are not a solution.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday. That way there would have been no hacking, no exploiting, no bans, and no flaming in forums.
No. That’s not a good way to handle the issue.
It is the best way to handle any issue, because it’s all about cause and effect. You can choose to treat the cause, or it’s simptoms. If you only treat simptoms, the disease still remains.
They can choose to remove the reason of exploiting, or ban accounts. If you remove the motivation for exploiting, nobody would do it because there would be no reason to exploit. If you ban accounts, the motivation is still there, and hackers would only create new accounts and continue what they wanted (skin or gold).
Bans are good, but is too little… too late. Wintersday is almost over. Besides, baned accounts are not a solution.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday. That way there would have been no hacking, no exploiting, no bans, and no flaming in forums.
No. That’s not a good way to handle the issue.
It is the best way to handle any issue, because it’s all about cause and effect. You can choose to treat the cause, or it’s simptoms. If you only treat simptoms, the disease still remains.
They can choose to remove the reason of exploiting, or ban accounts. If you remove the motivation for exploiting, nobody would do it because there would be no reason to exploit. If you ban accounts, the motivation is still there, and hackers would only create new accounts and continue what they wanted (skin or gold).
Use your reasoning in real world examples.
Over wintersday I’ve been in the JP a total of once, then I heard about the botters going in there and never returned in fear that my account my get flagged by mistake, being at the same IP as my son who also plays the game too now that I’ve brought the game for him with my Credit Card, it was too bigger risk to take.
They have more detailed logs than just checking how many times you completed it. This was alluded to us sometime within the past several months either here or on Reddit.
It was much easier to simply remove those achivements with 10k drinks and food since day 1 of Wintersday. That way there would have been no hacking, no exploiting, no bans, and no flaming in forums.
If you think this argument through you’ll end up removing everything that requires the slightest bit of effort, it’s like telling people not buy expensive things to not attract thieves.
Hehe, nice to see that those cheaters are getting what they deserve. Too bad we don’t have Dhuum showing up to personally give ’em the banhammer like we did back in GW1.
So much this. Bring back Dhuum. I never played GW1 but I have seen the videos and it looks cool seeing him turn up to deliver justice.
OR have the local police drag them off crying.
I agree. It would also help against those “I don’t personally see them doing anything against bots, so I conclude that they are not doing anything against bots” kind of people.
Bring public executions! Pile up banned characters and fill the breachmaker hole with them
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)
I agree. It would also help against those “I don’t personally see them doing anything against bots, so I conclude that they are not doing anything against bots” kind of people.
Bring public executions! Pile up banned characters and fill the breachmaker hole with them
Simple answer:
Fixing forums bug