Every once in a while (random time), a pop-up appears requesting you to enter the captcha word in the image to continue playing. Upon incorrect answer, the user is logged out and forced to go through the same upon re-login within a certain time period. Too many incorrect responses and the account is flagged for suspected botting to be reviewed by GMs.
A player in an instance might(should?) be exempted from this while in the instance, since I don’t think bots actually care about dungeons/stories
Additionally, once an account has successfully passed a captcha test, it could be exempt from further tests for some duration.
Basically, would it help the botting problem if ANet implements a sort of captcha system in-game? It doesn’t have to be exactly this system, but any similar system which many websites use to combat bots. I am curious if regular players will find this suggestion to be too intrusive or not worth the trouble. Would love to hear your opinions about this.