Botting Honor of the Waves

Botting Honor of the Waves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angel.8742


Well…I searched around the forums and it seems some of the posts about botters in the game have disappeared. So I guess I’ll start this one.

You guys need to take a look on Ehmry Bay in the Dungeon of Honor of The Waves. I currently have 4 people on my friends list that I know are botting that dungeon.

How do I know? When they come out of the dungeon they teleport to the WP there…which is fine that’s possible. Why you would do it, I don’t know considering it’s right outside the dungeon but whatever. So then, after that they teleport to the instance of the dungeon. This I know is not possible by normal means of the game. After about 25 to 30 mins they reappear on the edge of the dungeon instance teleport to the WP and teleport back to the dungeon entrance and do this over & over & over for hours on end.

And if you watch closely enough you will see them do the same exact movement on the dungeon entrance with a little hop before they go in. Every Time!!!

So I have been reporting 1 guy for over a week now and nothing is being done. Wonder why the Market is like it is? That would be why. Get rid of the botters and get rid of the problem.

You guys have done really good down in Cursed Shore. Out of the 12 botters I reported a few weeks back are now gone. That is much appreciated. But now it’s time to take a look to the north and see what is going on there.

I’m always watching for botters. Everywhere I go and in every zone. Been doing this for so long and they are always so predictable. You just have to know what to look for.
