Brace yourselves! Anet Reply Incoming
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Why Anet you no reply?!
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
But I have to say they should reduce the overal time to get materials. Champion Bags were well done, other mats, not really, especial to the casual folks. I feel a buff the drop # should be looked into, such as emprical frag or w.e is called. I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
Just so you know you can get these it seems from almost ANY chest. I have been getting them from all 7 chests that are located in Queensdale for example. My concern is that they are TOO EASY to get and that I will have 500 before I have any use for them.
Just so you know the 7 chests in Queensdale are:
1 – The harpy chest West side of the map.
2 – The wolf den in the middle of the map near the Repair guy settlement.
3 – The Mini Dungeon bandit cavern North of the lake North part of the map.
4 – Centaur hut in a centaur village near the Jump Puzzle.
5, 6 and 7 are all in the Jumping Puzzle itself.
That is 7 chests right there where you can and will get that crafting mat from every day. I have the last 2 days in a row.
Now to address your other comments:
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Surely you mean whining right?
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
What screw up, please do tell? Oh and I think you mean patience.
I’m getting 25 fragments from each dungeon I run. Spend about 10 minutes running SE p1 and CoF p1 for ten days and you’ll have your fragments. If you want to get even more done, run more dungeon paths, it’s just the rest aren’t as ridiculously short as those two.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I’m getting 25 fragments from each dungeon I run. Spend about 10 minutes running SE p1 and CoF p1 for ten days and you’ll have your fragments. If you want to get even more done, run more dungeon paths, it’s just the rest aren’t as ridiculously short as those two.
Its 10 min for most parties for COF P1 and 15 min for SE P1 in a regular party.
If you dont have a regular party and use the LFG website, pray u dont get some nub or noob.
I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
I think you misunderstood the “once per day” limit on these. It is once per day, per jumping puzzle, per character. You seem to get 2-7 mats per puzzle but you can do more than one puzzle each day and even with multiple characters if you want. And as the poster above me said, you get mats from other chests too around the world.
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Why Anet you no reply?!
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
But I have to say they should reduce the overal time to get materials. Champion Bags were well done, other mats, not really, especial to the casual folks. I feel a buff the drop # should be looked into, such as emprical frag or w.e is called. I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
Just so you know you can get these it seems from almost ANY chest. I have been getting them from all 7 chests that are located in Queensdale for example. My concern is that they are TOO EASY to get and that I will have 500 before I have any use for them.
Just so you know the 7 chests in Queensdale are:
1 – The harpy chest West side of the map.
2 – The wolf den in the middle of the map near the Repair guy settlement.
3 – The Mini Dungeon bandit cavern North of the lake North part of the map.
4 – Centaur hut in a centaur village near the Jump Puzzle.
5, 6 and 7 are all in the Jumping Puzzle itself.That is 7 chests right there where you can and will get that crafting mat from every day. I have the last 2 days in a row.
Now to address your other comments:
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Surely you mean whining right?
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
What screw up, please do tell? Oh and I think you mean patience.
I am pretty sure each chest doesnt give 7 fragments and the Queensdale JP is harder than Umaug’s Secret which gave me 2.
I done the math – it is much faster to do COF P1 20 times to get the required empyreal but in order to maximize your gains of tokens and G you have to do it daily.
As for dragonite, if you have a window of time playing everyday you may not be able to guest into a Temple of Orr or an event and even then you are hoping you dont get there late and get into an overflow.
I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
I think you misunderstood the “once per day” limit on these. It is once per day, per jumping puzzle, per character. You seem to get 2-7 mats per puzzle but you can do more than one puzzle each day and even with multiple characters if you want. And as the poster above me said, you get mats from other chests too around the world.
As long as the other characters are 80. Non 80s don’t seem to get the mats to drop, which isn’t really a surprise. I found out the hard way though.
Did a jp on a alt cause she was closer and no fragments.
Watch the Pax interview with Colin. That’s as close to a reply as you’re going to get.
I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
I think you misunderstood the “once per day” limit on these. It is once per day, per jumping puzzle, per character. You seem to get 2-7 mats per puzzle but you can do more than one puzzle each day and even with multiple characters if you want. And as the poster above me said, you get mats from other chests too around the world.
As long as the other characters are 80. Non 80s don’t seem to get the mats to drop, which isn’t really a surprise. I found out the hard way though.
Did a jp on a alt cause she was closer and no fragments.
Which JP was that? Just asking because I did the hidden garden yesterday on 80 character and did not get fragments at all from that one. Are they even supposed to be 100% drops?
I did the JP in Wayfares last evening and got all of 2 frags ..
After this, and since I hate JP’s and haven’t done a dungeon in months, I decided to sell off almost all of my banked stacks of ori ingots and ancient planks. Made 450g ..
Until drops rates and and access for the ascended mats change, no ascended weapons for me …
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Charly Sheen is playing this?
I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
I think you misunderstood the “once per day” limit on these. It is once per day, per jumping puzzle, per character. You seem to get 2-7 mats per puzzle but you can do more than one puzzle each day and even with multiple characters if you want. And as the poster above me said, you get mats from other chests too around the world.
As long as the other characters are 80. Non 80s don’t seem to get the mats to drop, which isn’t really a surprise. I found out the hard way though.
Did a jp on a alt cause she was closer and no fragments.
Which JP was that? Just asking because I did the hidden garden yesterday on 80 character and did not get fragments at all from that one. Are they even supposed to be 100% drops?
It was just the demongrub pits in Queensdale.
It seems to be 100%, but I went back to a couple of the mini dungeons (Spekk’s Lab apparently counts as one) and they hadn’t even reset after the dailies reset. O.o Not sure if thats common or not. Never had that issue before.
Hidden garden could of just been forgotten. Not many people go there other then for the achievement.
I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
I think you misunderstood the “once per day” limit on these. It is once per day, per jumping puzzle, per character. You seem to get 2-7 mats per puzzle but you can do more than one puzzle each day and even with multiple characters if you want. And as the poster above me said, you get mats from other chests too around the world.
As long as the other characters are 80. Non 80s don’t seem to get the mats to drop, which isn’t really a surprise. I found out the hard way though.
Did a jp on a alt cause she was closer and no fragments.
Which JP was that? Just asking because I did the hidden garden yesterday on 80 character and did not get fragments at all from that one. Are they even supposed to be 100% drops?
It was just the demongrub pits in Queensdale.
It seems to be 100%, but I went back to a couple of the mini dungeons (Spekk’s Lab apparently counts as one) and they hadn’t even reset after the dailies reset. O.o Not sure if thats common or not. Never had that issue before.
Hidden garden could of just been forgotten.
Not many people go there other then for the achievement.
Yeah, thought so too that it might have been a bug or some other error. Poor hidden garden, always forgotten. I like the place. Even got a precursor from there once.
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Why Anet you no reply?!
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
But I have to say they should reduce the overal time to get materials. Champion Bags were well done, other mats, not really, especial to the casual folks. I feel a buff the drop # should be looked into, such as emprical frag or w.e is called. I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
Monetization is causing the grind you are experiencing.
I feel a buff the drop # should be looked into, such as emprical frag or w.e is called. I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
No, it implies that you do only 1 jumping puzzle per day, then log out and complain that you need 71 days to get the emp thingies for the highest weapon in the game.
Play a bit more and you can drastically cut down the time you need for it. May be a second jumping puzzle? Or a dungeon?
I’m getting 25 fragments from each dungeon I run. Spend about 10 minutes running SE p1 and CoF p1 for ten days and you’ll have your fragments. If you want to get even more done, run more dungeon paths, it’s just the rest aren’t as ridiculously short as those two.
Its 10 min for most parties for COF P1 and 15 min for SE P1 in a regular party.
If you dont have a regular party and use the LFG website, pray u dont get some nub or noob.
“lfg exp group se (or cof) p1, speed run”
Done. Obviously you get yourself some speed running gear too if you don’t have it already. Sure, you won’t be hitting the 4 min 11 seconds (IIRC) that Define did (and they could have gotten it even faster), but five minutes is perfectly achievable. CoF p1, well everybody knows how fast that is.
To the OP, if you ran COE, COF, AC, CM, HOTW, TA and SE p1/p3, you would have all of your empyrial whatevertheyareidontcarethatmuch. Let’s say each path takes 20 minutes, so that would be about 6 1/2 hours. It’s actually shorter since SE p1, SE p3, HOTW p1, AC p1/2/3 and COF p1 are very short paths.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
(edited by colesy.8490)
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Why Anet you no reply?!
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
But I have to say they should reduce the overal time to get materials. Champion Bags were well done, other mats, not really, especial to the casual folks. I feel a buff the drop # should be looked into, such as emprical frag or w.e is called. I did a jumping puzzles today and got 7, I need 500 to craft a weapon.
Which implies it is gonna take me 71 days to gather enough materials.
Just so you know you can get these it seems from almost ANY chest. I have been getting them from all 7 chests that are located in Queensdale for example. My concern is that they are TOO EASY to get and that I will have 500 before I have any use for them.
Just so you know the 7 chests in Queensdale are:
1 – The harpy chest West side of the map.
2 – The wolf den in the middle of the map near the Repair guy settlement.
3 – The Mini Dungeon bandit cavern North of the lake North part of the map.
4 – Centaur hut in a centaur village near the Jump Puzzle.
5, 6 and 7 are all in the Jumping Puzzle itself.That is 7 chests right there where you can and will get that crafting mat from every day. I have the last 2 days in a row.
Now to address your other comments:
With all of these winning, raging and kittening in the forums about the recent patch.
Surely you mean whining right?
I agree with most of the raging, but at the same time I do advocate patients. Anet is probably busy figure out how they screwed up.
What screw up, please do tell? Oh and I think you mean patience.
I am pretty sure each chest doesnt give 7 fragments and the Queensdale JP is harder than Umaug’s Secret which gave me 2.
I done the math – it is much faster to do COF P1 20 times to get the required empyreal but in order to maximize your gains of tokens and G you have to do it daily.
As for dragonite, if you have a window of time playing everyday you may not be able to guest into a Temple of Orr or an event and even then you are hoping you dont get there late and get into an overflow.
I was getting between 2 and 9 per chest or so. It might be faster to do COF but since I was in the area completing my daily anyways I see no reason to just ignore these chests when they are simply there. Right now I have 86 banked from just 2 days worth of hitting those 7 chests in Queensdale and a few from taking a few things in WvW yesterday (was only in WvW for about an hour, maybe 2 at most).
As for dragonite I got 5 just from 1 Shadow behemoth kill without even trying. In all honesty these things are not HARD to get they will just take time, no big issue there.