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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Hi guys, so i just got the game a couple weeks ago and have only played 20 hours or so, got my first character only up to level 24 so far and am having a blast.

I have been lurking in the forums for months and must admit the amount of QQ going on in here sometimes is insane(like today after the patch), but i guess thats normal for most internet forums.

Forgive me if i say anything super newb i still dont even understand all the abbreviations i see in chat all the time like what the heck fotm(i think thats correct term) is. And am still very much learning the game mechanics.

The main reason for this post though is to thank the devs for producing a great game. So far i have had a blast just walking around and looking at things and exploring what i find to be a beautiful world with alot of depth. I find the maps great and enjoy just walking around getting the waypoints and points of intrest and the vista’s. I absolutly LOVE the artwork and graphics. I may have only logged 20 or so hours but i can see this game giving me another few hundred at a minimum(only at 7% map completed) so even if i decide i dont like it after a few playthroughs i will still consider the money i spent on it as well spent.

And while some of the heart quests on the world maps and skill points seem impossibly hard to achieve on my own, as well as those monsters that have a horn type icon on their heads(one of these killed me about 50 times in a row, i dont think i could beat him by myself even if i was level 99) im still having fun i dont mind dying its how you learn

Also i find that the players for the most part(on my server anyways) seem to be friendly and help each other out, i ran into a few guys just roaming around the map and we followed each other and accomplished alot of the quests together without even grouping up or really talking, me and this one kid spent 4 hours playing together and didnt speak a word to each other while we were out in the map lol, but we did talk after we went back to town and he is now on my contacts list.

I do however have a few questions.

1. Can i lock the camera angle, i find it tends to zoom in on its own sometimes especially when im in a cave and it goes to some stupid angle where i cant even see whats going on and then i usually end up dead and dont even know why.

2. what does that “fotm” abbreviation mean

3. Am i playing a good character? Im a Charr Warrior and am spending all trait points on power and vitality, im trying to become the best tank possible as thats my preferred playstyle.

4. What is a combo

5. Why is everyone freaking out about that new currency they added today i know im super new and probably dont understand what the big deal is so please explain it to me if you dont mind.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Welcome to the game ^^
1. Not that I know, though it often helps in tight places to zoom in with your camera
2. fotm = Fractals Of The Mist, also called simply fractals or fractal dungeon. It’s the dungeon with its entrance in Lions Arch that has different levels of difficulty (short explanation. Long explanation ->
3. Tbh, I have not played a warrior yet, so I don’t know.
4. Skills can combine with each other to form combo fields:
5. No clue what the big deal is, because I kind of like it myself :‘) As far as I can see, people are upset because they can’t get a certain type of armor (“ascended armor”) fast enough.

Btw, don’t hesitate to ask me stuff ingame if you happen to catch me online!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


thanks for taking the time to reply ill check out those links.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esya.3427


1. I don’t know, maybe someone else can answer this.

2. Fractals of the Mist. A dungeon designed to challenge level 80 characters which progresses in difficulty the more times you do it. I would not worry about this yet.

3. For tanking you mainly want to look at toughness and vitality. However, if you did not already do so also learn to dodge and block big attacks as the dynamic combat offers a lot of survivability if played out well.

4. It is a combination of skills. For example if an elementalist puts a field of fire on the ground and a ranger shoots arrow through it, those arrows become burning arrows. There is extra info in the tooltip of the skill (combo finisher).

5. With an update it is always like that on a forum. People don’t like change in general. It will settle down again with time.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreamer.9072


Good to hear you’re enjoying this great game!
2: Fractals of the Mists, they’re a lvl’d dungeon, do a wiki search for full info.
3: Yep, warriors are a solid choice, and as a Charr you can aim for t3 armour, which looks amazing! Though if you want a pure tank, guardians are better, warriors are better for dps though.
4: A combo is using a finish ability in a combo field
5: It’s going to have some good effects on the market, lowering the price of crafting materials and other things, as now you can use the laurels to buy them

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


1. No you cannot lock in the camera angle unfortunately, it can get really annoying in tight spaces especially with a charr because they are so big. However these are only minor annoyances.
2. “fotm” means fractals of the mists. It is a dungeon found in lions arch.
3. Warriors are considered very powerful so you will have no problems with a good character. If you are going for a tanky warrior though you might considered putting some points into toughness to help against direct damage because vitality only helps against conditions.
4. A combo is when a player lays down a combo field, if you hover over a skill it will say Combo Field X (there are 9 different combo fields) then another player uses a combo finisher in/through the field which give added effects. For example, player A lays down a combo field fire then player B shoots through it with a projectile finisher, the result is burning projectiles.
5. To tell you the truth i have no idea why people are freaking out about the laurels. If anything I am happy about the laurels because it gives you an alternate route to many things. For example, ascended gear could only be got by doing fotm, now you can buy them for 35 laurels. I guess people are freaking out because they see laurels as the new “grind.”
Hope this helps!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Thanks for the replies guys, so you think going more toughness and vitality would be better than power and vitality?

My thinking was i still want to do lots of damage and tank so power and vitality seemed good. I figured because i could wear heavy armor that would be enough on the defense end and i should focus on attack damage and hitpoints(power and vitality)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


As a warrior you want to focus on toughness over vitality. Warriors have the highest base health, so vitality (which gives you health directly) is less valuable.

Place points into the Defense, Tactics, and Strength for Hammer/GS or axe/shield. This provides good survivability with great damage.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hee Haw.7164

Hee Haw.7164

Also keep in mind that you can reset you traits at any time for a small fee. Just visit your profession trainer (the one who sold you the skill book) and tell him you’d like to reset.

There’s no penalty for doing so, other than a trivial amount of silver/copper. So play around with these as you level to explore different traits and playstyles.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


One thing I’ll add is that there are no tanks, dps, or healers in this game. You can certainly make yourself ‘tankier’ by stacking vitality & toughness, but every player is responsible (for the most part) with his/her own survival. So don’t gimp your damage output, because no profession can truly tank. Eventually, you’ll just die.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
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