Brand new player intro & various questions!
Welcome to GW2. I to played swtor for a long time. This game is vastly different then swtor and most mmos. The combat is the best around. There is no need to rush to max lvl to raid. Take your time is my advice. To answer your quest each race has there own story instead of class. And you can turn with your mouse but I do not believe there is a point and click move option if that’s what you’re asking.
You can’t click-to-walk-to-location with your mouse, but if you hold down Mouse1+Mouse2 at the same time, you move forward. Not sure if this will prevent craziness.
You can walk using only the mouse on a windows system by holding down both the left and the right mouse button at the same time and steering with the mouse. My sister uses this method although I prefer using the right mouse button and the w, a, s and d keys.
The race matters for the first two personal story chapters. Each race has their own three different stories.
Any race can be any class. It comes down to personal preference. Try them out.
I use the above mentioned mouse steering except when strafing. It took me a couple of days to get used to not being able to ‘click to move’.
Please, feel free to contact me once in the game if you have any questions. My information should appear below this message. Whispers and mail carry across regions too.
Yes the both mouse buttons is what I meant perfect! happy dance also ty for all the great advice and hopefully my download will be done soon! We are also watching streaming Netflix so thats prob not helping lol