Breaking the ice (exploit)
>The situation is pretty simple: failing the event is about 20% more rewarding (for repeat customers) than succeeding. That creates tension between those who want more stuff and those who want to do events (and get credit for LS or regional achievements)
Luckily, video games are 100% voluntary. We had a huge map doing this yesterday for 12+ hours. Every one that was with us was there voluntarily. That is to say, they were OK with the way we were doing it. If they disagreed, they were free to leave and do it their own way.
- How do you know whether anyone had “any problem” with the way the event was being done? People don’t always say.
- “They were free to leave and do it their own way” — how was this true? The farming group dominated the map.
In any case, it’s moot: the point is that there are competing incentives and, as a result, ANet’s going to change the way the event works. This would not have happened if the hard-core farmers had voluntarily chosen to give up a fraction of the maximum possible loot. Instead, ANet is going to decide and, based on past experience, we can expect that the max possible will be less than what we have seen to date.
1. Yes they do. Have you learned nothing about MMOs and the internet?
2. Because you can always find a different map. You aren’t going to get a ton of sympathy on a map that voted to all come together and do it right.
Let’s never fail gates of Arah either, cause that is clearly an exploit, eh?
Who cares that noone can do the event that unlocks their traits.
Right there is a fail statement… You might wanna go an try it.. you don’t need to fail it to get your trait.. that mullarkey was patched pretty kitten soon after it came into game… you wanna fail it then fine, but the rest of us will carry on completing while you wait on the sidelines and missing all dem trash mobs dropping lootz.
Hey, Arena Net.
Why don’t you guys just go ahead and take a trip down to Orr and nerf all the champs into vets, so that way it doesn’t become toxic, like the Queensdale train? Because after all, let’s not drag it out and let every. single. place. in the game and let them become toxic. While you guys are active, let’s dose up the Frostgorge train too. Because sooner or later someone is going to come squealing and crying about being called a bad name or told to not kill the champs out of order so everything will run smooth.
When there are no places left to farm and all the T6 mats are so high that you have to buy gems then convert it gold, maybe the players will grow thicker skin and quit being babies and just shut up and follow the train and quit ruining what’s left in the game that’s still good.
Orr champs ver,y very rarely unleash any toxicity.. event exploitation and blocking progress in areas of the game most certainly does.. Orr champ train runs legitimately on a max level map mixed within a range of other small events, large event chains and temple chains… I have yet to see anyone scream abuse at others for killing the ooze while Melandru is on or Giant while Arah is on etc etc… there are more than enuff things going on to spread players and zergs around.. and occasionally they come together for a big one.. nothing wrong .. BLIX exploit was the only issue .
We are already working on a fix for this event chain. In the mean time, please report players that are being overly toxic (chat) during these events for “Verbal Abuse” as this is a violation of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.
I wonder if Anet will ever learn that it is them who are making the toxic environment…
Players want to farm. It will continue until you either:
A. Ban every player in the game and shut down the game
B. Remove every mob in the gameMaybe figure out what players want and give it to them instead of trying to rule your game with an iron fist of depression.
Great idea.. so how long do you think it will take for everyone to have farmed 8-10k champ bags and be stacked fill of everything they ever need to make, sell etc etc… makes real sense to give players everything they want on a plate.. the effect will mean less cash coming through the game and back into the game.. and the content begins to diminish even further. Or ANET then bring in more aggressive DR and money sinking to rebalance what players are easily farming out of it… I personally think they probably already are to rebalance the massively overfarmed Blix explolit instead of banning players for their poor event design.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
I’ve only done this event twice, the day it came out and 2 days ago, it was being farmed, but the event did not fail, infact the commander running it said, they would not let it fail, as they always complete events, and sure enough we completed it,
I guess it restarts every 60 minutes ( could be 90 as I wasn’t there for the start ) Anet before you hit the event with the nerf hammer making it no fun at all to do for those playing, just make it that if the event fails it has a 2 hour restart timer, if it is completed it then restarts as normal.
I’ve only done this event twice, the day it came out and 2 days ago, it was being farmed, but the event did not fail, infact the commander running it said, they would not let it fail, as they always complete events, and sure enough we completed it,
I guess it restarts every 60 minutes ( could be 90 as I wasn’t there for the start ) Anet before you hit the event with the nerf hammer making it no fun at all to do for those playing, just make it that if the event fails it has a 2 hour restart timer, if it is completed it then restarts as normal.
I can get behind this sensible logic
I’ve only done this event twice, the day it came out and 2 days ago, it was being farmed, but the event did not fail, infact the commander running it said, they would not let it fail, as they always complete events, and sure enough we completed it,
I guess it restarts every 60 minutes ( could be 90 as I wasn’t there for the start ) Anet before you hit the event with the nerf hammer making it no fun at all to do for those playing, just make it that if the event fails it has a 2 hour restart timer, if it is completed it then restarts as normal.
I think you might have been running it with me and my group of honest and respectful commanders and the event restart every 20min or 25min but yeah I think fail timer should be changed to at least regular timer and let that be the end of it imo.
Champs from events should never drop a champ bag,you should get one champ bag for each event you finish problem solved for all events
Champs from events should never drop a champ bag,you should get one champ bag for each event you finish problem solved for all events
That could work too. I’d rather the developers didn’t do that because I spend a lot of my time farming but they know best they know the game mechanics better then me for sure. I am sure they will do what they feel is best for the game as a whole. Its a domino effect when talking about MMO.
(edited by Zoso.8279)
just tried this event a few times.. i’m not seeing any Spectacular results from it that would warrant anyone spending ‘overtime’ to ‘fix’ it
Well earlier, chat certainly got tasty cos players were trying to complete the event rather than leave one of the champ icebroods alive to exploit the reset timer.. I would of thought that was reason enough, let alone the unintended amounts of champ loot players are raking.. but I guess ANET prefer to let those same players keep doing the same things over and over across the game without any action, so we may as well all do it from here on in and see where goes.
We are already working on a fix for this event chain. In the mean time, please report players that are being overly toxic (chat) during these events for “Verbal Abuse” as this is a violation of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.
Could you guys let us know when this exploit is fixed? I purposely avoid areas of the game that have known exploits. I won’t be participating in this event until it’s fixed.
I checked out this event yesterday, and I didn’t see much toxicity. I can see where it might become a problem, but really all you need to do is switch the timer around. Put the success timer at 5 minutes, and put the failure timer at 20 minutes. That way succeeding is better than failing and everyone is happy.
If they just improved the rewards for completing events in Dry Top slightly farmers would just flock there since you get a decent amount of champ boxes out there. Everyone wins this way, farmers get to farm without friction with anyone else and people who enjoy doing events can go do them for hours on end, and everyone gets better rewards for it.
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories
If they just improved the rewards for completing events in Dry Top slightly farmers would just flock there since you get a decent amount of champ boxes out there. Everyone wins this way, farmers get to farm without friction with anyone else and people who enjoy doing events can go do them for hours on end, and everyone gets better rewards for it.
This is what I have an issue with understanding. Why is it that the farmers seem to be trying to hard to AVOID farming Dry Top. I have done Dry Top map a lot, and I always am getting a consistent, good amount of loot from it. Looking at you, dust mites
It only takes a moderate amount of organization to get a Dry Top map set up to get to Tier 5, or even with a bit more to Tier 6. I remember before the Blix event stuff happened everyone LOVED farming Dry Top. But then come Blix event stuff and half of the normal Dry Top people disappeared, and it seems to me like its a struggle to get them to come back. Need I remind folks that you also get a guaranteed champion bag from the buried locked chests?
Maybe all that Dry Top needs is a minor buff to its rewards, and an extra champ or 2 on scaled events.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
(edited by Fallout.1798)
IMO, if we really want to halt the mentality of some players that we NEED to farm in this game, then we need to drastically alter the way loot is given. The bottlenecks tend to be things like Fine mats, Lodestones and things that are hard to farm directly; so what we need to do is boost supply of these things dramatically.
1. Veterans ALWAYS drop a loot bag appropriate to their type, in addition to their standard loot.
2. Elites ALWAYS drop a non-Exotic champ bag appropriate to their type, in addition to their standard loot.
3. Champions ALWAYS drop either 1-3 Fine crafting mats OR 1 Rare crafting mat appropriate to their level, in addition to their Champ bag.
4. Harvesting plant nodes now has a chance to give 1 – 3 cloth scraps according to the tier of the node.
There. We should now be drowning in supply of the previously rare mats, so everybody should be able to get whatever rare skin it was they wanted. The downside is you’ll see a lot more players using previously rare skins, so you’ll need to decide if that’s a price you’re willing to pay. (It’s a non-issue to me. Frankly, I don’t give a skritt what another player is wearing or using.)
If they just improved the rewards for completing events in Dry Top slightly farmers would just flock there since you get a decent amount of champ boxes out there. Everyone wins this way, farmers get to farm without friction with anyone else and people who enjoy doing events can go do them for hours on end, and everyone gets better rewards for it.
This is what I have an issue with understanding. Why is it that the farmers seem to be trying to hard to AVOID farming Dry Top. I have done Dry Top map a lot, and I always am getting a consistent, good amount of loot from it. Looking at you, dust mites
It only takes a moderate amount of organization to get a Dry Top map set up to get to Tier 5, or even with a bit more to Tier 6
. I remember before the Blix event stuff happened everyone LOVED farming Dry Top. But then come Blix event stuff and half of the normal Dry Top people disappeared, and it seems to me like its a struggle to get them to come back. Need I remind folks that you also get a guaranteed champion bag from the buried locked chests?
Maybe all that Dry Top needs is a minor buff to its rewards, and an extra champ or 2 on scaled events.
I tried both and i can easily say the blix farms were just easy hand outs that is why many farmers just can’t go to dry top so easily because it require organization even if it is just a bit. I do agree dry top should maybe recieve a buff but shouldn’t just be easy handout rewards either
I’ve NEVER seen anyone kill that Grub. >.>
I have. I was in a zerg that did it, but it’s easier when you control the blue keep and can hit it with siege weapons from inside. You can do it with a fairly small group with siege weapons hitting it, too.
IMO, if we really want to halt the mentality of some players that we NEED to farm in this game, then we need to drastically alter the way loot is given. The bottlenecks tend to be things like Fine mats, Lodestones and things that are hard to farm directly; so what we need to do is boost supply of these things dramatically.
1. Veterans ALWAYS drop a loot bag appropriate to their type, in addition to their standard loot.
2. Elites ALWAYS drop a non-Exotic champ bag appropriate to their type, in addition to their standard loot.
3. Champions ALWAYS drop either 1-3 Fine crafting mats OR 1 Rare crafting mat appropriate to their level, in addition to their Champ bag.
4. Harvesting plant nodes now has a chance to give 1 – 3 cloth scraps according to the tier of the node.
There. We should now be drowning in supply of the previously rare mats, so everybody should be able to get whatever rare skin it was they wanted. The downside is you’ll see a lot more players using previously rare skins, so you’ll need to decide if that’s a price you’re willing to pay. (It’s a non-issue to me. Frankly, I don’t give a skritt what another player is wearing or using.)
To add to this, it would be nice if there were some rewards that were not tied to rng or currency but rather obtained by completing either a long storyline-esque chain of adventures or extremely challenging content. So many missed opportunities by Anet for telling a story or giving meaning to obtaining “rare” skins. As an example the t3 cultural armors, there is nothing that ties obtaining them to your character beyond the ability to farm for gold. How much better would it be if there was at least a “quest” line given to give you a reason for having them? I.E they give some kind of benefit in at least the terms of how your particular race’s npcs will react to you, recognizing you for the hero you are among your people. Obviously this is just an example and I am not advocating that this specific scenario should exist, I just would like to see the game move away from just farming for large quantities of materials/currency ad nauseam.
I have to ask, is this event really an ‘exploit’ exploit, like one you can get banned for? Because earlier I was farming this event not knowing it was considered an exploit and when someone said it was and started reporting people (or at least saying they were) in chat, I immediately stopped and apologised for what I did and left the zone. If this truly is exploiting I will not go back until it has been fixed.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I’d say not to worry about it suffish. I think its more of a case of the fail mechanic on events working out to be more rewarding since champs bags were added to the game. More an unexpected design flaw which needs to be fixed then an exploit. People are going to take advantage of it while its in game and the massive amounts needed to spawn the champs on the event would mean a lot of people being punished.
I cannot stress this enough. There are tons of us that are organized and dedicated to running this daily for several hours a day and doing it right. We run the event, stack up, gets tons of loot and have tons of fun. We complete the event if even one person needs the achievement. If you’re there for LS, you’ll get that too whether it fails or succeeds.
The difference here is this:
If you fail the event the respawn timer is 5 minutes.
If you complete the event the respawn timer is 20 minutes.When you complete the event you have 20 minutes. So what happens is is that someone tags up and runs champtrain on Drake, Wurm and Troll. We wait for Quaggan Queen and Trio to pop. We do those while we wait for Coil to respawn. Once it respawns, we head there, complete it and repeat.
I absolutely do not see the issue here, other than ANET using the complaints of toxicity in those few maps as an excuse to justify them fixing the event so that we aren’t too lucrative because, again, they want you to struggle for loot so you eventually cave and buy gems.
YOU ARE 100% WRONG HERE. And here is why:
Problem here is that the LS progress does not happen if it fails period! IT IS BUGGED!
You can’t just walk in and touch the statue, even though you can press f, it doesn’t update, and get progression to next part of the story. The event must be a success and then you must touch the statue to destroy it. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
This right here is the cause of so much arguing and toxicity. There are those that want to complete it (like i did and got grief) cause it can’t be done without a success and they know its bugged for the Living World/Story. The post LS chapter achievement does need a success though and both progression first time through the story and this aforementioned (finish what you started) achievement are looking to the same code/pointers/whatever. This is the major problem here with both sides of this argument and community.
I’m still hearing that the achievement needs a success only, but it seems both normal progression (to unlock next part) and the achievement (only unlocked after that chapter is finished) are both on the same line of code. So in reality, its the company’s fault here.
Anet said they will be fixing it for better or for worse, but I can at least be glad you all got what you got for the toxicity.
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)