Bring back Festival of the Four Winds!
Well the airship thingy from which that event was crashed in dry top so it be kind of weird. though yea the queen’s gauntlet would be nice to see returned!
[TSP] The Shadow Phantoms – Guild master
Gunnar’s Hold
I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Gauntlet as an Adventure, nor the Pavilion events as a guild mission.
Probably won’t happen, since both are recurring festival events, but they seem to fit nicely with those two features.
And the Festival of the Four Winds is dead, and not entirely figuratively either. I could see the story working it’s way back to that map if the Aerodrome is a travel hub, but the Zephyrite airship won’t be there, and neither will their crystals.
It’s hardly appropriate! The Zephyrites and their airship have been obliterated. Yeah, bring on the festivities and party on…
The game has changed significantly since the festival was last here, including substantial changes to traits, skills, and certain mechanics. Thus it isn’t possibly for them to press a simple button (or flip an obvious lever) to turn it back on: there it’s likely that there would issues of balance as well as unexpected glitches. Further, it’s always important for them to review/rebalance rewards for returning content.
At present, it appears that ANet has devoted all of its development staff to ensuring that HoT releases in 2015 with all of the features promised. I wish they had left some people available to work on filler content for the long drought since the end of LS2. However, since they haven’t, all we can do is wait.
The Queens gauntlet is the most horrible, circular event ever. To underline this feature, it is even shaped like a circle. Please, no more of this nonsense…^^
That would probably depend upon what they do with the Zephyrites during the expansion storyline. Unless they’ve been wiped out I don’t see why they can’t add a modified version of it. Granted it would probably take a lot of man power and resources to design a whole new area aside from they one they had before. The old area was really beautiful though and it would be a shame to not have an excuse to revisit that place or if it’s within their budget, to make new content involving them.
I don’t think we’ll see this one come back anytime soon simply due to the changes that would need to be made to it in order for it to “fit” into the current story context. They don’t really have time for those alterations.
I really think they are feeling the crunch for HoT, especially now that they have “committed” to releasing it before the end of the year (taking this with a grain of salt, since well all know kitten happens when it comes to development).
They could throw the pavilion/gauntlet back at us for filler. That shouldn’t need any tweaking. Unless of course, they made alterations to it that we aren’t aware of and those would need rolling back. sigh To be a fly on the wall at Anet…..
The Queens gauntlet is the most horrible, circular event ever. To underline this feature, it is even shaped like a circle. Please, no more of this nonsense…^^
you mean the pavilion.
The gauntlet was easily there best subset of encounters. Until people started to abuse a bug to beat Liadri.
I bet the pavilion will return before the launch of HoT. This is because Suriel the blazing light is in lions arch ‘training for the next gauntlet’. I think that is a teaser for future events. I can’t see it launching after HoT because that will mean it wouldn’t launch until well into 2016, given the inevitable break after the launch and LW season 3.
My guess would be that the pavilion will return some time in September, because we will be getting Halloween in October. The zephyrites will not return for a long time however because they crashed in DT, which is a shame because labyrinthine cliffs was a beautiful zone.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
All of Season 1 will return (or so A net devs intend) in Season 2’s format. Given the plot criticality of Bazaar of the Four Winds, that’ll return there is some form. Unfortunately, Anet can’t work on S1 without slowing HoT’s release so they won’t get to it until after HoT is done.
Festival of the Four Winds was a redux with alterations and S2 plot hints.
Future Four Winds events aren’t likely to come for some time – such will likely be an event without the Zephyrites, or we will have a mini-plot where they mostly recover from Dry Top first/alongside.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.