Bring back zodiac ;)

Bring back zodiac ;)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pumphdoof.9326


Was wanting to give my druid a more mage and shiney armor set for a while now, but never got it just right. Today I found what was perfect for what I wanted. Unfortunately this set uses zodiac armor and zodiac has been taken out of the gem store lately. After 4 years… zodiac was taken out of the store and I have no clue why. This silly armor set belongs in the gem store so it’s available for everyone. Hope to see the return of zodiac soon so I can make my shiney druid reality. #bringbackzodiac

Kind regards,


Bring back zodiac ;)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


The various Zodiac armor sets were on sale for about a month back in January/February. They’re not a permanent part of the gem store, but they are brought back every now and then.

Bring back zodiac ;)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483

SlippyCheeze.5483 has an “alert” tool that will let you know when something returns to the gemstore, so you don’t miss out on them. they usually just rotate through on an unknowable schedule…