Bring more guild to Guild Wars 2

Bring more guild to Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkfiremew.5937


I’m creating a topic about some guild features that we want implemented in the game. We list the features that we want and the we discuss them and their possible implementation. Here are a few stuff that I want in the game, guild related:
-guild alliances:buffs, special guild-alliance missions, at the end of those activities we get our rewards(gear, materials and/or titles);
-guild rivalries: special contests PVE, PVP, WvW related to guilds with reward tiers;
- tiered world bosses for easier access for smaller guilds(less rewards), normal for normal and difficult high risk high reward stuff for those that are hard-core;
-guild merger options for those that don’t have enough members;
-bring past content back as guild missions, depending on the content;
-maybe implement guild missions that depend on the guild members faction(Priory,Vigil or Whispers), maybe even some Pact related stuff to cleanse Orr and or get new zones in Orr because of it;
I’ve given my ideas, give yours. Discuss away.