Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: katake.6253


i have encountered the same issues in this area. The respawn rate on mobs seems to be really quick. I was clearing a small camp of bandits and more bandits would appear before I could kill 2 or 3 which made it difficult to finish what I was doing. I have to say, thus far this is my least favorite zone. I feel like I cant take 2 steps without having some spider, raptor or bandit attack me.

Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malachia.2743


you have clearly never been to Iron Marches…. in that zone half of the hearts dot really work and all the events are stuck lol

Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


I can’t help but feel that perhaps they ran out of development time on the Asura and Sylvari. If you look at the Charr, Norn, and Human zones.. they each have their own exclusive maps that will almost take them all the way to level 80 without ever having to move away from their respective regions. The Asura and Sylvari, on the other hand, are left sharing a zone once they get to level 15, and then using every other races maps from level 25 onward. You can chalk it up to them being new arrivals on the world and not having spread their influence as far as the other races, but it sure looks like an unfinished job.

That said, I run into the problems you’re describing all the time in any number of zones. For example, I helped the cyclops in Kessex Hills reclaim his cave from ettins this evening and he led me to his treasure stash as a reward. When he revealed it the chest was already open and could not be interacted with. Unfortunately I run into this sort of bug with event chests all the time on a number of different maps.

The battle for Beetletun farms in Queensdale on my server (Tarnished Coast) seems to always be broken. The farmer has all the sprinkler pieces he needs but won’t get to work until all the centaurs are cleared from the field. Meanwhile the counter shows zero centaurs remaining, no centaurs occupying the fields, and the event is just stuck with the farm fields on fire until the server resets.

The mission to destroy the separatist catapults and roadblock in Plains of Ashford also always seems to be stuck at certain points, almost never recognizing when the catapults are destroyed and the attack is beaten.

The list goes on. I wish there was a way to know which problematic events they were aware of.