Bug: Arrowhead Mini Doesn't Rollover
Does it really matter though? Anet will just auto hide any mini that isn’t a Toxic Hybrid or Super Banana within 30s of zoning or logging in!
I was disappointed by the lack of a rolling animation as well.
I was wondering if they would have included the rolling as a part of the mini’s animation. Sad to hear it doesn’t.
(Even if I hate that cheap kitten zero-cooldown attack.)
Does it at least do the lazy butt-flop shockwave? Tell me the mini at least does that.
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I was wondering if they would have included the rolling as a part of the mini’s animation. Sad to hear it doesn’t.
(Even if I hate that cheap kitten zero-cooldown attack.)
Does it at least do the lazy butt-flop shockwave? Tell me the mini at least does that.
Alas, it does not.
It looks around quizzically, kind of like a drake. And wags its tail. All very slowly with it’s massive, silly, perpetual grin.
I almost bought the mini but after seeing Dulfy’s video which did not include any rolling (though it did show the thing adorably swimming about, huh? There’s no swimmable water in the HoT areas, why would it need to know how to swim? ) I elected not to buy the gems I’d need. At 200 gems like Tizlak I would have bought it. At 400, with my wallet feeling the vague pinch retirement has brought and minis not being a big deal for me, I decided the lack of rolling meant I didn’t really want it that much.
Does it really matter though? Anet will just auto hide any mini that isn’t a Toxic Hybrid or Super Banana within 30s of zoning or logging in!
The perma auto-hide bug makes me so sad. ;-;
The arrowhead definitely needs to roll and bang it’s head and tail once in a while like the large ones do. I love the mini Tizlak and it’s animations – beautifully done.
Maybe it just doesn’t know how? Sure, you’ve probably demonstrated it, but you’re not exactly shaped like an arrowhead. (I’m assuming there.)
Maybe you need to take it into the jungle and show it a real arrowhead, so it can see how it’s done. Of course, there’s the risk it will run off and join it’s brethren. But all babies must leave the nest eventually.
when they are at fixing this, then let them please fix also first the not flying Wyvern
Maybe it just doesn’t know how? Sure, you’ve probably demonstrated it, but you’re not exactly shaped like an arrowhead. (I’m assuming there.)
Maybe you need to take it into the jungle and show it a real arrowhead, so it can see how it’s done. Of course, there’s the risk it will run off and join it’s brethren. But all babies must leave the nest eventually.
Ah! Learning through seeing behaviour from it’s kind! I haven’t thought of this and it’s a great idea! I will try this.
You’re right of course that it may scamper off into the wild again, but this is a risk I’m willing to take if it might bring some roll into my little critter’s life!
This would even be worth risking one, two, or fifty broken bones as part of the process…
Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll report back if it’s successful!
While I find the mini absolutely adorable, I’m also a bit disappointed over the lack of a “rolling” animation.
Maybe it just doesn’t know how? Sure, you’ve probably demonstrated it, but you’re not exactly shaped like an arrowhead. (I’m assuming there.)
Maybe you need to take it into the jungle and show it a real arrowhead, so it can see how it’s done. Of course, there’s the risk it will run off and join it’s brethren. But all babies must leave the nest eventually.
I ventured out into Auric Basic and located my mini Arrowhead’s kin! I quickly encouraged my mini Arrowhead to go forth and socialise!
They came over and they all seemed to be bonding very well and I think my Arrowhead learnt a lot!
In fact it went so well that I found myself flattened by about four of them! It was great! I even took some photos which can be seen below!
However, despite my mini Arrowhead learning a lot about Arrowhead culture and socalising very, very well, it could not learn to roll.
The young of many species learn how to behave by imitating their parents. Since you stand as a defacto parent of your mini Arrowhead, I suggest you go to a convenient spot every day and spend quality time dodge rolling, for 2 or 3 hours each day, until he learns.
ANet may give it to you.
Maybe it just doesn’t know how? Sure, you’ve probably demonstrated it, but you’re not exactly shaped like an arrowhead. (I’m assuming there.)
Maybe you need to take it into the jungle and show it a real arrowhead, so it can see how it’s done. Of course, there’s the risk it will run off and join it’s brethren. But all babies must leave the nest eventually.
This would be a cool idea for some minis that you had some sort of mini quest to ‘teach’ them adult behaviors and they got more interesting animations as a result. I would not expect it for every mini but I would be more inclined to buy a mini I could train to do a bit more than some do now.
Good work jesters! I’m glad to hear your mini was able to get reacquainted with his roots. It can be hard for a central-Tyrian-raised mini to adapt to their Maguuma heritage. The cultural shock can be severe. They’re raised in safe face-roll neighbourhoods with uncontested waypoints. Suddenly finding themselves in a multi-tiered jungle with dangerous mordrem where the only way to get around is to run can be an eye opener.
I’m sorry to hear that the rolling is still an issue. This may be hard to accept but… have you considered that maybe your mini just isn’t a roller? There’s nothing wrong with that. Some arrowheads are rollers, some are straight-walkers. It’s not a lifestyle choice. It’s just the way they’re born. In the wild, it can be difficult for an arrowhead that’s different. There’s still a lot of discrimination against straight arrowheads in the old world. But it sounds like you’ve given your mini a good, loving home and that’s all anyone can ask for. He’s a very lucky mini. All the best to you both.