Buggy Beastmastery F2 Traits?

Buggy Beastmastery F2 Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minos.5168


It seems that the [F2] traits aren’t working properly.
Is there any cooldown associated with them?

I’ve had a pet near enemies and hit F2, expecting Beastly Warden to cause taunt… But it never happened.

It happens once in a blue moon (which is probably largely because I’ll hit F2 while a pet is further from enemies and one of my pets is ranged).
The taunt is very short ranged. Does it proc as soon as F2 is hit or once the pet actually activates the skill?

Next is Wilting Strike. Maybe it’s just the horrible pet AI rarely hitting enemies, but I rarely ever see weakness get applied… Even when the attack hits.

I’d assume Go for the Eyes is similar, but I haven’t used it.

Buggy Beastmastery F2 Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


The whole F2 skill is buggy, as it doesn’t execute consistently unless the pet is completely idle at the time. I think it suffers from the same code setup as the Sword Auto-attack, which blocks out of command inputs when the server is control of the creature (see kick and leap).

Buggy Beastmastery F2 Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Just like healing skills and some elites. They just bug out and dont fire.

Buggy Beastmastery F2 Traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minos.5168


Well, it’s really a shame because Taunt seems like a great skill for a Beastmaster.

However, the limited range and faulty proc makes it extremely unreliable.