

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GingerbreadMan.1495


I was looking at the new condi and when i looked at the maths for each condi, i realise that bleed and burn acts practically the same yet burn has way more damage than burn. Is it meant to be like this because in the past burn only stacks duration and bleed stacks intensively making them 2 different condis. It seems kinda pointless the have two different condis that interacts exactly the same (except condi convertion).
im kinda a noob in the game so please forgive my ignorance if it has some really obvious reason


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The problem is they not only makes burning stackable, they also increases the number of stacks from burning on each skills.

They do this to poison skills too

At the same time, they never address the stacks of bleeding on other skills.
This is where the problem emerges: The scaling issue.
They only doubled/tripled the burning damage, while bleeding stays the same.
Ofc it’d make bleeding inferior.

Anet really need to balance things as a whole, not just one aspect.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Another thing to consider that most of the burn sources has lower duration, and also there are many more sources of bleeding.
I agree that burn should be lowered but burn damage should be higher than bleeding for sure.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


All of the condition formulas (especially burning, confusion and torment) need to reevaluated if not lowered. There is no reason why a set of conditions should pull so far ahead of others. Especially when this indirectly affects various professions that rely on the ‘weaker’ conditions.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


bleed got nerf and burn became stackable during the trait change patch before HoT.
Chill has the highest tick right now(if you are reaper) but is unstackable since it already has that 66% reduction, followed by burn.
From my experience, having more different conditions > number of stacks. But of course its always good to get that stack up after apply different condis.
Conditions are great for spike damage imo.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


bleed got nerf and burn became stackable during the trait change patch before HoT.
Chill has the highest tick right now(if you are reaper) but is unstackable since it already has that 66% reduction, followed by burn.
From my experience, having more different conditions > number of stacks. But of course its always good to get that stack up after apply different condis.
Conditions are great for spike damage imo.

Doesn’t fear have a higher tick than chill, but isn’t even just unstackable, it’s unsustainable.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Doesn’t fear have a higher tick than chill, but isn’t even just unstackable, it’s unsustainable.

Forgot bout fear haha, but there are too little fears to be considered an actual condition to me, its just additional damage on a hard cc imo.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I took a long break and was surprised at the changes to conditions. I do remember bleed being the most powerful when I left. I wonder what happened to see it change.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


I took a long break and was surprised at the changes to conditions. I do remember bleed being the most powerful when I left. I wonder what happened to see it change.

They removed the 25stack cap for bleed so everyone can apply theirs. Used to be higher condition power overwriting the lower ones so there are people who will never have their bleeds applied at all. Thus the nerf the bleed damage, prolly for pve balancing sake.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


So if burn is for damage.
And poison is for balance between damage and healing debuff.
I hope bleed can be changed to something cool.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Right now bleed,confusion and torment are just “DoTs” to me, even confusion damage got lowered down like 50% if not wrong. That’s why I find more conditions > number of stacks. As long as you can get that burn/poison the rest are just for the extra.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I have a thief that I wanted to focus on poison and bleeds, so I hope something is done about bleed.

So I wonder if bleed can be a balance between damage and endurance debuff?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Right now bleed,confusion and torment are just “DoTs” to me, even confusion damage got lowered down like 50% if not wrong. That’s why I find more conditions > number of stacks. As long as you can get that burn/poison the rest are just for the extra.

I used to play a mesmer in GW1, and I honestly think confusion in GW2 is stinky.
Miss the old Backfire days.
Even if even if means lowering normal confusion tick damage, I would love to see the ‘skill use’ damage buffed to omg levels, and make people a nervous like the crazy Backfire days I missed.