Buying more than 8000 gems discount?
Unless you see a discount when you make the purchase, anet’s not going to give you a discount just because you ask.
Decided to buy legendary. Need 4000 gold. Can Anet give discount if I buy lots gems?
Have fun with your legendary. I hope you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you swipe your credit card and pick it up from tp.
This is everything that’s wrong with legendaries.
i highly dis-advise anet doing this, not only i have a bought several 8k gems for personal use to buy quite a few gem items. though in giving a discount to those that do buy 8k could convert it to gold to buy any legendary super quick.
either work for your legendary or waste about $400.00+ from converting gems to gold to deter people from buying them outright.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Have fun with your legendary. I hope you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you swipe your credit card and pick it up from tp.
This is everything that’s wrong with legendaries.
This is why I think its a terrible system. These days I don’t even think about how hard that player may have worked for it, instead I think they either farmed gold for a long time or paid a ton of money for gems, like I’ve seen countless people do over the last few months. Obviously, I know many people worked hard for it, but to think that someone could just run a Queensdale champ train for 4 hours a day for a month or two and then just buy a legendary speaks volumes about how the system doesn’t quite work.
The pre-cursors never should have been so luck based to get, neither them nor the Legendaries should ever be sellable and should be account bound on acquire and give players a few more options to try and get that pre-cursor and I would totally love the idea of a legendary.
As it stands now, I’d rather just dual wield my firey dragon sword and Jormag’s breath because I don’t even really care for the skins enough to put in that much mindless work, which is a real shame because the idea of a legendary weapon was fun at one time.
Have fun with your legendary. I hope you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you swipe your credit card and pick it up from tp.
This is everything that’s wrong with legendaries.
It literally costs around $800 to buy a legendary with a credit card.
It’s not like anyone can just get a legendary.
I’ve been tempted to buy one myself, but unfortunately the legendaries aren’t just rare enough. There are far rarer items in other games worth a lot less, just about everyone in Guild Wars has a legendary so its really losts its value in my eyes
You should not be able to buy a legendary . I have felt since day one this would make a major impact on the tp and it really has. The only reason they allow it is because of the income it generates for anet. People buy gems and trade em back for gold and bam before you know it they made 3-400 dollars. Ive never really looked at a legendary as anything legendary.
Even more odd is that you can trade/buy Legendary stuff but not the Ascended equivalent. That should be reversed.
Obviously, I know many people worked hard for it, but to think that someone could just run a Queensdale champ train for 4 hours a day for a month or two and then just buy a legendary speaks volumes about how the system doesn’t quite work.
there is absolutely no way you can run a queensdale champ train for months and have enough for a legendary. that train is only good for exp for low levels, rng 1g exotics, and a few t4/5 mats. it would take almost 1-2 years to get enough gold from that horrible loot from that train.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Have fun with your legendary. I hope you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you swipe your credit card and pick it up from tp.
This is everything that’s wrong with legendaries.
This is why, when I see an enemy in WvW making sparkly/firey/rainbow footprints or what have you… I go after them LOL.
I might win, I might lose but either way that legendary makes you a target. :P
At least I know I earned my legendary. Excluding the box cost. I have never spent money towards this game on principle because of things like this.