Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: common.9637


I’ve discovered GW2 two weeks ago and enjoyed it a lot as I found many things I’d love from the early days of WoW.

The game has been full of bugs from start, but the last 24 hours sumed it all : 98% complete areas because of bugs, could not play the Sorrow instance because of bug, and best of all lost 4 hours tonight because you crashed and rollbacked my character.

This is mediocre quality, and I won’t loose my time on your bugs anymore.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2,


PS : what’s your refund policy ? I have not never seen that I was buying a beta version when you asked me to pay. This is definitely not a stable and finished game.

(edited by common.9637)

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: waterfallen.4825


The starter areas are definitely more polished than the higher level areas. It sucks because I honestly thought this game was near flawless before all these bugs showed up. Anyway, have fun in wow or whatever else you’ll be playing now.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I lost a lot of stuff too during the rollback, some great drops and a lot of dungeon tokens. seriously anet, wtf?! Thinking about quitting too… what will prevent this from happening in the future? What if I had a precursor drop and it got rolled back?

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

This is mediocre quality, and I won’t loose my time on your bugs anymore.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

I hate it when my time is loose. It gets all over the place!

Here is some guidance on how to receive a refund:

Rage The Nornynorn – Guild Leader [RR] Reddit Refugees
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chudbrain.4589


game has been crashing all day for me, reading about how broken so many things are, its sad, i really was hyped for this game. got first toon to lvl 40 and tried first dungeon, so buggy, party couldnt stay together for 5 minutes without someone getting dc, i hope this game gets fixed, dont want to throw this game into the never-to-be-played-again trash box next to computer. fix this game!

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janx.3192


That happens when a game is B2P

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


The payment model really has nothing to do with it. The whole $15 a month actually pays for stuff" argument is a myth, debunked four or so years ago and still remains so to this day.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


There was lesser bug at the beginning than now, or atleast that I’ve encountered.. I barely seen any at the beginning, nowaday I see alot..

and bye.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


“The payment model really has nothing to do with it. The whole $15 a month actually pays for stuff” argument is a myth, debunked four or so years ago and still remains so to this day."


I’d be interested to see how this was debunked.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janx.3192


The payment model really has nothing to do with it. The whole $15 a month actually pays for stuff" argument is a myth, debunked four or so years ago and still remains so to this day.

B2P model is preventing developers from wanting to keep their subscribers happy and busy.When a developer from gw2 came and told me that “Dont expect that much cause this is the payment model” i was waiting for this kind of result.
Sry for my bad eng

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roctod.7290


It’s almost as if…new games have problems that take time to be sorted out. Weird.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


It was a pretty widely-reported story. Here’s an article about it.

Basically, between 2004-2008, WoW cost $200 million to run. This includes all associated costs; server upkeep, GMs, software development including wages, the whole shebang. In that same period, Blizzard made over $440 million during that same time period in box sales alone.

Since then, those upkeep costs have been lowered according to SEC filings. That $15 a month is quite literally free money for execs and shareholders; not a dime of it is needed for the costs most people claim it’s used for.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bcbully.7289


It was a pretty widely-reported story. Here’s an article about it.

Basically, between 2004-2008, WoW cost $200 million to run. This includes all associated costs; server upkeep, GMs, software development including wages, the whole shebang. In that same period, Blizzard made over $440 million during that same time period in box sales alone.

Since then, those upkeep costs have been lowered according to SEC filings. That $15 a month is quite literally free money for execs and shareholders; not a dime of it is needed for the costs most people claim it’s used for.

Hoe come GW2 doesn’t have a customer service line you can call then?

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunterdan.4921


Here we have a guy on a soapbox. And an assortment of other people arguing for the sake of doing so.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Hoe come GW2 doesn’t have a customer service line you can call then?

Because it’s not necessary.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


It’s almost as if…new games have problems that take time to be sorted out. Weird.

I don’t get it either. And all these consumers expecting things to work right out of the box. Of course it doesn’t, nothing ever has… Ever mmo/game I played had bugs. Sure in Gw2 right now quite a lot is often broken, but that’s how it is when you are not rolling out something new. Everquest had a year of bug fixing, AO had a year of bug fixing, AoC had a yaer of bug fixing, WoW had a year of bug fixing, SWTOR is still fixing bugs. This game is one month in.. and already consumers are “threatening” to quit? I’d say, take a break come back when you think it looks better.
It’s like Apple with iOS maps, sure it is bad. And Tim Cook said they know, please feel free to use something else while you wait for it to live up to your expectations.
At least now a days developers are transparent enough to acknowledge problems and ask the moaning crowd to move on. In the old days it could take months before patches came out fixing only a percentage of the game breaking bugs. And even longer ago you had to trade in your game for a new version, make a new save or just live with it if say you saved right before fighting the Diamond Weapon.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: common.9637


With all due respect to ArenaNet, please dont compare Blizzard to this. I’ve played the first closed beta of WoW and 6 months after the launch, It NEVER was close to have as many bugs as GW2 currently has. The game is crippled, whatever the zone, there’s always something not working. In GW2 they also seem to last.

I’m not threatening, I already quit, I’m done with this. I’m not angry, not moaning (maybe a bit :p) it’s just not the quality I expect.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: common.9637


It’s almost as if…new games have problems that take time to be sorted out. Weird.

It’s almost as if beta test weren’t meant for this. Did you see that many bugs in D3 ?

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rise.9702


Lmfao try fightning a level 8 Centaur for 19hours since he has inv buff…I’m seeing more and more bugs though. I’m sure they will be fixed here next patch. You may come back though, they always come back lol.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uchi.2419


You will not be missed.

A lot of these “bugs” are players simply being bad players and incapable of figuring things out. If it doesn’t work the simple narrowminded way that I’ve tried it it HAS to be a bug.

Que 3 people complaining that the champion imp boss is bugged, because they’re incapable of killing the totem.

This is not only harmful to the players, because they spread false rumors around, but also harmful to developers who end up spending time looking for things to fix that don’t require fixing.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: common.9637


And I won’t miss GW2. Why talk about noobs having false problems ? Did any of the thing I mention are not real ?

It’s not a case of pro/con GW2, just MY taste and feedback. Game is probably great for many/most people. I expect more and am maybe not enough into the MMO genre to cope with the current flaws.

Making it a pro/con GW2 is a narrow minded approch, don’t bother to comment.

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kravick.4906


It’s almost as if…new games have problems that take time to be sorted out. Weird.

I don’t get it either. And all these consumers expecting things to work right out of the box. Of course it doesn’t, nothing ever has… Ever mmo/game I played had bugs. Sure in Gw2 right now quite a lot is often broken, but that’s how it is when you are not rolling out something new. Everquest had a year of bug fixing, AO had a year of bug fixing, AoC had a yaer of bug fixing, WoW had a year of bug fixing, SWTOR is still fixing bugs. This game is one month in.. and already consumers are “threatening” to quit? I’d say, take a break come back when you think it looks better.
It’s like Apple with iOS maps, sure it is bad. And Tim Cook said they know, please feel free to use something else while you wait for it to live up to your expectations.
At least now a days developers are transparent enough to acknowledge problems and ask the moaning crowd to move on. In the old days it could take months before patches came out fixing only a percentage of the game breaking bugs. And even longer ago you had to trade in your game for a new version, make a new save or just live with it if say you saved right before fighting the Diamond Weapon.

You must not be very old, because back in the 90s, stuff DID work straight out of the box. They had too, because you couldn’t just have people download patches off the internet until the later half of the 1990s. So if the game did not work out of the box, your product wouldn’t sell. Same thing with consoles back then. Yeah, there were tiny little insignificant bugs that had no impact on the game play itself, but every aspect of the game worked the way it should have. Patches weren’t a thing back then. Then the 2000s rolled around and it became all about shoveling poop out the door with a fix it later mentality. This is the attitude right here that causes developers to think they can just shovel broken games out the door and expect us to pay them to be beta testers.

This game needed another 6 months before it was ready, but after NCsoft closed the doors on CoH like they did, I guarantee you that NCsoft forced Anets hand and told them to get it out the door before the end of their quarterly. This is not a working game, and no one should be apologizing for the state this game is in currently. Heck, we have two classes, each with at least half their abilities (not hyperbole here) that are either non-functional or bugged in such a way that you can’t even reliably use them. I would not call that “fit for release”. The game is beautiful, yes. Now if only the game actually worked.

Tonight, I tried to do CoF instance. Guess what? The event chain that opens the door is broke. The entire server of Fort Aspenwood cannot enter the CoF instance because of this. If major things like this happens on a regular basis (and it does, A LOT), the game is NOT ready for public release. Simple as that.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Bye Bye Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evasionmoon.1345


Nothing gamebreaking in GW2, most of you all are just fans of other games but bought GW2 without any knowledge and now blame your OWN failing for bad play(L2P i say)on bugs lol.

Not have been a better game for long time im glad all haters and crybabys leave soon we have only players who appreciate what Arenanet have given us the superb GW2.

Oh and thx for purchase GW2 paying 60 euros for game you leave after 2 weeks while its B2P lol.

Every HONEST person see how good overall GW2 is and won’t leave becouse of some bugs there not gamebreaking.

We dont need whiners and crybabys so i say….

Bye the other game is that====>way:P