Camera Mode

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

So I like to log in and just sit down in my guild hall and have the screen run as a background sometimes. I think it’s pretty.

My question is…
Without being on a WvW (or some map that takes coordination for PVE) – Could we have a camera that just allows us to watch people battle monsters from a god perspective? I don’t care to type or give out directions (obvious abuse) I just wanna watch people kill stuff.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I don’t care to type or give out directions (obvious abuse) I just wanna watch people kill stuff.

This right here might be the issue. Not you specifically, but if certain individuals were to gain that ability, they would definitely abuse it. To stop that kind of abuse from ever happening, they wouldn’t put it in to begin with.

But there’s some other logistical issues too, not just the abuse thing.

1. I don’t think this kind of thing would even be on their radar. They haven’t provided a first person camera view and people have been asking for that for ages, so something like this would definitely pose challenges.

2. How would you set it up? Is it just a bird’s eye view from your character? Or is it free roaming, separate from your character? How would you control it? How fast/slow would the camera move? How would you know where battles were taking place? What if you wanted to wander into a different zone or map? How would things like being underground be dealt with? Would this include dungeons, fractals and raids?

3. Lets say we DO manage to hook it up and provide a 10 second delay to the feed, how would it work in heavy traffic? If, lets say, there’s a karka queen event and there’s enough people to slow down the framerate, would you be okay with your framerate slowing down too? Would ArenaNet be okay with your viewing affecting the framerate of other players?

4. How would this thing be unlocked? Would it be some spectator mode added to your account or would it be tied to your character? What if you don’t have the entire world unlocked on atleast one character? How would zones you haven’t been to yet be affected?

5. Why not spend your time watching GW2 livestreams instead? Turn off the sound and simply watch? It’s not a bird’s eye view but it’s something.

There’s a lot that can go into a suggestion like this, I’m not sure it’s feasible.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

To stop that kind of abuse from ever happening, they wouldn’t put it in to begin with.
Say put it in Queensdale or some other newbie area where progression things are super cheap and don’t matter. It’s not usable anywhere else. Boom. Done. I’d say put it in WvW because that’d be awesome but unfortunately voice coms are around. Yah I can watch livestream but it’s not the same.

2. You’ve seen other FPS Games as well as this game in their previews of fly over of battles. It’s cinematic camera movement. Forward back left right. You’re limited by walls. So imagine Flying w/o gravity.
Or you can imagine XYZ in a 3d cube and you’re flying around in it as a camera. Just load up any 3d CAD program.

I want a camera that’s not attached to the sprite so you just check out the world. All portals are the way you get through maps. or waypoints to the already made locations that you waypoint to. Server selection would be your native home but if you want to switch i don’t care.

3. Heavy Traffic is handled like miniatures. – in fact you shouldn’t be rendered as you’re just taking a live feed of server traffic. If it’s too much to pass off to you as well then you’re cut off. (like miniatures)
Framerate is also PC side so if your pc is just slow rendering then whatever. As long as you arn’t lagging servers for other’s… again you’re just watching the live feed.

Underground has a ceiling. Walls are walls. You’re a camera in a cube. Pretty basic — It seems like that’s how their map structure is setup anyways.

4. I don’t care how it’s unlocked… It’s something I’ve wanted since playing other MMO’s and just having the window open to chat every now and then but also watch sit and watch the waterfall. I’d rather watch it from an elevated position of my choosing… anyways…

5. No thanks.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


To stop that kind of abuse from ever happening, they wouldn’t put it in to begin with.
Say put it in Queensdale or some other newbie area where progression things are super cheap and don’t matter. It’s not usable anywhere else. Boom. Done. I’d say put it in WvW because that’d be awesome but unfortunately voice coms are around. Yah I can watch livestream but it’s not the same.

Having something like a 10 second delay is pretty ideal for WvW. You’re not watching live, but instead you’re seeing something that happened 10 seconds ago (or however long you want to make the delay, I think league does a 3 minute delay?)

2. You’ve seen other FPS Games as well as this game in their previews of fly over of battles. It’s cinematic camera movement.

Cinematics provided as previews are far different from what you’re suggesting. Devs use free floating cinematic cameras to make things look good and cool. They have control of fights, the effects, the lighting, everything that they need to ensure that the shot looks good. A player won’t have that kind of control because they can’t control what other players would do.

Forward back left right. You’re limited by walls. So imagine Flying w/o gravity.
Or you can imagine XYZ in a 3d cube and you’re flying around in it as a camera. Just load up any 3d CAD program.

I want a camera that’s not attached to the sprite so you just check out the world. All portals are the way you get through maps. or waypoints to the already made locations that you waypoint to. Server selection would be your native home but if you want to switch i don’t care.

So this is pretty established. Also, you may not care, but devs will, since they have to design the whole thing, and trust me it takes a lot to design something that may be seen as simple.

3. Heavy Traffic is handled like miniatures. – in fact you shouldn’t be rendered as you’re just taking a live feed of server traffic. If it’s too much to pass off to you as well then you’re cut off. (like miniatures)
Framerate is also PC side so if your pc is just slow rendering then whatever. As long as you arn’t lagging servers for other’s… again you’re just watching the live feed.

while you might not be rendered, you’d still be affecting the framerate of other people (to my limited understanding, I could be wrong), but okay giving viewers the boot if traffic is too high seems to be your answer to this question. It would suck for any viewers but it prioritises players.

Underground has a ceiling. Walls are walls. You’re a camera in a cube. Pretty basic — It seems like that’s how their map structure is setup anyways.

I’m not sure what you’re implying here.

4. I don’t care how it’s unlocked… It’s something I’ve wanted since playing other MMO’s and just having the window open to chat every now and then but also watch sit and watch the waterfall. I’d rather watch it from an elevated position of my choosing… anyways…

It’s kind of important how it’s unlocked development wise. Also how is it affected if you haven’t completed all the maps?

It’s a neat idea, don’t get me wrong, but like i said, there’s a lot that goes into developing something as seemingly small as this.

Also, I’m not sure it would realistically be developed because of how much effort would go into building something like this with zero impact on the play experience for players. They DO have a stance about you looking at the cool things they’ve made (vistas) so there might be some precedence for it? I dunno. It just doesn’t seem like something that the game needs. It would be nice, but it’s not necessary.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

Devs use free floating cinematic cameras to make things look good and cool.

Just give me a free floating camera. Give me access to XYZ control. Simple. While the hits on network traffic for packet sends might take a bit of a hit, dropping them off as the mini’s already work seems like a simple solution.

You’re right about 1 point. It doesn’t give much more game play. So it’s low on the priority list. Duh. But hey – I’ve stopped logging in and chatting with people and in a dying game who really cares. I was looking for a reason to log in. I don’t really have one anymore.

I feel like I’m talking to someone that just wants to say no.
Congrats you win.

Camera Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


All I was doing was trying to temper expectations. That’s all. And like I said.

It’s a neat idea, don’t get me wrong, but like i said, there’s a lot that goes into developing something as seemingly small as this.

It would be nice, but it’s not necessary.

I like the idea. I just don’t think it’s realistic. Also:

But hey – I’ve stopped logging in and chatting with people and in a dying game who really cares. I was looking for a reason to log in. I don’t really have one anymore.

If you truly believe that GW2 is dying, wouldn’t it be better for the devs to give you a new reason to play? If you’re bored with the game and don’t think GW2 will ever offer you anything new, that’s another thing entirely, but if you think the game is dying, then wouldn’t it be better for GW2 to bring in something that brings in new players?