Camera and FOV (field of view)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


No sorry that’s most certainly not what people want when they talk about field of view. I want to be able to put my field of fiew to 90 or 100 which is the industry standard for PC games on widescreen monitors. Right now it’s like looking through a tunnel at the ground, even at max distance zoomed out.

Extra zoomout would not help this at all, please don’t confuse the issue. We need better FoV, not bandaid fixes or excuses.

90 and 100 are not industry standard, btw. 75 Is typically the default FOV. The only difference with GW2 is that a lot of games that have a default FOV of 75 have sliders allowing you to increase it. 90 and 100 is definitely not an industry “standard” though. There really is no industry standard, but 75 is more common, and sliders to increase or decrease are also included in a decent amount of games.

75 is only a recent adaptation, and is mostly used for performance issues. A narrow viewport means there’s less for a game to render, meaning it plays better on lower end hardware (which is why narrow FoVs have become popular with the advent of console-centric shooters).
PC-centric shooters have traditionally allowed full customisation of FoV, and 90 was the standard for a long time.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RESISTOR.4587


Thank you for taking the time to reply Jon, I’m happy to hear that the camera is going to be changed in the next build. However, I too am a little bit discouraged by the news on the FOV. I would like to hear a response to the FOV issue in regards to eyefinity/surround gaming setups, “window mode re sizing” and FOV mods.


Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InterSlayer.5821


Thanks for addressing the issue Jon, and discussing it with the community. Again, I have a friend who directly quit over this issue, so it means quite a bit to me that this is resolved so he can start playing again.

People seem to be measuring the FoV to be around 65 not 75 (link is proof of measuring, not showing its 65. The 65 comes from the guy in the video of the next link). It doesn’t seem to be a locked thing, as we keep mentioning that it can be changed (with poor results not relating to any reasons you listed) based on window size, resolution, or number of monitors.

Here’s a great video comparing different FoV’s from within GW2.

The reddit post discussing it.

(edited by InterSlayer.5821)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nepumuk.6071


I do not think the game provides a field of view of 75 under 16×10 resolutions, e.g. 1920×1600. The game seems to calculate the FOV based on the aspect ratio of the resolution, which is indicated by resizing vertically while in windowed mode.

Maybe this could be looked at in order to improve the experience for players with the worst problems?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hughs.6549


Additionally we keep it at 75 to maintain the integrity of our art which is also important to us and many of our fans.

Your art is totally screwed by the awful camerawork, you’re aware of that right ?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Also, I’m sure I’ve noticed the FoV automatically change when coming in to proximity with large world boss encounters, such as the Shadow Behemoth.
Is it the case that the game can easily change FoV when needed for artistic purposes?
If so, that’s a little hypocritical don’t you think?

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enzi.5496


Funny that Jon brings WoW and HL as examples. Where in WoW we have absurd camera distances to get awareness and in HL(2) the fixed FoV created such an outrage that Valve changed it and never made this mistake again.

@souldonkey.9534: Don’t get mixed up. The industry standard for wide screen gaming (16:9 – 16:10) is considered 90°. It certainly can be lower with 4:3 monitors but these are rare to non existent anymore. The FoV is highly dependant on screen resolution and ratio, in fact, the FoV is a direct result of the ratio. (

Now FoV was never a big issue to the point where console developers had to reduce the FoV as a workaround to reduce the visible object on screen so they can still render at 30fps. Personally I think this is horrible, but this is where the industry has led us to with these long console cycles. We don’t have this issue on the PC but developers still think it’s alright when they do it.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Also, I’m sure I’ve noticed the FoV automatically change when coming in to proximity with large world boss encounters, such as the Shadow Behemoth.
Is it the case that the game can easily change FoV when needed for artistic purposes?
If so, that’s a little hypocritical don’t you think?

Good point Mungrul. The game doesn’t suddenly EXPLODE INTO THE END OF THE WORLD like Jon is saying above when they change it to a decent FOV for boss fights, so he’s obviously just making up excuses.

I want to know why ANet thinks it’s acceptable to offer a good FOV only to those players that have triple monitor setups, while telling the rest of us to just deal with it and shut up.

I for one am tired of being forced to look at the ground all the time.

(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DethLocke.6170


Now its getting pretty obvious that his responses were disingenuous and a misdirection. As soon as we point out the 3 monitor setup deal, Jon stopped communicating with us. Now weve also pointed out the windowed mode FoV changes AND in game FoV changes during large bosses. And in all of these situations, the game doesnt suffer and neither does the art (the art, in fact, benefits from it).

Why did you think we didnt know about these things jon? they are common knowledge, and they all refute your points. Is this why you have stopped your end of the discussion?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus.3907


Im curious as to how its possible to specify that the game’s FoV is 75, even though we can obviosly modify this by playing windowed. This would indicate that its a players screen which decides the FoV and not the acctual game.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verteiron.8734


Jon, your points about artistic integrity and performance are condescendingly transparent at best if not outright disingenuous.

A quick look at some video on Youtube of GW2 played with a wider FoV (provided in-game during some large boss fights, by window-stretching or even by 3rd party tools) shows quite clearly that the the art of the game does not suffer a bit from a slightly wider FoV. And as many have pointed out here, performance issues are dependent on the hardware of the user, and the game already has numerous options for dealing with that.

Your last post implies it is a massive undertaking to alter the FoV of the game. Why, then, is a 3rd-party tool written by one or two talented amateurs able to do it without any of the negative effects you are talking about? Sure, you have to run changes through QA and the amateurs do not, but is it really so onerous a task that you can justify alienating a portion of your player base because of it?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arson.4189


Windowed mode or 3 monitor set up….this post really didn’t make any sense.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


Yeah, the whole “art will be ruined” argument is laughable. You can’t appreciate the game because of the current FOV. You need Vistas to be able to appreciate it. I mean, WvW is broken in so many ways already that FOV giving players an advantage sounds ridiculous.

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glad Wing Pomp.1940

Glad Wing Pomp.1940

This is really awful news and the excuses sound like PR nonsense rather than actual reasons. I wish there was a real reason for not implementing adjustable FOV and immediately making the game better.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InterSlayer.5821


Windowed mode or 3 monitor set up….this post really didn’t make any sense.

Jon is stating that the FoV is locked to a specific numer and needs to stay that way for the integrity of the game, either through performance or artistic reasons.

When we say windowed mode or 3 monitor setup, we mean by putting GW2 in windowed mode and resizing it, or playing the game across a multiple monitor setup, it changes the FoV already anyway making his reasons kind of moot in these specific circumstances.

Unless this is what you were trying to say already. Your post was vague and can be read different ways haha.

(edited by InterSlayer.5821)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainFabulous.8410


Seems like most people here don’t seem to understand the difference between using 3 monitors or windowed mode versus artificially increasing FoV in a fixed aspect ratio. They are NOT the same, and all of the issues Jon raised are alleviated when you increase the aspect ratio but are all painfully apparent when you don’t.

Increasing the aspect ratio by using 3 monitors or windowed mode gives you a naturally-greater FoV. But to get a greater FoV without increasing the aspect ratio it’s necessary to distort the image to get it to fit, leading to all the issues Jon discussed.

Let’s try and least have some idea what one is talking about before one starts complaining and calling Jon a liar. Cause otherwise one just looks foolish.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


I’ve seen a lot of topics on this both here and externally so let me try and address it. The current FOV is going to stay because increasing it, while having some benefits for some players, has too many drawbacks.

1) performance suffers greatly because of how things are built and view distances

2) art suffers because of texture tiling, LOD problems and just general stretching from the fisheye effect.

3) gameplay suffers because positional awareness becomes less necessary in a game where combat is greatly designed around positioning.

There is a a serious camera problem, however, which is making some players nauseous. We believe a large number of these cases are not FOV related but rather due to bugs in camera smoothing. Because of this we are expediting a quick fix to this issue that is currently in testing and should see the light of day in the next build we do.


I’m not one of the haters around these forums that preach doom and gloom all over.
And I am someone who constantly defends GW2 and ANET.
But honestly, I find those EXCUSES to be pathetic, and just inconsistent!

1) performance suffers greatly because of how things are built and view distances

What business is it of yours? You know what else makes the performance suffer? Just about every single option in the graphics section of setting! Why not just make the lowest option as default then?

This is a weak kitten excuse. People with high end hardware can already run the game on 80+FPS, the few FPS lost wouldn’t matter much.

Also, those people that get motion sick from the FOV are those people who will QUIT GW2, so telling them that they will get less FPS in a game they are not going to play because they get motion sick is just stupid.

2) art suffers because of texture tiling, LOD problems and just general stretching from the fisheye effect.

The distortion that the game will get from a higher FOV will not be noticed by the actual player! Because that distortion will stay in their peripheral vision! There is NO WAY that you dont know that! This is just blatant in-your-face BS.

3) gameplay suffers because positional awareness becomes less necessary in a game where combat is greatly designed around positioning.

They why do you allow a much higher FOV for those with 3 monitors? So according to you, the people with 3 monitors get a substantial advantage over those with just one?
Why is ANET allowing that?

I’m sorry but these are the worst excuse I have seen yet!

Ohhh and FYI, we do NOT want a new default FOV added and enforced on everyone! We want a FOV slider that will allow people to adjust the FOV to own liking.

This is not an FPS game, the advantage of a higher FOV is not going to be game breaking in any way what so ever, please stop pretending like it will.

(edited by Naminator.9316)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


So I was watching that video comparing the FOV of 100 to 75. I must be the odd one here but the fish eye distortion from the 100 FoV was actually making me dizzy and nauseous and not the FoV 75.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyrhan.3180


Disclaimer: I play on an old 4:3 monitor and have no issues with the camera as far as FoV goes. (getting stuck on terrain, especially during jumping puzzles though, that’s another matter….) I have no need for an FoV slider and no desire to use one.

It’s still stupid not to include it. I have friends who get headaches and irritation from playing the game for long stretches on a widescreen monitor, and while I’m glad improvements to the camera are coming, it still doesn’t sound like enough. And as others have said, the fact that it’s possible to brute force a workaround – either by distorting the client window or paying out the nose for a more extreme monitor setup – means that refusing to implement such an improvement on principle is needlessly doing harm to a chunk of the player base.

Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.
Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


1) performance suffers greatly because of how things are built and view distances

No, it doesn’t, even my terrible computer can handle this game on max settings. But for personal preferences, I run much lower settings. A FOV of 95 (what I would personally set it to) does not increase distance viewed, it only adjusts how it’s viewed.
In other games, it hasn’t made them unplayable, in fact, the performance is pleasant to me. GW2 doesn’t even have that amazing graphics, it runs on low-end machines just fine (my boyfriend’s 2007 HP laptop with integrated graphics)

My friends aren’t bothered by FOV so they wouldn’t have to sacrifice anything to change FOV. The majority of people won’t even bother changing FOV.

Plus I couldn’t play games with a low FOV anyway, so even if I had to sacrifice performance or art, that’s something I would do without hesitation, because this is something I’ve had trouble with since I ever owned a computer.

2) art suffers because of texture tiling, LOD problems and just general stretching from the fisheye effect.

There is no fisheye effect when I play other games at 95 FOV. In certain monitors and resolutions there might be fisheye effect, which is why it would be a good thing to let the player adjust it himself.

3) gameplay suffers because positional awareness becomes less necessary in a game where combat is greatly designed around positioning.

You mean that now, the way it is NOW, the gameplay suffers. The low FOV makes it so I can’t position myself properly. I have no clue what I’m seeing on the screen because the low FOV is unnatural. The objects are mushed into my face when they should be spread out with a more natural FOV. So those who have 3 monitor set ups can see properly, they can judge the field properly. You’re saying that players have to fight the FOV before they have to fight each other. That’s not cool. As other have said, so long as you have plenty of money you could buy extra screens, or if you don’t mind losing your account to a ban (again, if you have money to buy a new copy), then you can play comfortably, even in PVP. This lets you position yourself more properly because you don’t have to fight the FOV, you don’t have to “guess” where you are exactly, you don’t have to guess how close you have to be for your skills to be in range. Everything would come naturally. Players could fight each other based on their skill, not based how their tolerance of the FOV, not based on their ability to buy expensive hardware.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainFabulous.8410


So I was watching that video comparing the FOV of 100 to 75. I must be the odd one here but the fish eye distortion from the 100 FoV was actually making me dizzy and nauseous and not the FoV 75.

Nope, does it to me too. While I’m open to the notion that the current FoV causes problems for some people I personally have never had it, and greater FoV actually causes me to get dizzy. And this is coming from someone who can’t play FPSs due to severe VR sickness.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


(sorry, because brevity is not my forte. there was a character limit)

There is a a serious camera problem, however, which is making some players nauseous. We believe a large number of these cases are not FOV related but rather due to bugs in camera smoothing. Because of this we are expediting a quick fix to this issue that is currently in testing and should see the light of day in the next build we do.

The issue is not the camera, that is what I thought in many games. How do you explain that I can play them without getting sick when I change the FOV?

How about you stop asserting things for your players? How about you stop putting words in the mouths of your players?
What you are doing is when you go to the doctor for something that’s hurting your life and the doctor just waves it off saying “oh, you’re just depressed” or “just exercise more”. And then the health issue becomes too serious, causing permanent consequences, because the doctor refused to help you when the issue was still reversible. (OK, players can just stop playing the game, but you’re waving off the problem like we are insignificant ants)

Do you know how I learned about FOV? I wasn’t able to play PC games, every game I wanted to play seriously made me sick in a few minutes.
In GW1 because I liked it so much, I closed my eyes most of the game (so much for your pretty art, when I have to close my eyes or look away to play it). I came to GW2 to follow my friends. I do the same now, close my eyes or look away as I play it.

This prevents me from playing PvP as much as I’d like, because having to close my eyes or look away is not a good thing when the battle could change in a split second.

In GW1 there was a lot of zoom-out so that helped me not get so sick (no, I’m not asking for more zoom in gw2).

How did I learn about FOV? I heard it being discussed here during beta. I read more information about it, I watched videos, looked at a list of games that let you change it, bought those games I hadn’t been able to play before, and gave them another try.

So first I try to play them without changing FOV (some first person, some third person, with default 75 FOV). Eek, I get sick just like before!

But then I change the FOV.

It worked! With a FOV of 95 I can play! I can play PC FPS games, RPG games! Can you imagine how happy I was? When my friends played a new game, all I could do is sigh and say “have fun”, I couldn’t buy that game because I wouldn’t be able to play it without getting sick real quick.

Now with those games where I can change FOV, I don’t have to limit myself to strategy games anymore (old 2D games).

The issue is not the camera, that is what I thought in many games. How do you explain that I can play them without getting sick when I change the FOV?

Sure, this game’s camera can be a bit awkward sometimes but it’s not a big issue as the FOV.
I have my camera smoothing set to max and I’ve adjusted my mouse sentitivity. I can barely feel the smoothing at all. I hope you’re not intending on “fixing” this and screwing it up more like you have everything else so far. The words “quick fix” are worrying me a lot for some reason. Perhaps you should forget about it for now and fix other parts of the game

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InterSlayer.5821


So I was watching that video comparing the FOV of 100 to 75. I must be the odd one here but the fish eye distortion from the 100 FoV was actually making me dizzy and nauseous and not the FoV 75.

It’s different for different people. Thats the point. It should be adjustable.

If Anet has artistic requirements that demand a specific FoV with a cutscene or boss fight, override it then for those cases. But outside of that, let the people who really want to change it have that option and keep the default for everyone else who is fine with it.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


So I was watching that video comparing the FOV of 100 to 75. I must be the odd one here but the fish eye distortion from the 100 FoV was actually making me dizzy and nauseous and not the FoV 75.

Thats because you are watching a video dude. When you are actually playing the game, the fish eye parts are left in your peripheral vision, just like in the REAL WORLD you have a fish eye even though you don’t perceive as such.

Also, 100 FOV is a bit much, a good FoV should be around 90-95.

There are plenty of videos on the net here are 2 good ones.

(edited by Naminator.9316)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I think bumping the FoV to 80 or 85 would be adequate. Additionally increase the camera zoom by a couple mouse wheel ticks.

My problem with the FoV and camera zoom is when using larger races and personalized characters, such as Charr and Norn. As an Asura it’s not that big of a deal, but as a very tall Charr it’s kind of annoying. Perhaps scale the zoom/FoV based on race and height of character at the very least?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: destructotron.2570


This is why I love having 3 monitors. Please don’t allow people to change their FoV Jon Peters, I love having the distinct advantage of seeing far to my left and right in PvP. Its almost like i’m cheating. But i’m not, i’m just rich and can afford 3 monitors.

These single-monitor plebeians are wondering where i’m shooting them from while they’re looking through their cardboard-tube-like FoV.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

As most people have pointed out, your reasoning is terrible Jon.

1) So? If we want to tradeoff performance for FOV that is our right.

2) Are you serious? I’ve played a LOT of PC games at 90 FOV and I almost never notice any kind of issue with textures or LOD. These things usually don’t become apparent unless you go higher than 90. I have tried the windowed trick to get the screen wider, and it has no effect on the art.

3) This is bullkitten. So people with eyefinity setups or whatever, they can get an advantage. But not all us with single widescreen monitors.

If the problem is that due to the game engine it is hard to implement a FOV slider, that is one thing. But there is NO reason not to do it based on gameplay or art.

ANet. You’ve built a breathtakingly beautiful world. And you’ve given us a narrow FOV and a camera that’s about 2 feet off the ground and makes it very hard to look up. You need to change these things. I don’t know if you’re taking this issue seriously enough. Saying “oh, but WoW has a FOV of 75” is not an excuse.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


@ JonPeters

Simply put, you just have to give us the option to change FOV, make it an “advanced users” thing with bright red letters, where we must agree to a pop-up saying:

“Changing your FOV might reduce your computer’s performance. This option is completely unsupported by ArenaNet. Use this at your own risk.
Are you sure you want to enable user-adjusted FOV?”
(checkbox) I have read this message and understand the risks.
(Cancel) (Yes)[/quote]

When we have changed it, put a button (Reset to default).

No one is asking to make a FOV of 95 mandatory for all players. We just want the option to change it so we don’t get sick.
Most people won’t even realize the option is there.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


So I was watching that video comparing the FOV of 100 to 75. I must be the odd one here but the fish eye distortion from the 100 FoV was actually making me dizzy and nauseous and not the FoV 75.

Nope, does it to me too. While I’m open to the notion that the current FoV causes problems for some people I personally have never had it, and greater FoV actually causes me to get dizzy. And this is coming from someone who can’t play FPSs due to severe VR sickness.

The optimal FOV setting’s are based on monitor size and res and distance from screen. I like mine at around 90. Different setting work best for different people/set-ups.

A quick Question from someone who also gets VR sickness in FPS. Have you tried increasing the fov? For me low FOV and Head-bob/shaky camera’s are the main reasons I feel sick

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucubration.8361


I guess it’s time to fire up nVidia Surround again? The irony is that I originally got away from 3-monitor gaming for performance reasons.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apotheosize.4293


Then allow us to zoom out more maybe? You can already change the FOV by playing in Windowed mode and playing in a letterbox window, so why not give the option to people.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Verteiron.8734


Saying “oh, but WoW has a FOV of 75” is not an excuse.

Particularly short-sighted in this case, as GW2’s stated goal is to break out of MMORPG conventions. To see a GW2 employee then go and use the archetypical MMORPG as justification for maintaining the status quo simply beggars belief.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


@ JonPeters

Simply put, you just have to give us the option to change FOV, make it an “advanced users” thing with bright red letters, where we must agree to a pop-up saying:

Changing your FOV might reduce your computer’s performance. This option is completely unsupported by ArenaNet. Use this at your own risk.
Are you sure you want to enable user-adjusted FOV?"
(checkbox) I have read this message and understand the risks.
(Cancel) (Yes)

I’m more concerned with the fact that a wider FOV gives people an advantage since you can see more of what’s around you. I know people with multi-monitor setups or those who are going into Windowed mode and modifying it also have that advantage. I think they should just fix it for everyone. Turn off windowed mode unless they can figure out a way to fix that and disable multi-monitor support. In a game where movement and positioning and being aware of your surroundings is so important, it’s not fair for the rest of us.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


This is why I love having 3 monitors. Please don’t allow people to change their FoV Jon Peters, I love having the distinct advantage of seeing far to my left and right in PvP. Its almost like i’m cheating. But i’m not, i’m just rich and can afford 3 monitors.

These single-monitor plebeians are wondering where i’m shooting them from while they’re looking through their cardboard-tube-like FoV.

Seriously needs to be changed so people can’t do that. :P

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RLD.7439


1. Performance isn’t an issue. If someone has a performance issue at say 95 FoV then they could simply dial it back to 85-80 or the default 75.

2. Art, tiling and LoD DO NOT suffer if the FoV is kept within reason. I can provide proof if needed. I take that back, the art does suffer because I can’t enjoy but a teeny bit at a time on my screen.

3. “Positional Awareness” lol really? I’m sorry but all those people using multi monitors and enjoying a much improved FoV aren’t sitting there thinking “Omg I’ve bucked the system and my positional awareness is just so game breakingly OP”

This is a big mistake.

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” -CS

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkwombat.3695


After logging into World of Warcraft and playing that for a few days here is the issue.

Make the camera as responsive as Wow’s, its that simple. I have two friends who logged on to WoW for a few days, then loaded up GW2 and noticed how when you turn your character the camera is just a split second behind.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jjiinx.8795


Yet hackers can play with 90 fov no problem.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tik.2381


The great level of ignorance of the people telling the DEV what will and will not suffer.. blows my mind.

I’m sure if it would cause no harm they would do it.. you don’t think they test this sort of thing?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Personally I’d like to be able to zoom out a LITTLE more. It feels more like my character model is IN THE WAY rather than in the world as me.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


The great level of ignorance of the people telling the DEV what will and will not suffer.. blows my mind.

I’m sure if it would cause no harm they would do it.. you don’t think they test this sort of thing?

The only ignorance here is the one you are displaying.

We are talking about FOV, not some magical, abstract concept that only the people in the development circles know about.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

Another aspect of the problem -

Playing a large race SUCKS in this game. My main is a Charr, and between the camera and skinny FOV it feels like 1/3rd of my screen is taken up. It feels almost claustrophobic, and my god… jumping puzzles… ugh…

My sylvari is much more enjoyable to play. At least I can pretend the FOV is larger that way.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enzi.5496


The great level of ignorance of the people telling the DEV what will and will not suffer.. blows my mind.

I’m sure if it would cause no harm they would do it.. you don’t think they test this sort of thing?

There are illegal tools that already do what we’re asking for and there are NO issues. So why are you so ignorant? Read the thread, then come back.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tik.2381


The great level of ignorance of the people telling the DEV what will and will not suffer.. blows my mind.

I’m sure if it would cause no harm they would do it.. you don’t think they test this sort of thing?

The only ignorance here is the one you are displaying.

We are talking about FOV, not some magical, abstract concept that only the people in the development circles know about.

You do know that this would require a complete reworking of the system they use to cull objects and players.. further exasperating the issue with players not popping in.

So yeah, I did my research.. .yet I’m ignorant.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.1462



We would like to ask you, please, to keep the thread civil and friendly and avoid engaging in personal attacks.

Thanks for your understanding

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


[QUOTE]Just to play devil’s advocate a sec, Jon’s point about increasing FoV during full screen play distorting textures would be true[/QUOTE]
It would be true if you set a fov of 110 when you have a little 15 inch monitor.

However in other games I set the fov to 90 or 95 with no distortion. If I set it to 100 it doesn’t distort it, but 110+ starts distorting. But I a smaller than average monitor and resolution. People with bigger monitors and resolutions would be able to play at a pretty high FOV before textures start appearing distorted.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ulukaiulukai.2584



FOV in GW2 is 75

This statement doesn’t make sense because in GW2, the vertical FOV is fixed and the horizontal FOV is adjusted accordingly (as seen with multiple monitors and windowed mode). The vertical FOV, however, is not 75, but more like 45.


2) art suffers

I really like that you care about the art, but it won’t suffer from an increased FOV. Why would it? Instead, it is suffering RIGHT NOW, because we can’t see tall structures at all. Most of the time you are looking at the ground because the vertical FOV is so small and the camera is placed so that you see your big Norn back all the time.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


That’s not really a legit FOV though. That’s just expanding the view on either side.

Ohhh my kittening god………………………………………..

Can the people who are unable to grasp the simple concept of FOV just stop posting their ignorant opinion on the subject?

Dude, just please, go and watch the 2 videos I posted above, and educate yourself.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jjiinx.8795


The great level of ignorance of the people telling the DEV what will and will not suffer.. blows my mind.

I’m sure if it would cause no harm they would do it.. you don’t think they test this sort of thing?

The only ignorance here is the one you are displaying.

We are talking about FOV, not some magical, abstract concept that only the people in the development circles know about.

You do know that this would require a complete reworking of the system they use to cull objects and players.. further exasperating the issue with players not popping in.

So yeah, I did my research.. .yet I’m ignorant.

There’s a hack some people threw together that increases the FOV without any issues… if a hacking team was able to do it without any drawbacks why can’t a paid development team?

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


You do know that this would require a complete reworking of the system they use to cull objects and players.. further exasperating the issue with players not popping in.

No, it wouldn’t, right now you can set a pretty high FOV with 3 monitors (horizontal ), stretching the window (horizontal), or using a 3rd party tool (vertical/horizontal) which I won’t use because I’m poor right now and can’t afford to risk losing my account.

No reworking required whatsoever.

Camera and FOV (field of view)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293


FOV in GW2 is 75

This statement doesn’t make sense because in GW2, the vertical FOV is fixed and the horizontal FOV is adjusted accordingly (as seen with multiple monitors and windowed mode). The vertical FOV, however, is not 75, but more like 45.


2) art suffers

I really like that you care about the art, but it won’t suffer from an increased FOV. Why would it? Instead, it is suffering RIGHT NOW, because we can’t see tall structures at all. Most of the time you are looking at the ground because the vertical FOV is so small and the camera is placed so that you see your big Norn back all the time.

I would like to add that I do find myself looking down most of the time because of how small the view is compared to my character model when playing a Char. It gets really annoying having the model in the way of the beauty in this game.