(edited by Hammerguard.9834)
Can Black Lion Claim Tickets be tradable?
So I’m in The Vault in LA checking out why some of these weapons are so absurdly priced and you can see that there are collections of weapons hidden behind gates. Why is Anet not letting people get them and when do they plan on giving us access to them?
First off, it works as intended
The goal with Black Lion Weapons is to generate a time gated item that you want to buy it fast from Anet (-> Buying BLC keys -> getting tickets). That’s why they aren’t tradeable and will never be tradeable.
Second important part is, that this is one of the few ways to intruduce items which are “worth” something. Means they are not just some 0815 common items like for exampe kasemeers staff that “everyone” owns.
That’s why a lot of players buy these blc weapons at introduction and save them for late to get some gold out of it. This is an awesome BLC feature!
If you want older skins, just buy them from tp, most are still very cheap. Some like the fused weapons are crazy expensive, because they have been introduced differently.
Anet said a lot of times that they will reintroduce the BLC sets again and again. So you could still wait for it. BUT Anet won’t reintroduce them often! For some it took 1 year, and some like the fused ones still haven’t been available since ~2,5 years.
So basically:
1. If you are a long time veteran gw2 player and you are sure you will play gw2 for lots of years to come, then just wait for reintroduction. All items will be available cheaper again at some point.
2. If you are a new player (or one of these “I play 5 month and then have a 6 month break” player) then just farm some gold and buy your wanted weapon from TP. TP and these prices are there ONLY for these player
PS: @Hammerguard: … that’s only some visuals. They don’t acutally have items… Anet might give you access to these npc too, but they won’t give you access to “more” BLC sets!
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
(edited by Bomber.3872)
yeah, these skins shouldn’t be tradeable, but I think they should be earnable, as like also WINABLE in the game for your efforts…
Like every 500 WvW ranks you should receive as reward like 7 Back Lion Tickets, so that you can buy either some of the older more costing skins, or use them to buy more skins, when a fresh new set is there that temporarely costs only 1 ticket per skin.
tickets or scraps should become, part of achievement rewards more oftenly, so that you can earn them through hard effort.
currently the supply of many skin sets is waytoo low, none of these black lion skin sets should have any skins, that cost more than 100 Gold… if theres any skin that is so rare, that players want to have for it like 350 to 1000+ gold is a dramatic sign for it, that the supply of these items is way too rare.
Some skins currently are even so rare, that the supply is 0, nobody selling them in the trading post last time i checked.
By opening up black lion chests with keys players should alsohave the chance to directly win skin unlocking tickets with that they can directly unlock an intem skin that ius currently not unlocked for their account to have a way, with that you can directly bypass all this ridiculous ret peep ticket grind, making this way buying and earning keys more worthful, if you can get this way easier the item skins that you want to have, withoput putting tons of senseless time, grind and paywalls first in front of you to decourage you to earn these thigns normally
You already can get a full Ticket from the BLT Chests; thus, you can get a Weapon Skin immediately.
Good luck.
Every single BL weapon skin is available on the TP, priced at 80-120g in the first few days and then ending up at 45-110g until it is no longer available for 1 ticket. How much it goes up afterward depends on a variety of factors.
Thus the ticket/scraps don’t “need” to be tradeable nor earnable directly in-game, since the only thing they can be used to purchase is already tradeable (and indirectly earnable).
A reason I can think of why they wouldn’t make them tradable as it cuts down on the incentive to buy keys for a person who has a few scraps. If they can sell those scraps instead, then that’s lost key sales.
Let’s say I have 7 scraps and someone else has 3. I buy his 3 scraps and get a ticket. ANet has lost the key sales for us both to get scraps, 3 more scraps for me and 7 for him so it’s probably about 20-25 key sales they lost. Selling scraps would hit their income and so isn’t something they would do.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
It would remove the RNG from black lion keys. as well as remove the need for ticket/ skin gamblers to invest in keys…
Though I could imagine the ease for certain players…. I doubt it would be good for ticket (scrap) prizes and consequently BL skin prizes…. (as they would be based on 10 times the ticket scraps.)
I could imagine black lion ticket scraps becoming way above 10 gold (20 or maybe 25 even)… and therefore also rising the BL ticket prizes a tenfold (200+15% =230gold ) of this number skins and thus would result in SKINS on the TP being 264.5 leaving easy purchasable skins way above the present values (`65-105 gold)as long a you need 1 ticket to get them, for 3 (800 gold) or 5 tickets (1333 gold+) the prizes would go through the roof….
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Every single BL weapon skin is available on the TP, priced at 80-120g in the first few days and then ending up at 45-110g until it is no longer available for 1 ticket. How much it goes up afterward depends on a variety of factors.
Thus the ticket/scraps don’t “need” to be tradeable nor earnable directly in-game, since the only thing they can be used to purchase is already tradeable (and indirectly earnable).
just nitpicking here but i dont think that fused weapons were ever available for 1 bl ticket, some other sets as well i think.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Every single BL weapon skin is available on the TP, priced at 80-120g in the first few days and then ending up at 45-110g until it is no longer available for 1 ticket. How much it goes up afterward depends on a variety of factors.
Thus the ticket/scraps don’t “need” to be tradeable nor earnable directly in-game, since the only thing they can be used to purchase is already tradeable (and indirectly earnable).
just nitpicking here but i dont think that fused weapons were ever available for 1 bl ticket, some other sets as well i think.
Fused weapons were among those skins that weren’t available via BL tickets at all, so you picked the nit correctly. It was only later that they were made available for BL tickets (iirc, still the only one costing 7 tickets). GW2 Spidy doesn’t have prices that go back far enough to be sure at what those skins cost. My memory was ~80-150g, depending on which skin: the fused claim tickets didn’t drop very often. Within six months (when spidy does have data), prices were closer to 200-250g.
So I don’t think this particular nitpick changes my thesis: all skins are tradeable, they all start off at a premium, hit an equilibrium until they are no longer available at the low-low-introductory acquisition price, and then they steadily increase after. The rate of increase depending on various factors.
Which informs my main response to the OP: the tickets don’t have to be tradeable because the skins are.