Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naneek.3874


Pretty much title. Finished the story and it’s just taking up inventory space now… Just wondering if it’s needed or used for anything later on.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I destroyed it with out any repercussions.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinsy.2491


What!? Why? You people make me sad… i will continue to warble my warbler till i can warble no more!

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tapioca.9062


Once you’ve completed the required story arc on that character you can safely destroy it. You won’t need it again.

Personally, though, you can take my warbler when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Without giving anything away,

If you have your warbler on you when you go later in the story with the Nuhoch in the Tangled Depths, you’ll get a bit of dialogue from a Nuhoch who has some strong opinions about your warbler.

It’s pretty funny.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Without giving anything away,

If you have your warbler on you when you go later in the story with the Nuhoch in the Tangled Depths, you’ll get a bit of dialogue from a Nuhoch who has some strong opinions about your warbler.

It’s pretty funny.

i loved that bit, it was like you’d just spat on his ancestors XD

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


haha yeah that amused me as well.. I kept my warbler thinking it would be useful for something..

doesn’t bother me though.. got tons of inventory space ^^

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Trash my warbler? I think not…

- It’s a twelve-fluted double barrelled S-Mart’s top of the line. You can find this in the music department. That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Jaka Itzl, Verdant Brink. Retails for about 109.95g. It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt-blue steel, and a clear tune. That’s right… shop smart: shop S-Mart… You got that?
Now I swear, the next one of you Mordrem even touches me…

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


What are you talking about? I finished the story and never got this warbler thingy. What does it do and when was I supposed to get it?

(edited by Mortifer.2946)

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tapioca.9062


What are you talking about? I finished the story and never got this warbler thingy. What does it do and when was I supposed to get it?

It warbles.

I’m guessing you chose to defend Jaka Itzel instead of attacking the Mordrem the first time on your character. The choice you make there sends you down minorly different story paths. Ibli’s path has you looking for Itzel scouts and you have to do some sweet, sweet gliding to get the attention of one. Tizlak’s path has you looking for scouts who will show up in response to the warbler.

After the story step is over, you keep the item and can continue to use it to make an annoying noise.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkprecure.6129


You get it if you don’t decide to defend Jaka Itzel and fight the Mordrem directly.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Which is still weird…yes I did choose to defend the village. But when i was playing this mission with my girlfriend and she chose to attack mordrem, i don’t recall her using this instrument or looking for some hunters. Also, her story continued with impressing that guy by gliding…which i remember for sure as i was helping her to avoid that bug which blocked you from talking with him.

Edit: okay sorry, i mistaken it with a different mission.

(edited by Mortifer.2946)

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holland.9351


There is actually an NPC outside Teku Nuhoch that “uses” it. You can talk to him while helping Tizlak gather those items from the Chak. His dialog is actually quite funny.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slartibartfast.5416


Once you’ve completed the required story arc on that character you can safely destroy it. You won’t need it again.

Personally, though, you can take my warbler when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Actually, the warbler comes in pretty useful in Act 2, for the Leave It To Me achievement. Using it apparently gives you the use of some of your utility skills.

I bind all of my keys to Gravedigger and rapidly roll my face across the keyboard while screaming
“I am teh Leetness!” at the top of my lungs, while rubbing baby oil all over myself.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steve.2945


keep your warbler, can make a warbler chorus while being bored waiting for a boss to show!!!!

Proud TTS member

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Destroying the best instrument in game? Never!

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.5273


Trash my warbler? I think not…

- It’s a twelve-fluted double barrelled S-Mart’s top of the line. You can find this in the music department. That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Jaka Itzl, Verdant Brink. Retails for about 109.95g. It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt-blue steel, and a clear tune. That’s right… shop smart: shop S-Mart… You got that?
Now I swear, the next one of you Mordrem even touches me…

I will always keep the Warbler after reading this now.

This was… this was just…

No news since October 28th 2014. Question asked straight up! 473 times. 647 days and thread locked..

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


It’s used in the hidden event “Annoy Everyone Around the Lion’s Arch Bank”, do with it what you will.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


What are you talking about? I finished the story and never got this warbler thingy. What does it do and when was I supposed to get it?

It warbles.

I’m guessing you chose to defend Jaka Itzel instead of attacking the Mordrem the first time on your character. The choice you make there sends you down minorly different story paths. Ibli’s path has you looking for Itzel scouts and you have to do some sweet, sweet gliding to get the attention of one. Tizlak’s path has you looking for scouts who will show up in response to the warbler.

After the story step is over, you keep the item and can continue to use it to make an annoying noise.

I could have missed the warbler?! Tizlak is one of my favorite characters in the game he was just so awesome. His idea was also the superior one since offense is the best defense given that defense is what you do if you’re at a disadvantage and need to recover whereas offense is utilizing your advantages to snowball. Like in chess you can run your rook up a lane to attack the opponent’s pawns leading to a big advantage but defense sees this possibility and you’d oppose rooks on that lane to keep that from happening. Defense is sometimes a necessary evil, but make sure the burden of defense is on the opponent whenever possible.

Also Tizlak for Destiny’s Edge 2.0! :D Kill off Marge or Kasmir if you need to if you feel it’s too crowded. I don’t like Canathe but he needs to stay since the male to female ratio is already weird in it.

(edited by Agemnon.4608)

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


Without giving anything away,

If you have your warbler on you when you go later in the story with the Nuhoch in the Tangled Depths, you’ll get a bit of dialogue from a Nuhoch who has some strong opinions about your warbler.

It’s pretty funny.

i loved that bit, it was like you’d just spat on his ancestors XD

haha yea, have to say I thought this was pretty funny

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Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


But why would you destroy such a perfect audio trolling tool?

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Guess you kept the broken sword to.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I think there would be much lesser of a problem with items like this or the crap ton on “trophy” items that are accountbound that you receive from making legendaries, when it would be much clearer to the player, when exactly you can delete these items.

For some of them Anet added this kind iof information that tells players, when item x is just required only for some kind of collection.
I think ANet has to go here much more into detaisl and andd this important information to alot more trophy items, so that players will delete alot quicker tstuff that is 100% sure for them that the item won#t be needed anymore.

I self have alot of things in my inventory, that I basically don’t need, but just keep, because out of fear, i might need these thigns still maybe later again and the item description doesn#t tell me, if that item will be needed again later maybe, because it just tells me only, its a trophy item – wow, just the information that everybody needs, wen in fact I just want to know only, when the point is reached in the game, that the item won#t be needed ever anymore!!!

I think the very best solution would be, if anet couuld improive these items simply with some kind of “auto delete-function”, that these items, just delete themself once you reach the moment where those trophies won’t be needed ever again anymore, so that they don’t fill up your inventory so much any longer than needed.

Or better, the moment where these items aren#t needed anymore, the Game should turn them automatically into some kind of valuable “trash” so that we can see on the first look then, that NOW is the time to sell the stuff to get some money from the not anymore needed items back.

That would be some good and easy to make quality of life improvements for this crap that floods so quickly our inventories.

ANd I think it shouldnt be impossible to programm a mechanic, that turns items automatically into sellable trash, or automaticalyl deletes these items, once the player reaches in the progression of the game the point, where the items won’t be needed anymore further from point X onwards, which would be just a detection mechanic added to these items that tells the game to delete for us Item X, once player has done Y.

Simple “If Player has done X, then do Y mechanics” shouldn’t take too long to be made to help us organizing easier automatically the inventories of our characters.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koomaster.9176


As others have said; why would you want to destroy such a wonderful item?!
But yes it can be destroyed; but I may silently judge you for doing so. :P

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mithrendain.9860


Whyfore Dost Thou Warble?
By Moot Bizzlebonk

Alas! A Warbling tune
Afore the Tides o’June!

With a warbling ditty-dee
And a warbling ditty-doo,
Whyfore dost thou warble
Like an olde obnoxious shrew?

Thou makest me twitch
And writhe upon the floor;
Thou makest me think
I should press alt-F4.

I wish thou wouldst not warble
So much and for so long.
I wish t’were no such thing
As this warbling song.

But fate is cruel,
And fickle so I hear,
So if thou mustest warble
I’ll keep on chugging beer.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Keep it for the annual big birthday celebration with tons of events and prizes that ANet throws each year.

Oh wait, wrong Guild Wars.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ivor Longarrow.6491

Ivor Longarrow.6491

Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Warbler!