Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Can Mystic Forge Stones no longer be bought?
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
No, they were never meant to be salable.
That’s not what I meant. -_-
I want to buy them from the Gem Store like I used to.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
(edited by AegisRunestone.8672)
Not there.
Maybe they weren’t selling so good.
ANet may give it to you.
What happened?
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
I hope this is a bug with the Nov. 17th patch. >.>; I only have 15 of those stones, and I make Mystic Forge Salvage Kits regularly.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Oh noes
I only have 6 left, and was just about to buy some more
What other ways can you get them?
Achievement chests. I just got my 6k one, and it gave me 10. I had 5 previously, now I have 15.
Still… this seems odd? I don’t understand why they would silently remove the stones from the gem store after 3 years.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
From achievement chests every 500 or so AP, and some daily login rewards, I think.
From achievement chests every 500 or so AP, and some daily login rewards, I think.
I’ve never gotten a Mystic Forge Stone from a login reward.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
I got one from a login reward last night, but I’m not going to make many mystic salvage kits at that rate!
How do you get one from a login reward?
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
How do you get one from a login reward?
When you get the BL chest you might have a chance to get one.
If the stones become available via the gem store again, don’t buy them just to make mystic salvage kits. They’re orders of magnitude more expensive than just buying master kits. See
I sent in a support ticket, and they answered me saying that the stones will be up “shortly,” as soon as they solve the issue with the stones being sold on the TP.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
i did not see this post till after i just made mine but i did a look up on them and they are listed on the tp for 48 sliver . but yet you can not buy them at all and not only that no one has said a word about this at all be nice if the drev,s would tell us something on this .
Mystic Forge Stones are back in the Gem Store!
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Mystic Forge Stones are back in the Gem Store!
And the first one is free.