Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godzilla.7629



Ok so i was just wondering if you send large amounts of gold through mail can you get banned by it? Like 1400g for example.

I’ve heard a story where a guildy got banned because he sent gold through mail received a temporary ban for being a gold seller.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297



Beginning on March 31, 2015, there will be a limit on how much gold a single player can receive through in-game mail and/or the Guild Vault each week.

Full details about the system:

Each account will have a limit on how much gold can be moved from its mail in-box and Guild Vault into its wallet each week.
If you receive more gold through in-game mail than you can accept in a week, the gold will remain attached to the mail in your in-box and can be retrieved up to the limit the following week or in subsequent weeks.
For the purposes of this limit, a week begins at 12:01 AM UTC each Sunday (5:01 PM PDT/4:01 PM PST Saturday).
Gold received from the Trading Post is not subject to this limit.
The maximum amount of gold that can be sent via a single in-game mail will be 500 gold.
The maximum total amount of gold that an individual player account can accept in a week will be 500 gold.
We will monitor this system and may make changes to the limits if we find that changes are necessary.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


You can’t send more then 500g a week now, so you probably won’t have an issue.

Befor it might have flaged your account to be watched, but unless it was a constant thing I don’t think you would get a ban over it.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godzilla.7629


Errr 1400g>500g

So does that mean i can get banned or flagged? Or do you mean 5000g?

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miku.6297


I mean you can only mail 500g a week right now… So that will take you 3 weeks to mail. There is a hard cap on the amount of gold you can mail/move through guild banks.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godzilla.7629


What if i transferred the gold to a shared guild bank and took it out with another character? Would that work ?

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

What if i transferred the gold to a shared guild bank and took it out with another character? Would that work ?

Accounts never got banned for sending large sums of gold. However, buying gold with real money is agaisnt the rules and an offense. That is why sending and recieving large sums of gold is suspicious.

Besides the block of 500g per week, it is likely that accounts that sent/recieve large sums will be flagged suspicious. How this works and what triggers this flag is unknown. anway of avoiding getting flagged only gives you the risk that it looks more suspcious IF a GM would review it.

bottom line. If you have legit reasons to sent large sums of gold (within the weekly limit) go ahead, but don’t try to hide it.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Receiving or sending large quantities of gold can flag your account as suspicious.

I’ve heard of a few people get a suspension from trading precursors between guildies, for example.

So although it isn’t against the rules, you might get flagged and subsequently punished for it, but it’s nothing that contacting CS won’t resolve if you explain everything to them and be as honest and forthcoming as possible.

And yes, there is a 500g limit in place for receiving gold. What happens is, if you were to receive a mail with more than 500g in it, you will be able to pick up 500g from that mail, but the rest will sit in the mail (undeletable) until a week has passed.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

What if i transferred the gold to a shared guild bank and took it out with another character? Would that work ?

Same limit with banks.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Receiving or sending large quantities of gold can flag your account as suspicious.

I’ve heard of a few people get a suspension from trading precursors between guildies, for example.

So although it isn’t against the rules, you might get flagged and subsequently punished for it, but it’s nothing that contacting CS won’t resolve if you explain everything to them and be as honest and forthcoming as possible.

And yes, there is a 500g limit in place for receiving gold. What happens is, if you were to receive a mail with more than 500g in it, you will be able to pick up 500g from that mail, but the rest will sit in the mail (undeletable) until a week has passed.

Therefore, if it is something you’re doing between you and another player, make sure you have documentation in game about the trade or gift. Either in a chat or through messages.

That way should something happen, you’ve got evidence that ANet can use.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Receiving or sending large quantities of gold can flag your account as suspicious.

I’ve heard of a few people get a suspension from trading precursors between guildies, for example.

So although it isn’t against the rules, you might get flagged and subsequently punished for it, but it’s nothing that contacting CS won’t resolve if you explain everything to them and be as honest and forthcoming as possible.

And yes, there is a 500g limit in place for receiving gold. What happens is, if you were to receive a mail with more than 500g in it, you will be able to pick up 500g from that mail, but the rest will sit in the mail (undeletable) until a week has passed.

Therefore, if it is something you’re doing between you and another player, make sure you have documentation in game about the trade or gift. Either in a chat or through messages.

That way should something happen, you’ve got evidence that ANet can use.

Indeed- take screenies of your mails and a chat log between buyers/sellers too.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Me and a friend were helping each other out build legendaries, I was raising funds by selling skins, I sold a skin to someone I met through the game for 200g….

My 200g was stripped from me due to the other person dealing with RMTs… What ever it is you’re doing, screen shot everything that’s involved with it. Also try not to get involved with people you do not know 100%, it could have indirect effects on your account like it did to mine.

The only positive that came from my experience, is that a friend gave me Sunrise for dirt cheap price, I only paid him 400g out of 1000g but we both agreed that if I were to continue paying him back then Anet would most likely take the gold off him.
Huzzuh for 400g legendary!

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Godzilla.7629


Im currently making a legend with a friend and it will be complete within a few days. So when it is eventually sold the gold will be split and i was wondering if sending the large sums would get me a ban. But it looks like that it wont which is good so I’ll go ahead and not worry

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basandra Skye.4031

Basandra Skye.4031

Im currently making a legend with a friend and it will be complete within a few days. So when it is eventually sold the gold will be split and i was wondering if sending the large sums would get me a ban. But it looks like that it wont which is good so I’ll go ahead and not worry

It does help to at least write WHY you’re sending the gold as well, like “here’s your split from the sale” or something.

Can sending large gold sums receive ban?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Me and a friend were helping each other out build legendaries, I was raising funds by selling skins, I sold a skin to someone I met through the game for 200g….

My 200g was stripped from me due to the other person dealing with RMTs… What ever it is you’re doing, screen shot everything that’s involved with it. Also try not to get involved with people you do not know 100%, it could have indirect effects on your account like it did to mine.

The only positive that came from my experience, is that a friend gave me Sunrise for dirt cheap price, I only paid him 400g out of 1000g but we both agreed that if I were to continue paying him back then Anet would most likely take the gold off him.
Huzzuh for 400g legendary!

One question did you sell skin through mail or trading post?