Can someone explain the orb price increase
I think it’s because u need some of them for Legendary Weapon collections
Edit: and for guild hall upgrades
I think the new HoT legendaries need a lot of them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Yeah you need 2250 orbs and/or crests/doubloons to create the 250 amalgamated gemstones that are needed for the new legendaries. Hence the price increase.
Yeah you need 2250 orbs and/or crests/doubloons to create the 250 amalgamated gemstones that are needed for the new legendaries. Hence the price increase.
Thanks, that’s the answer i was looking for.
The same item that requires orbs can also be made with rare crests or any doubloon, so those prices have unsurprisingly spikes as well.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of the lower level gems has gone up as well as people look to transmogrify them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of the lower level gems has gone up as well as people look to transmogrify them.
Unfortunately they haven’t as the limiter in those upconversions is the dust.
Well if that’s the case then I bet the dust price has risen accordingly.
T3 and T4 dust is a huge limiter in upconverting crystals unfortunately. If we got some giant new source of that dust then we could potentially see low level crystals actually rise in price for the first time since launch.
Well if that’s the case then I bet the dust price has risen accordingly.
It has, although not as much as the prices of most orbs. The price for T5 (Incandescent) Dust has more than tripled. And even though the dust is the limiting factor in gem conversions, T5 gems are now all at least slightly above vendor value (as opposed to the huge stockpiles at vendor value that we had a few months ago).
Guild Hall Arena upgrades use like 200-500 for alot of them
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
I seem to recall a post about watching the economy closely…..
I don’t think they watched the crest/orb/doubloon market close enough when some items see close to a 300% increase in trade value.
I seem to recall a post about watching the economy closely…..
I don’t think they watched the crest/orb/doubloon market close enough when some items see close to a 300% increase in trade value.
Maybe they thought something like a T6 mat selling barely higher than vendor price was too low.
ANet may give it to you.
I seem to recall a post about watching the economy closely…..
I don’t think they watched the crest/orb/doubloon market close enough when some items see close to a 300% increase in trade value.
Maybe they thought something like a T6 mat selling barely higher than vendor price was too low.
Maybe, then again maybe the real end game is becoming an economist and flipping markets instead of playing the gaming as apparently there’s no recourse for market manipulation.
I seem to recall a post about watching the economy closely…..
I don’t think they watched the crest/orb/doubloon market close enough when some items see close to a 300% increase in trade value.
Maybe they thought something like a T6 mat selling barely higher than vendor price was too low.
Maybe, then again maybe the real end game is becoming an economist and flipping markets instead of playing the gaming as apparently there’s no recourse for market manipulation.
This is sadly the case. The game rewards people who play the market way more than it rewards people for playing the game. Just look at how little gold the average player can make since HoT compared to the flippers who have completely thrived in the cesspool that is the trading post. Dungeons were a casual source of income that provided fun. Now if you want to make gold while playing the game you need to do mindless garbage like repeat fractal 40s over and over and over and over or run around SW like a tool.
Maybe they thought something like a T6 mat selling barely higher than vendor price was too low.
I bought many thousands of chrysocola and beryl orbs at a copper over merchant value a long while ago, thinking I couldn’t possibly lose at that price. Over 1000% profit when I sold them. Paid for my 5 shared inventory slots.
Guild Hall Arena upgrades use like 200-500 for alot of them
This! They added several sinks for Orbs which were mostly useless before hand.
It’s like 500 – 600 gold for orbs in crafting new legendaries. Or is my math wrong? This was a gold sink I wasn’t really expecting. :-/
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
Henge of Denravi Server
you just cant really farm them since they only drop from t6 nodes
They seem to have stabilized in price at ~2.9g. They have held steady at this price for 2 weeks now. This seems like a reasonable price that keeps the value of many other mats above vendor value.
If supply dwindles further or demand goes up I would suggest an adjustment to the luminous dust drop rate before changing anything else. This would give a very large bank of materials to draw from to bring even more markets into line.
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
Yeah this doesn’t work. I could probably farm fotm faster and just buy them. Actually farming T5 matts to updraft them would be faster.
I’m not opposed to dishing out the gold. I’m probably going to just buy the T5 and updraft it since it’s a kitteneaper but I have to do all my own clicking in the forge. I was worried this may be market manipulation but it seems at this point it may be stabilizing. I just don’t want to end up spending a lot this week and next month it’s half the price. But nobody has a crystal ball so there’s no sure way to tell and if it happens it happens
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
I’ll get right on that as soon as you show me a reliable supply of ori nodes.
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
I’ll get right on that as soon as you show me a reliable supply of ori nodes.
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
I’ll get right on that as soon as you show me a reliable supply of ori nodes.
Of those only 1 is reliable.
The southsun spawn in the karka hive. The others require investing time running the maps/using gw2nodes (and praying someone already updated that IP).
It’s slightly problematic. It would be nice to see the return of a permanant rich ori node somewhere less abused than southsun, say in a hot map, at the end of a meta or something.
or u can mine for them and help cool the ore market down
I’ll get right on that as soon as you show me a reliable supply of ori nodes.
Of those only 1 is reliable.
The southsun spawn in the karka hive. The others require investing time running the maps/using gw2nodes (and praying someone already updated that IP).
It’s slightly problematic. It would be nice to see the return of a permanant rich ori node somewhere less abused than southsun, say in a hot map, at the end of a meta or something.
How that any different from any other farm?