Can't see from which server players are

Can't see from which server players are

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: agusfirinn.6594


As a guild leader it’s pretty difficult to see if somebody is from the server my guild is on or not. The only two ways i can figure it out is if i ask them or invite people in wvw. What I suggest is that you could introduce a name tag or an abbreviation to show from which server everyone is. So it might say like Agus Fìrinn [LNH] and if I click on that person it will say

Agus Fírinn
Lochra Na Halban [FoW]

Thanks :-)

Can't see from which server players are

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Another option would be to make the 5 racial cities and LA server specific maybe. Guilds could do their recruiting there and role players could find each other.

Can't see from which server players are

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baamoink.4281


Or check the Achievements leaderboard, & filter it to guildies or friends

Guild: Mantle Assasins [MA] – Guild Leader
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU