Can't see my friend in world

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sonorous.2914


I’ve just had a friend join after telling them about the free download… he has joined, he can play and we have both befriended each other on GW2.

We can’t see each other in game, however we can see each others blue dot on the map after we’ve made a party, can be in the exact same place… but nothing. We just see empty space.

His home world is completely different to mine as well, even though we live in the same country (if that matters at all). Its not like I’m in EUR and he’s in US. I became a guest in his home world, because he cant guest to my home world, thinking this would remedy the issue… but nothing.

We also tried logging out and then back in again at the exact same time, in the same world, (me guesting on his home world)… but nothing still.

I looked online and it says to right click his blacked out profile in the party and select “join in”… but there is no such option.

What’s going on? Why can’t we see/play together? What are we doing wrong? Is it because he is only using the free version?

Is anyone else having this same issue?

Someone please help. I don’t see the point playing this game anymore if I can’t even play in the same world, at the same time with friends.


Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

It might be the free to play version. Since he just started, why doesn’t he make a new account but put it on your server?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


Sounds like one of you selected an Eu server and the other selected NA.
Your friend can delete all his toons and reselect from servers to match the region you are on.
F2p will have nothing to do with it.


Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


What regions are you in? Your real-world country doesn’t matter but your in-game region does, if you picked an EU server and he picked a US one then you can’t be on the same map.

If you are in the same region then form a party, go to the same location (you don’t need to guest to the same server) and then either you’ll be on the same map already or can use join.

You do have to be on the same map before the join option appears, you can’t use it to teleport you to a new location. All it does is make sure you’re on the same copy of the map.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


Mostly you are just in different instances of the same map.
Try rightclick on the picture in the group window and look if there is something
like “enter Queensdale” or whatever map you are on.

You can also check both with /ip on what instance you are

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Mostly you are just in different instances of the same map.
Try rightclick on the picture in the group window and look if there is something
like “enter Queensdale” or whatever map you are on.

You can also check both with /ip on what instance you are

He said there is no “join in” feature in his post.

OP. What two servers is it? Are you sure they are both EU or both NA? What are their names?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

If joining partymembers in other instances is restricted for play for free accounts, why would that work both ways? I’d imagine someone with a full account could join a P4F partymember.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


But can players from EU and NA be in the same group at all ?

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I believe you can party up, unless they’ve made it impossible at some point. I’ve been in such a party, but that was a long time ago. We could of course not join each other.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

You can party up across NA and EU, but you can’t do anything together. You can chat in party though. I’m not sure if you can see each other’s blue dots or not.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Can't see my friend in world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


You can only right click and “Join in” if you are both in the same zone, just different servers. If you are on different maps and different servers the option doesn’t show up.

If that doesn’t work, then I’m thinking the F2P has a restriction on it of some sort. It’s new enough that there may be odd issues going on, worth opening a ticket possibly.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….