Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keramatzmode.1906


The problem about MMORPG is when people try to force IRL stuff into it.

This what makes videogames is less and less entertaining everytime you obnoxious people want to force your real life issues into a virtual world where we all want to take a break from real life problems.

Sure, I don’t mind if suddenly theres a flying pact airship with rainbow flag flying or whatever above LA as a celebration, but I am 100% pretty sure these folks won’t be satisfied and they want more and more “representation” in this fantasy world.

Put your pride to a limit. I’m glad for you celebrating the legislation today, but please, you do not have to run around and scream about it all day, you are slowly turning into heterophobes that are no better than the homphobes.

Stop making threads about LGBT it will never end well. Instead of kittening up the forum because muh agendas and muh pride, why not focus on more deliberate issues this game has. You know, like where the hell is SAB 3? Where is the next HoT update preview? Or the new legendary? But no, you decide to focus on petty things like this tweet. Or that NPC.

Either way, grats for actually able to marry legally.

(edited by keramatzmode.1906)

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Marriage is a funny thing here. It is a public showing of commitment but it does not require that you love each other, have kids, be monogamous, or even live together.

Historically, marriage has not been about love or commitment at all. Women were married off without their consent for copious amounts of money and/or property. Men were not expected to adhere to fidelity. The only thing you can say for it is that children were generally expected from it regardless and woe to the woman that didn’t deliver (literally.)

Of course, people can have marriages where all these good things are involved (love, kids, fidelity); it just seems rare to me. What I don’t get are the people that marry and then have affairs. It’s like, duh, you could just play the field all your life and save everyone the trouble if that’s what your personality is like.

No wonder I don’t want to get married.

Marriage is literally about commitment because that what it is. I did say love is not a prerequisite. And that commitment does not (atleast in this country) require fidelity or monogamy.

And once again that as historical view of marriage but like I said it’s pretty novel in the first place. Not every culture married off women for large sums of money. Not every society said men could be unfaithful. We have been around a long time and many people did it many different ways.

For some people love, kids, and fidelity are not what they want from marriage. Some people like the financial stability of 2 incomes. Many like it without kids (D.I.N.Ks). Many people are in open marriages or practice lifestyles where it is encouraged to have more than one partner.

I agree with you about the affairs I never understood it until I saw it. People sometimes change with time and long periods of coo habitation. They need more than what they have (or at least perceive too). Some times certain needs aren’t being met (in the bed room or simply communication). So they seek out whats missing. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean they dis like marriage. They need whats in it just as much as they need whats not in it. I have seen this first hand a few times its tricky business but its not just about getting more hook ups……….most of the time.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


How naïve, of course there are massive ramifications in this case…but yes we agree, change is both good and bad. The equal rights under the law portion of this, IMO, is good. But the use of the term marriage…no. The redefinition of marriage in stark contrast with tradition and basic biology is illogical.

So a few things here.

First, you can not have one thing for two people and call it two different things. The country tried doing that with race and the Supreme Court said you can not have separate and equal. The same reasoning applies here. So yes, it has to be marriage for all or civil union for all.

Redefining marriage in stark contrast with tradition? You are aware that marriage has changed several times over the past hundred years right? Not to mention the thousands of years the concept has been around for. For example, marriage used to be closer to a sales contract where the husband was taking custody of property. Yes, women used to be so inferior that they were treated as property. Shocking ain’kitten And marriage has since evolved into an actual partnership between equals. I’d say that’s a redefinition.

Biology is reproduction and marriage exists for more than reproduction. If you think marriage only exists as a means of having children then whoever educated you has done you a grave disservice.

This change is only for the good. The only ones who see there being bad ramifications are those that want to discriminate against gay people and refuse to let them marry for whatever reason.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


How naïve, of course there are massive ramifications in this case…but yes we agree, change is both good and bad. The equal rights under the law portion of this, IMO, is good. But the use of the term marriage…no. The redefinition of marriage in stark contrast with tradition and basic biology is illogical.

So a few things here.

First, you can not have one thing for two people and call it two different things. The country tried doing that with race and the Supreme Court said you can not have separate and equal. The same reasoning applies here. So yes, it has to be marriage for all or civil union for all.

Redefining marriage in stark contrast with tradition? You are aware that marriage has changed several times over the past hundred years right? Not to mention the thousands of years the concept has been around for. For example, marriage used to be closer to a sales contract where the husband was taking custody of property. Yes, women used to be so inferior that they were treated as property. Shocking ain’kitten And marriage has since evolved into an actual partnership between equals. I’d say that’s a redefinition.

Biology is reproduction and marriage exists for more than reproduction. If you think marriage only exists as a means of having children then whoever educated you has done you a grave disservice.

This change is only for the good. The only ones who see there being bad ramifications are those that want to discriminate against gay people and refuse to let them marry for whatever reason.

All of this.
Are people forgetting it wasn’t so long ago that mixed race couples couldn’t marry and women couldn’t vote?


Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Game uninstalled. Goodbye kitten enablers.

Could’ve at least given your stuff away first. Oh well.

/wave @

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I’m not against anything, BUT, a COMPANY should never make releases like this.

Yes, devs can have their own opinions on their personal Facebook page or Twitter, but not on the oficial company one. It’s just something you don’t do if you care about the image of your company.

What if someone is muslim? Their religion does not allow gay marriage and it’s a serious offense. You praise equality in your EULA and yet you kitten all over other religions or other cultures with this tweet.

Think about the consequences for once Anet…

Except major corporations already have for years when they started extending benefits without being required to. ANet is not being radical here, they are simply saying Grats to those who this issue was important. It’s been resolved unless an amendment to the Constitution is passed which is very doubtful. The last one was 23 years ago and it banned Congress from giving themselves raises that they would receive in the current term.

They couldn’t even get the Equal Rights Amendment passed. Even when they gave states more time to ratify it in the 70s.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


I’m not against anything, BUT, a COMPANY should never make releases like this.

Yes, devs can have their own opinions on their personal Facebook page or Twitter, but not on the oficial company one. It’s just something you don’t do if you care about the image of your company.

What if someone is muslim? Their religion does not allow gay marriage and it’s a serious offense. You praise equality in your EULA and yet you kitten all over other religions or other cultures with this tweet.

Think about the consequences for once Anet…

They do care about the image of their company. Their image is of a company that cares and is open to people of all types. This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with equality. If a religion demands someone treat some people as being unequal or inferior then maybe an issue should be raised with that religion.

Open acceptance of people without conditions is not a failing on a person or on a company.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


@Behellagh You are assuming everyone is living in your country.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


@Behellagh You are assuming everyone is living in your country.

You’re assuming that the US is just full of white Christian people then?

I’m pretty sure there’s diversity, and I’m pretty sure Anet has done nothing wrong in showing support for something that should have been a right all along.


Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


I’m not against anything, BUT, a COMPANY should never make releases like this.

Yes, devs can have their own opinions on their personal Facebook page or Twitter, but not on the oficial company one. It’s just something you don’t do if you care about the image of your company.

What if someone is muslim? Their religion does not allow gay marriage and it’s a serious offense. You praise equality in your EULA and yet you kitten all over other religions or other cultures with this tweet.

Think about the consequences for once Anet…

At the risk of a double post. What would being quiet do for them? The majority of their fan base is likely ok with it. MMOs are as addictive as many drugs so they could likely get away with it.

So far many companies have come out supporting this. They know being quiet can be perceived as not wanting to ruffle feathers ie lose fans but that could backfire. Sitting on the side lines tend to make both sides disgruntled. They already had gay characters in he game so I suspect they had chosen a side long ago. If some missed it that not really up to Anet to correct.

If you happen to be of a faith (now I have had Muslim friends that ran the spectrum of things that might not be ok for Muslims to do so I can’t say that all x are y) that doesn’t allow this then you have some options. You can play but refuse to give up your principals. You can complain and hope for a shift in stance. You can quit (a form of boycott). You can do a lot of things but realize the majority of the money pouring into Anet comes from players who support it or do not care (at least not enough to quit over this).

I would suggest realizing that this world is not exactly a good base for strong religious convictions if you feel a game might corrupt them. For example most mmos are all about killing things. However, for a Muslim (and most Christians too) killing is reserved for survival. Even in the fictional sense it should not be glorified but it is the primary purpose of this game. Forming a religious objection at this point with so much of this game and it development based on concepts that might offend seems strange to me.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


Ok, I’m gonna leave an example here to prove my point. I’m an atheist btw so I don’t take sides on which religious or cultural opinion is better.

So please no bashing, it’s just an example:

Let’s say, instead of the marriage, Anet would post a tweet in which 100 characters are stoning to death 2 characters because they are gay.

Would you feel offended? Would you react to that tweet? How would Anet’s image suffer from it?
Because that’s perfectly normal and acceptable by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Like many said in this post, just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Templar.3418


I am against the passing of this law.

I’m not even American, I’m Australian and I know if America does it Australia will probably follow suite.


Obviously the devs have their own views, opinions, political outlooks and the like as they are people too but it is important for them to remain neutral in such matters if we wish to keep some form of peace here in the forums and the like.

For example. Certain views could push some players away from the game if they don’t agree with the opinions and the like of the devs. Perhaps it seems stupid to some but it happens. Though of course a few devs don’t represent the whole team in terms of beliefs and such.

And well, this gay marriage thing. Of course many are glad it has happened but many are also disheartened by it.

Anything that has the attention of the devs carries some weight so what they say here on the forums means something…on the forums. Perhaps they have no real power but here on the forums their voices have influence.

Some may be delighted to know what the dev thinks whilst others may be grossly offended by their opinions. People might mistakenly believe that it would be okay to bash the devs opposition for example. Which would not be conducive to a nice, friendly, safe environment for everyone or w/e.

Though honestly it seems that the team is pro gay marriage or something as you know, Marjory and Kasmeer…There is that place where people can get married in Lions Arch. Yeah.

I can see it now, the two getting married in the game. Which sucks. Put us into a personal story instance with the marriage just so they can shove their political views in our face….kittenmit. My character would not be there. >.> Could you imagine if you couldn’t progress the story without completing it? Jesus.

See I’m already offended.

STILL, neutrality…please…for our mental health…

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Everyone’s entitled to their religious beliefs, but that doesn’t mean everyone else should dance around them for the pure sake of not offending them. If that was the way the world worked, a vast amount of everyday things would be off-limits.

I respect people’s personal religious beliefs, but religious people should respect that not everyone believes as they do, it’s quite simple really

So you are saying, if you had a gay friend that got married, and he/she gets stoned to death because of it (since that’s the punishment), you would respect it and won’t say anything?

Not at all, but I would respect the rights of people to disapprove of it, freedom of expression is a two way street. Taking it to the extremes of being stoned is obviously completely blowing what I’m saying out of context and proportion.

I support LGBT rights, I always have, but I also respect religious freedom though I am not religious in any way, shape or form myself.

People have the right to believe that something is wrong, same as I have the right to disagree with their beliefs.

People have the right to Gay Marriage, and people have the right to disagree with gay marriage.

I think the best way to put it is a quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

As long as someone’s personal beliefs stay personal, and they don’t try to push what they believe on to the lives of someone else, then all is well and good.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I am against the passing of this law.

I’m not even American, I’m Australian and I know if America does it Australia will probably follow suite.


Obviously the devs have their own views, opinions, political outlooks and the like as they are people too but it is important for them to remain neutral in such matters if we wish to keep some form of peace here in the forums and the like.

For example. Certain views could push some players away from the game if they don’t agree with the opinions and the like of the devs. Perhaps it seems stupid to some but it happens. Though of course a few devs don’t represent the whole team in terms of beliefs and such.

And well, this gay marriage thing. Of course many are glad it has happened but many are also disheartened by it.

Anything that has the attention of the devs carries some weight so what they say here on the forums means something…on the forums. Perhaps they have no real power but here on the forums their voices have influence.

Some may be delighted to know what the dev thinks whilst others may be grossly offended by their opinions. People might mistakenly believe that it would be okay to bash the devs opposition for example. Which would not be conducive to a nice, friendly, safe environment for everyone or w/e.

Though honestly it seems that the team is pro gay marriage or something as you know, Marjory and Kasmeer…There is that place where people can get married in Lions Arch. Yeah.

I can see it now, the two getting married in the game. Which sucks. Put us into a personal story instance with the marriage just so they can shove their political views in our face….kittenmit. My character would not be there. >.> Could you imagine if you couldn’t progress the story without completing it? Jesus.

See I’m already offended.

STILL, neutrality…please…for our mental health…

Some sort of peace on the forums? Which forums would those be? Can anyone remember a time when there was peace on these forums?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


And as a testament to my original argument that a company should never release stuff like this, is this very topic, and seems others that are created on this subject aswell.

This is a game community, topics like this should not be incentivized by the company.

For me, it’s another fail from Anet, think I tend to a see a pattern lately…

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


And as a testament to my original argument that a company should never release stuff like this, is this very topic, and seems others that are created on this subject aswell.

This is a game community, topics like this should not be incentivized by the company.

For me, it’s another fail from Anet, think I tend to a see a pattern lately…

I see a pattern too. So many people who have no idea what the definition of the word fail is. Yes, it’s a definite pattern.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyle.8591


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

(edited by Lyle.8591)

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


“weeding out people”…… Nice!

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Templar.3418


And as a testament to my original argument that a company should never release stuff like this, is this very topic, and seems others that are created on this subject aswell.

This is a game community, topics like this should not be incentivized by the company.

For me, it’s another fail from Anet, think I tend to a see a pattern lately…


Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


“weeding out people”…… Nice!

Not necessarily a bad thing. I mean Anet created a game with no kill stealing and no node stealing. No ganking in PvE areas. This makes the game harder to grief in over all.

Which means it weeds out griefers. Nothing wrong with that.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


in your scenario, who would be the griefer?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LameFox.6349


“weeding out people”…… Nice!

Well it would be irresponsible to use glyphosate.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broom.2561


In my country, everyone can marry or form a personal partnership… and that has been the case for over 20 years. Haven’t seen signs of armageddon, apocalypse, social collapse, divine retribution or any other negative effects yet.

OUR statistics say by far most of the population have zero issue with it and actually support it. /shrug

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


He said weed out people who didn’t agree with his lifestyle…… That doesn’t disturb you?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


in your scenario, who would be the griefer?

Well, let’s see. Someone is leaving the game, because they’re so intolerant, they can’t even bare to play a game hosted by someone with a contrary opinion. I’d say that’s a form of intolerance that goes beyond the pale.

If a person is going to stop playing a game for a single tweet, then that person is weeded out, in the same way that making something difficult in basic training weeds out those who aren’t serious.

This game has already shown a lesbian couple. There’s a gay male sylvari storyline. And a couple of other nods to the believe of the devs. The tweet is a minor thing, compared to those other things.

One would think that’s not going to change, and so those who can’t deal with it are weeded out. Because if that’s the position of Anet, and people can’t deal with it, there’s no point in arguing. It’s not like they’re going to change Anet’s mind on this.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


Let’s say, instead of the marriage, Anet would post a tweet in which 100 characters are stoning to death 2 characters because they are gay.

Your example fails on almost every level. Killing people is no where near equivalent to accepting them. The equivalent would be if they simply said they don’t support the law.

Killing people in general is a bad thing, stoning them to death is barbaric and wrong and it should be stopped wherever it is done.

Accepting that two people of the same sex love each other and want to get married doesn’t cause harm to anyone.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


And as a testament to my original argument that a company should never release stuff like this, is this very topic, and seems others that are created on this subject aswell.

This is a game community, topics like this should not be incentivized by the company.

For me, it’s another fail from Anet, think I tend to a see a pattern lately…

I see a pattern too. So many people who have no idea what the definition of the word fail is. Yes, it’s a definite pattern.

So in your opinion, the fact that Anet managed to make their players fight on forum about a topic, as sensitive as this, that doesn’t impact the gameplay in any way is a win to you?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keramatzmode.1906


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

First you said you are glad to weed out people who disagree with you… and you tell us what you are facing every day is the worst? How about try not to shove in everybody’s face, that would certainly help.

I can’t fathom why you guys always be so aggressive, but you always say “love power”.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


He said weed out people who didn’t agree with his lifestyle…… That doesn’t disturb you?

No, I said weed out people who are so intolerant that support for something will cause them to uninstall. That has nothing to agree with agreement or disagreement. Those people will leave anyway because there’s plenty of stuff in this game that shows Anet’s views as a company. My guess is that it’s not going to hurt them business wise.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terok.7315


So GW2 is now a platform for various world views, huh? I kinda liked it better when it was just a video game.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


“Love Wins!!!!” Now let’s weed out those mental illness patients who don’t agree with our lifestyle. /sarcasm

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So GW2 is now a platform for various world views, huh? I kinda liked it better when it was just a video game.

One tweet doesn’t make it a platform for anything.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


He said weed out people who didn’t agree with his lifestyle…… That doesn’t disturb you?

That sounds familiar


Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

First you said you are glad to weed out people who disagree with you… and you tell us what you are facing every day is the worst? How about try not to shove in everybody’s face, that would certainly help.

I can’t fathom why you guys always be so aggressive, but you always say “love power”.

History has proven that you have to be aggressive to get a culture wide wrong fixed. It is not enough to settle for half measures or small victories; you need to be aggressive through to the end, in every situation, or you’ll never get equality.

You either fight for your rights or you’ll be a second class citizen forever.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keramatzmode.1906


So GW2 is now a platform for various world views, huh? I kinda liked it better when it was just a video game.

One tweet doesn’t make it a platform for anything.

Then you forget about the Living Story 2, the Diversity’s Edge, to an extend it become the main primary focus. I mean I chill about sylvari being new and actually bisexual or whatever, but you cannot deny the fact it is overtaking the whole story.

And imma tell you the truth, I’m not trusting them to preordering HoT because of the story being butchered for the sake of “world view” I’m pretty sure they gonna pull off some story worse than those on

Stop hiding the fact.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyle.8591


the most important part of what i was trying to point out is the fact that i put lifestyle in quotes.

i am sorry i said weed out, that was not the language i should have used. you are right! i hope this explanation makes more sense as to what i am trying to say:

why disagree with who i want to love, who i want to cherish, who i want to do sweet things for every day when it has nothing to do with you. i do not want to be in the same environment with someone who feels the need to disagree with who i love.

i find no problems with that. i find no problems with this one twitter post making people leave the game if that is what they wish to do.

if they are so appalled by seeing two people of the same gender love each other that they quit their game, i do not want to think about interacting with them.

and they probably don’t want to interact with me!

nobody exists in a political void, not arenanet not anyone.

the world is changing, the world is starting to accept people for whom they love, for what they look like… it’s still a long ways away, but i fail to see how that could possibly be a bad thing. for everyone to feel loved, represented.

what i meant by ‘shoving in face’ was that in a situation like this, when one tweet is made… cool. its one tweet. how many movies do you think premiered this last year about gay couples? what about straight couples? see the difference. my point is just that nobody is “shoving” anything in anyones face. people are excited to see themselves! excited to be recognized as more than a sweaty fanfiction of naruto characters. people are excited that they feel REAL.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keramatzmode.1906


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

First you said you are glad to weed out people who disagree with you… and you tell us what you are facing every day is the worst? How about try not to shove in everybody’s face, that would certainly help.

I can’t fathom why you guys always be so aggressive, but you always say “love power”.

History has proven that you have to be aggressive to get a culture wide wrong fixed. It is not enough to settle for half measures or small victories; you need to be aggressive through to the end, in every situation, or you’ll never get equality.

You either fight for your rights or you’ll be a second class citizen forever.

And that’s how you always hyping up the “welcome to the 21st century”? We become kittenholes to every single people who disagrees with you?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyle.8591


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

First you said you are glad to weed out people who disagree with you… and you tell us what you are facing every day is the worst? How about try not to shove in everybody’s face, that would certainly help.

I can’t fathom why you guys always be so aggressive, but you always say “love power”.

History has proven that you have to be aggressive to get a culture wide wrong fixed. It is not enough to settle for half measures or small victories; you need to be aggressive through to the end, in every situation, or you’ll never get equality.

You either fight for your rights or you’ll be a second class citizen forever.

And that’s how you always hyping up the “welcome to the 21st century”? We become kittenholes to every single people who disagrees with you?

i feel as though everyone is missing a huge point here…
yes, i agree that sometimes social push is the only way to really break through… but the thing is arenet has not even done that.

they feature a few lgbt characters out of their hundreds. they made one tweet. that is not being socially aggressive, and only slightly progressive! it’s a great thing, believe me!! but it isn’t ‘fighting’, it’s /representing/.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


Anet is singling out a portion of it’s gamers to represent…. Favoritism…. I am not saying they don’t have the right to do it, but it is very divisive.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


And that’s how you always hyping up the “welcome to the 21st century”?

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

We become kittenholes to every single people who disagrees with you?

You can disagree with anything you want and I won’t care. Try treating people as a second class citizen or say someone else doesn’t have the same rights you do and I will have a problem.

We don’t have to agree on anything except that we’re all equal people.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Balvy.4361


I’m referring to this:

Please remember that a very large portion of your player base doesn’t agree with the court’s decision today.

The only one that a very large portion of player base doesn’t agree with is OP.

Learn to evolve.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadsik.9281


Bro, i completely agree, not only does this game need to stay away from politics, but its true alot of the player base did not agree with the descision, and most of the country, atleast 60% If you read drudge report. I wish arenanet would keep away from stuff like this youll you will P.O most of yuur playerbase soon enough.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Anet is singling out a portion of it’s gamers to represent…. Favoritism…. I am not saying they don’t have the right to do it, but it is very divisive.

Why is it favoritism? Why is it divisive? Why does it mean so much to those who are not directly affected?

I am a very logical person, I do not like to let petty emotions affect me. I simply do not understand why this is an issue to most people.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keramatzmode.1906


i would be glad to weed out people who disagree with my ‘lifestyle’.
it’s hurtful and unnecessary there isn’t a way you can sell me otherwise.

i didn’t know who i really was for years because of ignorance of those around me and the social pressure to be straight.

also WOW… to EVERYONE saying it is being “shoved in their face”

because the anet team posts ONE picture on the biggest day in equality history????

do you realize what lgbt people have to deal with every day ? “shoved in my face”
wow… i am just like at a loss for words at anyone who could think those thoughts…

First you said you are glad to weed out people who disagree with you… and you tell us what you are facing every day is the worst? How about try not to shove in everybody’s face, that would certainly help.

I can’t fathom why you guys always be so aggressive, but you always say “love power”.

History has proven that you have to be aggressive to get a culture wide wrong fixed. It is not enough to settle for half measures or small victories; you need to be aggressive through to the end, in every situation, or you’ll never get equality.

You either fight for your rights or you’ll be a second class citizen forever.

And that’s how you always hyping up the “welcome to the 21st century”? We become kittenholes to every single people who disagrees with you?

i feel as though everyone is missing a huge point here…
yes, i agree that sometimes social push is the only way to really break through… but the thing is arenet has not even done that.

they feature a few lgbt characters out of their hundreds. they made one tweet. that is not being socially aggressive, and only slightly progressive! it’s a great thing, believe me!! but it isn’t ‘fighting’, it’s /representing/.

Nah I don’t mind if any company out there wants to actually represent themselves to stand with certain groups and their stance. Im not about arenanet tweet, but it really gathers some heavy responses from both sides who supports and not.

Im talking about the LGBT players who are always having this aggressive behaviour whenever they came across a hetero and try to act mighty above all, like you can see some of the posts here:

Why do they have to be so obnoxious? Why these people are like this? If you keep doing this, we are going to annoyed by this behaviour. And I UNDERSTAND, not all the LGBT people who do this, but why I’m seeing this a lot?

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyle.8591


Anet is singling out a portion of it’s gamers to represent…. Favoritism…. I am not saying they don’t have the right to do it, but it is very divisive.

attached you will find the results of a survey taken from a sample size of over 10,000 gamers all over the us, from the university of illinois in 2006.

i don’t think its too unusual to make a comment that at least over half the gaming community will align with! not to mention all of the wonderful and supportive allies who play games as well.

(note that this survey isn’t specifically for guild wars, but for videogaming in general! just thought the point had to be made!)


Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


Yes, I also find it offensive that a distasteful concept is being celebrated in a game.

But, I’m not talking about gay marriage, here, I’m talking about all marriage.

Obviously, I’m joking to an extent, but quite honestly, I think the answer to this “problem” would have been to extend civil partnerships to straight people, all along.

That way, only very traditional, religious, couples would go the marriage route and the rest of us would just go the civil partnership route.

That way, we would have all been equal, without all this hassle and upset in the religious community and traditional marriage would have probably been thought of as the outmoded concept it essentially is and would have, gradually, gone the way of the dodo.

You’re lending the religious far too much credence here. It’s a nonsense to claim that religious people have “traditional marriage”. Traditionally marriage is owened by the community. Until around 700 years ago, marriage was completely in the hands of the people, had nothing to do with the church. Of course, the church being the manipulative, powerhungry control freak machine that it is, didn’t like people marrying whomever they wanted and having sex with whomever they wanted. So they forcefully took control of marriage as an institution.

Britain has had marriage for around 3000 years as a concept, divorce too. Marriage as part of religion has only existed for 700 years. Ergo traditionally marriage has nothing to do with religion.

What’s more, marriage today is actually a contract between two people, ratified by the state. The church is literally irrelevent. It holds no power over marriage at all, in any way shape or form except for the perceptions granted it by the people. The only thing the church owns is the church ceremony. If people stop associating the two, there’s nothing that relgious people can do about it. Well, other than continue to blow hot air and perpetuate the lie that traditional marriage belongs to them.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrazenNL.9857


Anet is singling out a portion of it’s gamers to represent…. Favoritism…. I am not saying they don’t have the right to do it, but it is very divisive.

attached you will find the results of a survey taken from a sample size of over 10,000 gamers all over the us, from the university of illinois in 2006.

i don’t think its too unusual to make a comment that at least over half the gaming community will align with! not to mention all of the wonderful and supportive allies who play games as well.

(note that this survey isn’t specifically for guild wars, but for videogaming in general! just thought the point had to be made!)


That’s gotta hurt.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarie.1630


I’m referring to this:

Please remember that a very large portion of your player base doesn’t agree with the court’s decision today.

It’s amazing how freedom of speech is a right that advanced countries are very proud to support…

…until someone disagrees with the views of another…

…then they’re just being plain offensive and should stop talking!

The hypocrisy is real.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


Bro, i completely agree, not only does this game need to stay away from politics, but its true alot of the player base did not agree with the descision, and most of the country, atleast 60% If you read drudge report. I wish arenanet would keep away from stuff like this youll you will P.O most of yuur playerbase soon enough.

A lot of people seem to miss the point in this topic. Half of them are fighting about if gay marriage is good or bad, while what the OP was trying to address is Anet’s position on this, and that it should be neutral, not going one side or the other, which they did with that tweet.

That’s my opinion anyway.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadsik.9281


I also see alot of people in-game talking about themselves being gay or transgender, noone cares about that, play the game, i have tolerance for what people want to do , but that does not mean i have to agree with what they do.