Can we Crowdfund for Anet?
We know Anet plays WvW regularly, as does the WvW forum, given the number of threads about seeing Anet employees in amongst the crowds. And the number of times devs have posted about their experiences.
Multiple devs have come out and said they play pvp and the classes and builds they use.
So sure, some people might say they don’t play these modes, but they are flat out wrong on that specific issue.
I don’t play these modes, so I can’t say what problems need fixing – that’s for more qualified players to feed back on. Crowdfunding is not the answer and I’m not entirely sure is something that a company like Anet + NCSOFT by extension would be legally allowed to do.
They should see the issues in the forums.
Naw—PvE needs more love.
They should see the issues in the forums.
But Anet needs to play PvP and WvW to understand. In my opinion, Anet thinks their matchmaking works, but we need to get good instead of complain.
Crowdfunding is there to help nascent businesses get off the ground. If you want to direct how they spend their resources, get hold of enough stock to count as a major investor … but even then, what you’re asking is to buy them a service they might not need, based on your gut feeling rather than on solid, comprehensive data.
I would find it incredibly sleazy for a successful business to ask people to give them money beyond that paid for the business’ product and services.
Wouldn’t buying gems count as crowdfunding?
1. Established companies don’t crowd fund.
2. Anet earns money through gem and cash shop purchases.
3. Please think a bit more in-depth before making suggestions like these.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Collect money so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? If they want opinions from other people they could read the forums or make a thread and ask the players directly, for free.
1. Established companies don’t crowd fund.
2. Anet earns money through gem and cash shop purchases.
3. Please think a bit more in-depth before making suggestions like these.
1. Is that absolute?
2. Are these earnings allocated for some other purpose?
3. Perhaps their budget does not allow for this type of venture and a crowdfund could be the source. Please don’t be rude and think every post you read has no thought behind it.
There are many forum posts of complaints. I think Anet does read them, and try to fix, but still doesn’t work well. That’s why some of us feel they don’t play the game, because if they did, they would see first hand the problem. Then fix the problem.
Idea was to give Anet money to hire people to play game and find problem like bugs and other issues in PvP and WvW. These would be professional game players, and not just us players.
Paying companies before they produce what’s wanted only encourages companies to produce inferior products, knowing that consumers will throw money at them to improve the product to what it ought to have been in the first place. Consumers will do better for themselves if they withhold money from a company that is failing to produce what they want.
ANet devs do play PvP and WvW. Your assumption that they do not is based on your perception that anyone who actually played would see the same problems you do. That is not necessarily the case. If you look at these forums, you will not find a single topic on which all posters agree. Not one.
ArenaNet already has players to play game modes/content and report back to them. I’m unsure if all are volunteers (PlayTesters), or some are on the payroll.
No need to ‘crowdsource’.
ArenaNet already has players to play game modes/content and report back to them. I’m unsure if all are volunteers (PlayTesters), or some are on the payroll.
No need to ‘crowdsource’.
Then why are so many people more angry about this season than last? If PlayTesters doing their job, then they can confirm what everyone is complaining about.
Or maybe they lower level PvP, so they don’t understand why 500+ MMR difference on matchmaking is problem.
I don’t know because I don’t frequent the PvP sub-forum. Perhaps, you should consider asking to have your thread moved there.
Good luck.
They should see the issues in the forums.
But Anet needs to play PvP and WvW to understand. In my opinion, Anet thinks their matchmaking works, but we need to get good instead of complain.
I have been in a few WvW instances where ANET has control of certain areas and people complained about it. So they play they complain they don’t and they complain. Unless you mean to play secretly without ANET tag.
Consumed Hate – Thief
Unlucky Scrub – Ranger
- If you trust ANet to choose how to allocate resources wisely, buy gems to support them.
- If you don’t trust ANet to do good with resource management, don’t spend any more than you have to play the game.
Crowdsourcing is not a sustainable model for operating a business. It’s good for starting a new initiative, especially a new business, or a one-time project (like a TV pilot); it won’t work for an ongoing game.
Your best bet is to offer constructive criticism, identifying issue areas (with examples) and general ideas for solutions.
Anet’s gone indie.
I just think it’s hilarious that PvP and WvW have gotten so bad that people feel they need to start croudfunding campaigns in order to improve it.
When will some people learn that “throwing money” at things will not always solve the problem? I have a feeling this is the case here…..
Yes. You ca . You can find item by buying items in the gem store. You both give money to anet and receive cub items in return
Right now, some of us think Anet employees don’t play PvP and WvW, so Anet doesn’t know about big problems. So I think of way to get community to help Anet! What if we did a Crowdfunding to collect monies to give to Anet, so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? Once Anet know about all the issues, then maybe they can assign developer to make fix?
Your answer bolded.
Ok, seems there are a few concerns, so let me give some info here (with no slight intended for the OP or anyone else participating in this thread):
We encourage our team members to play the game. Many of us do. This is a good thing for the game and for the community! This is good for every aspect of the game, from PvP, to WvW, to PvE, and beyond.
- Sometimes playing the game in a competitive sense means.. you win! It doesn’t seem fair to suggest that a developer — who has absolutely no advantage on the live game — should back off, or intentionally take a dive, or move to a different server. After all, it’s likely they are and have been a participating member of a particular world for some time, and moving isn’t reasonable, nor is it required, nor should it be expected. I’m on a world that isn’t highly competitive, but I don’t find myself feeling the urge to move to a higher-ranked world. Conversely, if my world suddenly becomes competitive, I won’t be shuffling out of there to satisfy some edge-case expectation of me as a player or staff member.
- No one is required to represent the ArenaNet guild. In fact, no one at the company is even required to join the Anet guild. Both are entirely voluntary. I rep other guilds, sometimes, but I rep Anet most of the time because that’s my choice. Other members of my team are not members of the guild at all. It’s very much an individual decision.
- We don’t have a fully decked out guild hall if you mean in the decoration sense. You should have seen me scrambling to decorate for Wintersday. I’ve thought of taking up scribing to do more. Quite frankly, I feel we have a real dearth of decorations and going to other guilds’ halls to see how they decorate is always a treat for me, because they do it so well!
- Did I mention ArenaNet playing ArenaNet’s game is a good thing?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Collect money so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? If they want opinions from other people they could read the forums or make a thread and ask the players directly, for free.
Not everyone on the forums knows whats best for the game and most ppl in pvp forums complain about how they cant beat certain classes just because they are that bad.
Just because you pay someone to play the game doesn’t mean they know what’s best. If they’re playing for a paycheck and not for fun then they might not enjoy playing and the things they dislike might be core parts of the game.
Right now, some of us think Anet employees don’t play PvP and WvW, so Anet doesn’t know about big problems. So I think of way to get community to help Anet! What if we did a Crowdfunding to collect monies to give to Anet, so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? Once Anet know about all the issues, then maybe they can assign developer to make fix?
…so…. you opened with “Right now, some of use believe something that is entirely untrue.”
Following from that error, everything you say conclude and suggest is equally wrong: ANet do play both PvP and WvW — internally, on their test servers, as well as externally, in the public game, with the same limits and powers that you or I have. (Plus, they can join an ANet guild and/or identify as staff, but they don’t have to.)
So. Whatever reason you have for believing that, you are incorrect, and your understanding of the problem here is incorrect. I’m sorry.
PS: look for the threads about how mean anet were, claiming a wvw landmark, in the last couple of weeks
You don’t fix PvP and WvW issues by hiring 10 ppl whose opinion you’ll exclusively listen to. You solve them by gathering all the data and analyzing it (Big Data, yaaa?) and coming up with solutions, implementing them, gathering data, analysing, coming up with solutions, implementing them…
Suggesting that any one player playing PvP and WvW can get a grand insight just by playing and solve all issues is like assigning 10 people to solve world hunger.
Right now, some of us think Anet employees don’t play PvP and WvW, so Anet doesn’t know about big problems. So I think of way to get community to help Anet! What if we did a Crowdfunding to collect monies to give to Anet, so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? Once Anet know about all the issues, then maybe they can assign developer to make fix?
Open source WvWvW
(Big Data, yaaa?
I… is this like when people say “Big Pharma”?
That’s what I immediately though of.
Onto the topic at hand.
I agree with the notion that if you want to give more money to the devs, organize some form of mass gem purchase. If you don’t trust them to spend that money on PvP and WvW, then don’t.
That’s probably the only way you’d be able to do any form of crowdfunding.
(Big Data, yaaa?
I… is this like when people say “Big Pharma”?
That’s what I immediately though of.
No, not sure if you were being silly or serious, but “big data” is a technical term for massive/copious/yuuuge amounts of data, and typically, but not always, is a term used in contexts related to areas of technology called “data science” or “analytics”. Sometimes it can mean using specific technologies like databases called “nosql” or non-relational data, but again, not always. Frankly it’s kind of a subjective term that nerds like me and others use in contexts where we understand what we mean by it. But lots of people use it different ways. In summary, it means LOTS OF DATA (in all caps here, because after all it’s “big” data – yeah, not funny, but I tried.)
(edited by SirCork.1069)
Nope. pve is anet’s main focus.
Henge of Denravi Server
Nope. pve is anet’s main focus.
I might add one slight thing to your statement:
Nope. pve (story!) is anet’s main focus.
Believe it or not some people don’t play just for the story, yet that is where the focus mainly is. So having said that there are probably just as many “pvers” that are less than happy about the game’s main focus as there are PvPers and WvWers.
Collect money so they can hire people to play PvP and WvW for them? If they want opinions from other people they could read the forums or make a thread and ask the players directly, for free.
Not everyone on the forums knows whats best for the game and most ppl in pvp forums complain about how they cant beat certain classes just because they are that bad.
Just because you pay someone to play the game doesn’t mean they know what’s best. If they’re playing for a paycheck and not for fun then they might not enjoy playing and the things they dislike might be core parts of the game.
Didn’t say paying someone the play is better. I’d prefer a detailed survey which asks you of rank wvw or pvp ranks in a season or time played etc and then brings forth various suggestions for the game modes which then they can grade.
Nope. pve is anet’s main focus.
Thats a biased statement, yes wvw has recieved the least attention but you can’t say the same for pvp. Wether you like the changes or not you can’t deny each season they further update the gamemode and further try to polish it (not succesfully in cases) but they try they even added 2 new pvp maps and changed much or the existing ones. Pve in ot of it self varies from player to player other prefer 5 man other open world other raids and all had they respectable content droughts as well as all had their respectable updates. Same to an extend with wvw with various polls they did.
No. No. No. No. NO. A thousand times NO.
Crowdfunding is for small companies or individuals who literally can’t afford to create things without the money. It is NOT for major companies with steady cashflow coming in. Using crowdfunding to get a company to “do what you want” is a terrible, terrible idea that leads down a dark path where companies start NOT doing what you want because they know they can hold out for more money.
Nope. pve is anet’s main focus.
Thats a biased statement, yes wvw has recieved the least attention but you can’t say the same for pvp. Wether you like the changes or not you can’t deny each season they further update the gamemode and further try to polish it (not succesfully in cases) but they try they even added 2 new pvp maps and changed much or the existing ones. Pve in ot of it self varies from player to player other prefer 5 man other open world other raids and all had they respectable content droughts as well as all had their respectable updates. Same to an extend with wvw with various polls they did.
You say the statement is false?
Living story is released on a timely manner with established development cycles. Then, there is also current events. Likewise works are being done on raid and fractals. Put it plain and simple, pve has consistent contents being put in. The only time when there is no content is when they had all the staffs to focus on expansion.
On the other hand, pvp while having contents, it is on a much smaller scale and also not in a timely manner. They focus one or very few things at a time though they do manage to get things out.
WvW while having a new map, couple of new objects, modifying existing objects & areas, fixes and several backend features added in, the amount of time spent getting this done is long, suggesting small team.
When you compare the three, it is quite obvious that pve is the main focus.
Henge of Denravi Server