Can we get some new emotes?
More emotes are truly needed. Much more.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
It’s probably not going to be an option, at least anytime soon.
Regina BGimmeSylvariHi ! Will there ever be any official armor design contests?
Like the guild emblem creation, but for a full armor set ?
Also, seeing that the animators do such a great job in GW2, why can’t we get more emotes? (Could even be a gemstore thing, as long as it’s not a book thingie that we have to take everywhere, but something that unlocks new emote commands instead ?)
Armor is one of the most expensive things in the game to create. Armor is complicated and needs to be created with many considerations in mind, and these considerations may not be easily apparent or describable to fan armor designers. It isn’t a bad idea to run a contest like this, but it’s many orders more involved than other types of contests, which may be a better use of our limited development and marketing resources. We always have to weigh the pros and cons of any type of contest based on our marketing goals.
Resources and priority comes up with animation and emotes as well. Yes, we can technically create new emotes, but they need to be prioritized over other needs. Do new player emotes take priority over animation for creatures in (as an example) the next raid? If game directors believe that this is a good use of our limited resources, then then this would be prioritized and resources would be allocated accordingly. It would be awesome to have new player-character emotes, but we don’t have unlimited animators, and they may have other other priorities that supersede the desire for new emotes.
ANet may give it to you.
How about where we can do double duty on the man hours. if you’re looking at a postmortem, City of Heroes had a great approach to this.
They prioritized character animation first and foremost because it added a sense of integrity and belivability to the world. You could often find the npcs doing stuff, snatching purses, leaning on walls, sitting in chairs, using flashlights, and generally animating in ways that weren’t just standing around.
Because the massive number of NPCs in the world used the same skeletons and rigs as the player characters, Paragon just added those as emotes for player characters. Later on they got real smart and started adding emotes as microtransactions in themed packs, and those were quite popular since the game was very much about forging unique character identities.
It’s a more complex matter in GW2, since we have more character rigs to contend with than “male, female, hulk proportioned male” but the concept is the same. We have a great many NPCs in the game, most of whom just stand there. These NPCs use the same rigs and animations as players do. If you’re looking for narrative depth and content, adding animation deversity to the world is a great way to start. I immedately appreciated the extra detail in HoT when I saw NPCs in that “leaning against a wall injured” emote in stead of the same recycled death pose I’d been looking at for years.
I think the animation team does a great job with creatures, but perhaps those resources are a little misspent? There are, quite frankly, an obscenely diverse number of new creatures in HoT, which is great, but using those same player animations to pad out the mordrem made them a much more versatile foe.
Enemy diversity IS important, but having a unique model and skeleton for, say, every part of the chak army, or every breed of saurian isn’t as important as what they do. If you ended up with one master saurian rig, then you’ve got enemies that share a number of flinch, walk, run, and basic attack animations. You then have a lot less man hours involved in the difference between, say, a stonehead and a… whatever those back spine shooty guys are, because at that point you are not building a unique set of “common” animations for two creatures. You’re building “common saurian” animations, and then a few special sequences for the unique abilities of each subspecies (like the spiny shooty, or the head charge)
Having worked on budget strapped art teams before, that’s usually how we build enemy rosters, and it generally feels good to players because in our real world members of genetically similar species often share a lot of real world skeletal and muscular proportions.
GW1 had a fantastic animation economy because the artists on staff re-used animations and skeletons a LOT more, and built wildly diverse creatures around the skeletons. In GW2, it seems like that’s not as much of an economy consideration for the art team, as many more creatures, even close genetic relatives, are implemented concept-up, without regard for the way it affects the overall animation budget, and the only place I can think that I see animation data re-used is when it is built around animations from the release-era game, e.g. doing no work by using existing animations rather than planning around re-use of yet to be developed animations.
As a player, if I had to choose between five types of new monster and no new emotes, or three types of new monster, with more color/skill variants for each type, AND some emotes derived from re-using player skeletons more… I’d definitely choose the latter.
As an artist, I’d also definately choose the latter. While I don’t have the resources that Anet does, Animating even a good walk cycle takes time, and that walk cycle is never an “important” animation to the player, but the bigger, flashier attacks and abilities always are. Not to mention those bigger flashier things are usually a lot more fun to animate. As a guy who has made probably five times more walk cycles in my life than I would like to admit, I’d much rather by developing more uses for rigs I’d already “baseline” animated than doing even more walk,run,turn,shoot for another sekelton.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
(edited by PopeUrban.2578)
I don’t even understand how a game that just released a $49.99 (50 caused a wild kitten to appear!) xpac can actually stand by the idea that they are stretched so thin that they can’t spare a few people to implement 10 new emotes every quarterly update.
Ohh, right. The shortbow legendary.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Emotes everyone uses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creatures just a few see.
It’s all I can say.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Almost anything else (not including more legendaries, the old human female idle animations, and most gem store items)>>>>>>>>>>>>More emotes
Just my opinion.
You can do any emote you want in game, with custom emotes.
/em kisses Logan.
/em strikes a pose.
/em thinks ArenaNet have bigger fish to fry.
I’d like to see a /lean emote, where our character just poses like they’re leaning (Against a wall, or other character).
I wish they’d replace the Charr dance with a cool breakdance that puts that awesome upper body strength to use Charr are an urban/industrial war culture, not tribal one.
There have already been a few threads to this effect, though it’s been a while since I’ve seen one.
Personally, I’d like to see something akin to AC2’s /gokart implemented. It was super fun to have a train of people go-karting down the countryside. That’s one of my favorite memories from that MMO.
In Aion, they had a series of free emotes, and then you could buy additional emotes.
Oh lord please. We don’t even have a clap emote. I came from a game that at launch had nearly 3x as much and they added more over the years. Want to lean against a wall, we had an emote for that. Want to sit, really sit, we had four depending what the final position was. Thumbs up, down, talk to the hand, wait, oh so many.
Sure RPers loved but many non-RPers used it when their character was AFK for a bit for RL issues.
RIP City of Heroes
The way they talk about “limited resources”, you’d think they had a skelton staff of 7 people or something. Aren’t they like a team of over 300? Wtf are they all doing?
The way they talk about “limited resources”, you’d think they had a skelton staff of 7 people or something. Aren’t they like a team of over 300? Wtf are they all doing?
Supposedly they are working on the next expansion.
ANet may give it to you.
that would be awesome, more dances emotes too!
or at least to be able sit in a chair.
I still need /flex from GW1. I need to show off my manliness.
or at least to be able sit in a chair.
Asura CAN sit in chairs, which is yet more proof that Asura are awesome at everything.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I would like to see more emotes that bring in props.
For example, in norn towns, you can often see norn npc’s standing around with a mug of ale, chatting and drinking. How cool would that be for avid RPers to stand around their guild hall’s tavern? It could be assigned to /drink or something. And there could also be a /eat where your character chows down on like a turkey leg or something.
I’d love to see more emotes added to the game, and it saddens me that they haven’t been able to spare any ounce of time these past few years. It makes me really wonder how thinly Anet’s resources are stretched.
I’m honestly still waiting for a revamp in the Daredevil’s staff stance and running animation. It still looks awkward as heck to see it wielded like a darn hammer… but that’s another subject. :/
I would like to see more emotes that bring in props.
For example, in norn towns, you can often see norn npc’s standing around with a mug of ale, chatting and drinking. How cool would that be for avid RPers to stand around their guild hall’s tavern? It could be assigned to /drink or something. And there could also be a /eat where your character chows down on like a turkey leg or something.
I’d love to see more emotes added to the game, and it saddens me that they haven’t been able to spare any ounce of time these past few years. It makes me really wonder how thinly Anet’s resources are stretched.
I’m honestly still waiting for a revamp in the Daredevil’s staff stance and running animation. It still looks awkward as heck to see it wielded like a darn hammer… but that’s another subject. :/
I think that ‘props’ should be the domain of purchasable environmental tools/weapons, not emotes.
I think that ‘props’ should be the domain of purchasable environmental tools/weapons, not emotes.
Fair enough. I just find it to be such a waste that we have this cool tavern in our guild hall—not to mention taverns and inns all over Tyria, as well as banquet tables and kegs offered by other guilds—and we can’t actually see our characters interact with them. I know it’s of no consequence to many players, but having special animations for these things just help bring more life into the world, in my opinion. More immersive, y’know?
Back on the emote topic: gw1 had some great emotes that I’d love to see in gw2 one of these days, namely /doubletake and /catchbreath.
I was exploring and noticed a few unique poses NPC’s can do in game, but yet our charas cannot. It’d be great if we could get some new poses/emotes<3 Like this sitting one i found in Auric Basin.
It’d give a bit more variety, please anet <3 Hopefully it’s not asking for too much since it’s already in game..
Vigil Keep:
They’re sitting in chairs.
What I wouldn’t do to get a /flex~
Hopefully it’s not asking for too much since it’s already in game..
I believe Gaile has chimed in about this, saying that new emotes super low on their priority list, so unfortunately it is too much to ask… at least for now I guess.
I would love more emotes though, especially ones from gw1.
I’d like to be able flip the bird at a few people I know. Or dumping the chamber pot over the wall would be fun.
(edited by Mokk.2397)
I’d like to be able flip the bird at a few people I know.
I can see that one getting used a whole hell of a lot in WvW…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
All i want from GW1 Emotes is
/Guitar, Drums, Flute
For 2000 gems you can now buy the /squat emote, anet will get a billion dollars off of just that alone
All i want from GW1 Emotes is
/Guitar, Drums, Flute
Fun Fact: There are NPC’s in LA who are doing the instrument emote animations where the Captains’ Council is meeting.
I know this may be a bit out of the blue, but given this could potentially be something for an expansion i’d want to suggest before its too late..
Could we get some more emotes please? Doing nice things with my character, dressing them up, interacting and seeing them is one of my favorite parts of the game, and i’d absolutely love to see some more emotes. Its not technically very useful content, but ive spent many hours just standing around having fun with friends, and emotes are great for that. I’d love to have some more available. Given all the new combat animations that have come out, it’d be nice if we could get some chat command emotes too.
And, i hate to say it, but… id honestly gladly pay gems for an emote pack
It’s not out of the blue. A different topic was bumped yesterday, and a few others made over the past month or so:
I’d like to be able flip the bird at a few people I know.
I can see that one getting used a whole hell of a lot in WvW…
the flood of emotes in your chat log when attacking a keep and everyones standing up top flipping you off… it would be beautiful!
The way they talk about “limited resources”, you’d think they had a skelton staff of 7 people or something. Aren’t they like a team of over 300? Wtf are they all doing?
This. I know this is a reality of game design, but seemingly this is the only place where it keeps being brought up as an excuse for this or that literally all of the time.
I have some emote ideas:
- Dab – Does the dab dance
- Quan – Does a quan
- Roll out- Character says “Let’s roll out!”
- For sure!- Character says “for sure!” Used for your character to agree or say yes otherwise.
- sick- Character goes, “Woah that was sick!” to express how awesome something is.
or at least to be able sit in a chair.
Asura CAN sit in chairs, which is yet more proof that Asura are awesome at everything.
Of course
Fight the queens