Can we have an actual event?
Like some minigames/activities (like that of those in Heart of Thorns maps) instead of the grindfest in Labyrinth (which sucks due to DR) and Ascent of the Mad King, or The Mad King Says… which was initially fun but subsequently becomes another daily chore.
Haven’t tried the jumping puzzle but doubt that’ll be any fun anyways.
Any event will eventually become a grind.
Mad King Says was originally an ACTUAL EVENT
Labyrinth was originally an ACTUAL EVENT
If anet makes a new ACTUAl EVENT it will be great fun year 1. People will enjoy it year 2, and during year 3 you will post you want an ACTUAL EVENT.
do you see what I’m getting it?
What kind of mini games or activities would you like?
You’ve told us that a themed PvE area, themed dungeon, mini-game in town and a jumping puzzle do not constitute an actual event but nothing about what you would like to see instead.
Are you seriously suggesting that all festivals should be a map-wide meta event? And how do you suggest Anet prevent these becoming “another daily chore” which is exactly what maps like Auric Basin and Silverwastes are to many people (who do not do others, like Dragons Stand because it’s not the most efficient way to make a profit).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Hes right, halloween used to have that in the past. Open world events (2012), Pvp events (reapers rumble and Lunatic inquisition), and a Story Instance (involving the Mad Kings son). So quite some quality fun content was cut out in the years, not to mention the reward system which is maximum DR now. And has anyone noticed the big inflation of the Halloween merchant prices in candy corn cobs, i have.
And the Labyrint challenge level is nerfed heavily, its at the level of a vanilla beginners area now. One of the Bosses (the Labyrinthine Horror) came down in a few seconds with the group i was in. In an hour i never went down, was on a levelup character starting with level 10.
(edited by particlepinata.9865)