(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Can we just stop ?
I think it would be fair to bring mounts into the game. If Taimi can have a mount in PvE, we should be able to have one too!
You can. You just need to play an asura and make use of their racial skills.
That sounds like racial discrimination to me. Us Bookahs deserve mounts too!
What would Kormir say to this imbalance? She is the Goddess of Truth, and the truth is, we need mounts!
There is no discrimination, the gem store has 2 mounts available to all, that you can choose from. Saddle up and get along little doeggy.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
They really should just sticky a thread about
- Mounts
- Duels
- Cantha
- Elona
- New Race
- New Class
- New Legendarys
- Precursors (Crafting & Scavenger Hunt)
- Guild Vs Guild
- Guild Halls
- Player Housing
After that just merge all the threads that pop up about those topics into the corresponding one or delete the new thread while giving the “A discussion already exists about <InsertTopicHere> post your thoughts / concerns here <ProvideLink>”
They could start developing the stuff that their customers are asking for?
Why? Do you go into a Chinese restaurant and suggest they should start serving Mexican or Italian? At least Italian and Chinese both have noodles in some entries, why not do both?
Yes, that’s sarcasm. While I agree that a game’s developer needs to be sympathetic to the desires of the customer, it stop if it goes against the developer’s design philosophy for the game. And mounts, duels, GvG either never were to be or dropped during development for reasons they don’t have to tell us. Remember PvE is happy, pretendy, fun-time land were all races get alone and where we all help one another and nobody can grief anyone else (so no GvG or duels in PvE), in a world littered with enough Asuran Way Points to be within a 15-30 second jog to anything of interest, once you find them.
RIP City of Heroes
They really should just sticky a thread about
- Mounts
- Duels
- Cantha
- Elona
- New Race
- New Class
- New Legendarys
- Precursors (Crafting & Scavenger Hunt)
- Guild Vs Guild
- Guild Halls
- Player Housing
After that just merge all the threads that pop up about those topics into the corresponding one or delete the new thread while giving the “A discussion already exists about <InsertTopicHere> post your thoughts / concerns here <ProvideLink>”
They could start developing the stuff that their customers are asking for?
Really it’s becuse every one of those threads eventually devolves into both sides trying too hard to prove who has the ‘silent majority’ on their side. The internal metrics they collect will tell them more than any number of argument threads about what fits in game for lore reasons, what breaks ‘immersion’, what the devs / designers ‘should’ be spending their resources on. etc.
(As I type this there are 2 mount threads on the first page alone…)
I suppose that may be why humans lost to the Charr, they couldn’t ride a horse into battle. Meanwhile, Charr have tanks in their capital. That’s lore driven. By your logic, it’d be more okay to add that than a horse.
…I’d pay gems for a tank. >_>
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
They really should just sticky a thread about
- Mounts
- Duels
- Cantha
- Elona
- New Race
- New Class
- New Legendarys
- Precursors (Crafting & Scavenger Hunt)
- Guild Vs Guild
- Guild Halls
- Player Housing
After that just merge all the threads that pop up about those topics into the corresponding one or delete the new thread while giving the “A discussion already exists about <InsertTopicHere> post your thoughts / concerns here <ProvideLink>”
They could start developing the stuff that their customers are asking for?
Why? Do you go into a Chinese restaurant and suggest they should start serving Mexican or Italian? At least Italian and Chinese both have noodles in some entries, why not do both?
Yes, that’s sarcasm. While I agree that a game’s developer needs to be sympathetic to the desires of the customer, it stop if it goes against the developer’s design philosophy for the game And mounts, duels, GvG either never were to be or dropped during development for reasons they don’t have to tell us. Remember PvE is happy, pretendy, fun-time land were all races get alone and where we all help one another and nobody can grief anyone else (so no GvG or duels in PvE), in a world littered with enough Asuran Way Points to be within a 15-30 second jog to anything of interest, once you find them.
I guess you have never heard the expression: The customer is always right.
You sound like you`re exactly the kind of consumer that game developers what.
I am a customer with standards.
The customer is most certainly not always right, most times the customer is just trying to get something for nothing when they complain.
Rift, upon release, was an awesome game that I fully enjoyed. Then they started to listen to their customers wants on the forums, made big changes to the game over and over and it became a dumbed down version because they listened to their customer base, instead of weighing what the customer wants with their vision of the game. The game became so dumbed down from the original release that it was no longer any challenge and no more fun to play.
That is the result of blindly listening to your “customers”.
I guess you have never heard the expression: The customer is always right.
You sound like you`re exactly the kind of consumer that game developers what.
I am a customer with standards.
There is a fine line between “what fits and works in the game” vs “dramatically changing your game to what the vocal minority wants”. Mounts are implemented in other games because there is no waypoint functionality and so a need to go quickly across large portions of the land is desirable. However, we already have this in GW2 with waypoints and so mounts would be redundant and a waste of development time for fast travel purposes.
I could see an argument for cosmetic mounts, I suppose, but most of the threads I see imply that they provide a function other than cosmetic.
Finally, please don’t act like the customer is always right because there are entire websites devoted to awful customers who were, in fact, in the wrong.
(edited by cakesphere.5910)
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
They really should just sticky a thread about
- Mounts
- Duels
- Cantha
- Elona
- New Race
- New Class
- New Legendarys
- Precursors (Crafting & Scavenger Hunt)
- Guild Vs Guild
- Guild Halls
- Player Housing
After that just merge all the threads that pop up about those topics into the corresponding one or delete the new thread while giving the “A discussion already exists about <InsertTopicHere> post your thoughts / concerns here <ProvideLink>”
A few of those were promised shortly after launch and have all be forgotten about. Mounts and duels are standard for the genre, with duels being great for practice. You could even have those in the non-existent Guild Halls! As for Cantha, Elona – yes, some of us actually to explore more of Tyria than one tiny corridor of a zone.
Maybe they could give us an update on these things.
Which few. I know about precursor crafting. I don’t remember anything else being promised, even though a few things have been mentioned as stuff they’d eventually like to do.
Vayne is right.
They never promised anything, just like when Vayne said that he would stop posting on forum, it was a mere statement of intent.
We should blame ourself. Once again we are too naive.
- Mike Obrien
(edited by Erick Alastor.3917)
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
I had hoped that people will come to understand.
There has been one waypoint destroyed.
ONE single waypoint.
There are perhaps a dozen waypoints across the entire game so far that have vines growing near them or are tangled in them. All of which have other waypoints very close by so their loss won’t be that big of a deal, as far as getting around is concerned.
It isn’t that big of a deal.
I guess you have never heard the expression: The customer is always right.
Don’t make me laugh.
twitguild.enjin.com | thepaletree.net
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
I had hoped that people will come to understand.
They ought to just sticky this thread and delete all other mount related threads
This one is full of reasons why it’s not a good/desirable idea to implement traditional-style MMO mounts in GW2
Nothing else needs to be said
We can all go home now
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
I had hoped that people will come to understand.
They ought to just sticky this thread and delete all other mount related threads
This one is full of reasons why it’s not a good/desirable idea to implement traditional-style MMO mounts in GW2Nothing else needs to be said
We can all go home now
Or delete this thread and sticky the mount threads. Because people who are against mounts are silly.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
I had hoped that people will come to understand.
They ought to just sticky this thread and delete all other mount related threads
This one is full of reasons why it’s not a good/desirable idea to implement traditional-style MMO mounts in GW2Nothing else needs to be said
We can all go home nowOr delete this thread and sticky the mount threads. Because people who are against mounts are silly.
Please tell me what adding mounts when we have waypoints accomplishes other than redundancy that pulls dev time away from more worthwhile endeavours
Go on, I’ll wait
Please tell me what adding mounts when we have waypoints accomplishes other than redundancy that pulls dev time away from more worthwhile endeavours
Go on, I’ll wait
The only decent argument I’ve heard is cosmetic goldsink. The rest I don’t see a need for. Could be I’m spoiled by my Discipline/Warhorn warrior, cruising along the plains of Tyria like a very noise gazelle.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Give us Junundu in a region tailored specifically for them. That should calm the mounts-people.
It’s really amazing to see all of you discuss something that will never happen.
Umm.. You started this. What did you think would happen?
I had hoped that people will come to understand.
But it’s more fun to whine and complain!
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Honestly this is a post I thought about doing myself. Every week there is three or four new threads talking about needing mounts in game. We don’t need them. It would be just like Farming Flats.5370 said, slow the kitten servers down. Do people not realize this. Is it that hard to understand.
So because they can’t update their technology, we shouldn’t have a feature that many have been clamoring for?
This has nothing to do with updating technology, slow servers or “many” players clamoring for a feature. Mounts are absolutely unnecissary in the game and against GW lore since lore existed.
And this is just absolutely 100% total biased pure NONSENSE
PS: and more I won’t post about this topic, because i know it will lead only again in infractions and its just a full waste of time to try to talk with biased mount scared people that aren’t open or willing at all to discuss about mounts in any constructive way
My goal was achieved!!! Mwahahaha!
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
The first step towards dictatorship and the end of the freedom of expression is to tell people to no longer voice their opinion … as you have the right to voice your opinion against mounts, so do those that are for them. If you can’t deal with one of these simple actually mostly globally accepted HUMAN rights. Then perhaps moving to a place where these basic rights are not honoured is the right thing for you … do realize though that in a video game you are bound to run into freedom of speech issues, so perhaps those are simply ‘forbidden’ … do have fun!
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
The first step towards dictatorship and the end of the freedom of expression is to tell people to no longer voice their opinion … as you have the right to voice your opinion against mounts, so do those that are for them. If you can’t deal with one of these simple actually mostly globally accepted HUMAN rights. Then perhaps moving to a place where these basic rights are not honoured is the right thing for you … do realize though that in a video game you are bound to run into freedom of speech issues, so perhaps those are simply ‘forbidden’ … do have fun!
Voicing your opinion is a right, however that doesn’t make your opinion correct. I don’t mind having mounts if I can disable them showing. I couldn’t care less if people are riding a dragon or a pig. I do mind however my framerate. If adding mounts is adding a new model, it would be a mess just trying to run across a city with all these people riding all the time.
So, like I said (which is also my stand regarding dueling), if I can disable it (and have it disabled by default), I’m on board. Also, if mounts do give a speed bonus, I’d say that if the character has already a passive ability that grants speed, it should be neglected or that those bonus don’t stack together. That way the effect would be pretty much as using a 1-hour speed bonus.
Edit: @Arghore, true I forgot that was the original start of the post. I guess I went along with what people were posting hahaha.
Aline Josephly (Ranger) / Aline de Gonzalez (Warrior) / Leah Gonzalez (Mesmer)
(edited by Aline Castro.9820)
Whow there Aline, this isn’t a thread about mounts… it’s a thread that ask people to stop making threads about mounts. Or simply said, do not talk about mounts anymore because OP don’t want them-‘thread’ … and I just voiced my opinion in regards to certain human rights relating to ‘this’ topic.
Where I stand people may say all things about everything, what they want, what they do not want. But asking people to no longer voice their opinion is to ask people to lay their rights besides them, and that is a route we shouldn’t go down…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
And yeah, I agree that people are allowed to create posts like the ones the OP apparently finds vexing.
Aline Josephly (Ranger) / Aline de Gonzalez (Warrior) / Leah Gonzalez (Mesmer)
Or, maybe this is building up to the destruction of most way points in game. Opening up the need for some glorious mounts! Yes please!!!!!!
Hey, they are trying to find any means of getting people back into the “dead” zones.
How will mounts bring people back to “dead” zones ?
You’d have to travel thru them on your way to World Bosses, Dungeons, Orr… etc.
Wait a minute. You want posts about mounts to stop yet you posted a thread about mounts. In turn it will open the debate back up about mounts. Odd…
And for the record..
Less posting GIFs, I expect more burninating mount lovers of you!
i just don’t understand why the moderators don’t make a sticky thread about mounts and every new post about it is merged with it … so we have only one thread to avoid and ignore … like my own thread lol …. seriously, it needs to be done because we will be in the same position for eternity … we all know that mounts will never happen ( lol )
I want to have a picture of all of your faces when mounts get implemented.
I think there needs to be a comprehensive “why we don’t need mounts” thread stickied. That way whenever there’s a mount thread, we can link the sticky and close it.
We, or to put it better, they don’t need a forum either. The game will still be running. Is that a reason to close the forums?
Is the fact that we don’t “need” mounts a reason to stop all suggestions regarding that matter?
I think that’d require a dev response.
Not to be cynical, but lolno. :\
But yes, I think we should have actual dev-stickies about their current policies and lines of thought on common matters.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
They really should just sticky a thread about
- Mounts
- Duels
- Cantha
- Elona
- New Race
- New Class
- New Legendarys
- Precursors (Crafting & Scavenger Hunt)
- Guild Vs Guild
- Guild Halls
- Player Housing
After that just merge all the threads that pop up about those topics into the corresponding one or delete the new thread while giving the “A discussion already exists about <InsertTopicHere> post your thoughts / concerns here <ProvideLink>”
They could start developing the stuff that their customers are asking for?
Why? Do you go into a Chinese restaurant and suggest they should start serving Mexican or Italian? At least Italian and Chinese both have noodles in some entries, why not do both?
Yes, that’s sarcasm. While I agree that a game’s developer needs to be sympathetic to the desires of the customer, it stop if it goes against the developer’s design philosophy for the game. And mounts, duels, GvG either never were to be or dropped during development for reasons they don’t have to tell us. Remember PvE is happy, pretendy, fun-time land were all races get alone and where we all help one another and nobody can grief anyone else (so no GvG or duels in PvE), in a world littered with enough Asuran Way Points to be within a 15-30 second jog to anything of interest, once you find them.
You know… That’s actually Not a bad idea… serving Chinese, Mexican and Italian dishes mixed. Could come up with new tasty food never seen before. I should start a restaurant.
I would add a suggestion to just have Quaggan mounts but won’t because some moderator states “it adds nothing to the discussion”.
So….Stop making requests that they stop making requests for mounts. There on topic. I could rage a bit but that’s not really my style.