Can you please make CoF harder?
What led you to believe making CoF harder would lower precursor costs on the TP?
general deflation?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Slave driver is already hard enough for casual groups.
I don’t know if it’s a question of making it harder. It’s more about balancing it out such that it isn’t the default choice anyone makes for doing a dungeon (or for making Gold).
If ANet is okay with the rate of earning in CoF1 then that rate should be mirrored in every other dungeon such that those who don’t want to do nothing but CoF aren’t rail roaded into doing it because it’s the only game out there. If they are not, then something definitely needs to be done to bring CoF1 more in line with what is seen in other dungeons.
Please wait at least 1 week so I know I have groups to get my tokens with :p
What led you to believe making CoF harder would lower precursor costs on the TP?
general deflation?
Wouldn’t it? It would make the amount of money flowing into the economy go down, hence gold would be worth more, hence lower costing precursors…
Or at least that is what I thought?
I think it was Robert Hrouda who specifically said he didn’t want to do this, but a good start would be to make the guys on the bridge chase you down and never rubberband, forcing you to kill them. /
I think it was Robert Hrouda who specifically said he didn’t want to do this, but a good start would be to make the guys on the bridge chase you down and never rubberband, forcing you to kill them.
Did he say why by any chance?
That too, is a good idea.
I think it was Robert Hrouda who specifically said he didn’t want to do this, but a good start would be to make the guys on the bridge chase you down and never rubberband, forcing you to kill them.
Did he say why by any chance?
That too, is a good idea.
It was months ago, but I think the idea is that they want to make dungeons rewarding so you WANT to kill things rather than just force you to do it. Make it more rewarding to kill trash mobs, basically. I could be REALLY wrong on this, though, and I hate to speak on behalf of the devs. /
Also what makes you believe that removing the easiest option would make elitists go away? They would just find the next easiest option and go for that instead.
remake COF like what you did to AC ahahahhaha
and COF will be deserted as hell
my idea is like what they did to Detha’s path to make it hard
every player shoul pick up crystals to damage the boss, like in jade maw,
(edited by Oldgrimm.8521)
CoF isn’t the problem really. The elitist people won’t disappear; you can’t solve clunky problems with content updates.
The meta for just about any dungeon is 3 warriors, Mesmer, Guardian. Warriors have ridiculous sustained DPS, not to mention group buffs (banners and FGJ). Mesmers have great DPS, Time Warp, and Guards save lives (reflect shields, regen, blocks).
If CoF p1 gets significantly longer, another dungeon will be farmed, probably CoE or HotW. They both have paths that are quick for a good group, and provide tokens traceable for high level yellows.
I don’t know if it’s a question of making it harder. It’s more about balancing it out such that it isn’t the default choice anyone makes for doing a dungeon (or for making Gold).
If ANet is okay with the rate of earning in CoF1 then that rate should be mirrored in every other dungeon such that those who don’t want to do nothing but CoF aren’t rail roaded into doing it because it’s the only game out there. If they are not, then something definitely needs to be done to bring CoF1 more in line with what is seen in other dungeons.
This is very much what I am for. CoF 1 should not be “the sole efficient option” to make gold in-game. I know there are many other options to make gold, but CoF is increasingly becoming “that one option” for many, even if unnecessarily true. Dungeons should be rebalanced (tough work, I know) so that no one path should be this overwhelmingly appealing over the others.
Precursors aren’t expensive because of to much gold in the economy, they are expensive because of how difficult and few there are of them.
After the karka event, precurors went down in cost bc there were more of them.
If you nerf farming, thus gold and thus precursor cost (which wouldn’t actually happen), it will still take the same amount of farming to afford the lower cost.
This is a silly idea, I do not agree. There are other paths just as easily farmable and ppl will flock to if you change cof p1. The easiest farm will always be farmed, nerf one, we’ll find another. CoF p2, SE p1, SE p3…all take 10 minutes with a decent pug.
Critical Impact [Crit]
(edited by Beorn Saxon.4762)
remake COF like what you did to AC ahahahhaha
and COF will be deserted as hell
my idea is like what they did to Detha’s path to make it hard
every player shoul pick up crystals to damage the boss, like in jade maw,
To be honest, I do AC all the time and I don’t find it that much difficult. They even made some parts more manageable this time around (Path 3 is easier, and you can’t really claim that Detha’s part is really harder-the boss may be annoying, but getting there is not that hard, and the Ghostbusters part, while a bit gimmicky, makes more sense with Detha’s plan than that boss’s earlier incarnation.)