Carapace/Lumi Armor for PvPers?
Maybe when the full set’s available.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
Something similar to the Maguuma wastes reward track is probably coming as soon as the whole map is opened by the end of the season.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
More than likely they’ll add a reward track at the end of the season.
Edit: Additionally, I’ll add that have a couple of armor sets mode specific is not a bad thing either. Its a means of enticing people out of their comfort zone for something cosmetic.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
Tribal armor first.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
It’s a crack at PvErs that come into pvp, hop into a hot join, and then either afk through it, or team hop to the winning side so that they can progress their reward tracks for pvp rewards. You can do at max 25% of a track through hot joins / custom arenas each day.
Honestly there are easier ways to do it, but meh
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
And he’s saying PvEers don’t really have to PvP to get rewards when they can just afk in Hotjoin matches. Hot join is considered hardly PvP by those who take PvPing seriously. He’s suggesting he should have a similar form of ‘hotjoin pve’ where he can go afk and get those precious rewards by the same means.
If Anet ever add this set into pvp track, it will have constraint like you must finish LS S2 in order to unlock this track, so you end up have to pve anyway.
ps. speaking of afk pve hotjoin, one of achievement in this new LS is exactly that(Redux), you basically let one guy take the hit and do all the work, while rest of the group just run as far away as possible to get the achievement.
(edited by LastShot.4762)
Sure, as soon as I can get an Unidentified Fossil from cappping 50 towers in wvw.
If Anet ever add this set into pvp track, it will have constraint like you must finish LS S2 in order to unlock this track, so you end up have to pve anyway.
I could agree with that.
Since it’d be a region track, another option would be to put it at the end of the region list, so you have to unlock all the other regions before you can unlock it.
However, I consider either option as unlikely considering they did add a region track for drytop and it had no requirements to unlock it. It was simply available.
gw2 pvp is its own reward
i think my soul just turned 2 shades darker just for typing that
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
And he’s saying PvEers don’t really have to PvP to get rewards when they can just afk in Hotjoin matches. Hot join is considered hardly PvP by those who take PvPing seriously. He’s suggesting he should have a similar form of ‘hotjoin pve’ where he can go afk and get those precious rewards by the same means.
He can… just stand in front of amber and tag a single mob every 5 minutes. You’ll have enough crests to buy the armor in like 3 hours. Much faster than you can afk the PvP armor.
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
And he’s saying PvEers don’t really have to PvP to get rewards when they can just afk in Hotjoin matches. Hot join is considered hardly PvP by those who take PvPing seriously. He’s suggesting he should have a similar form of ‘hotjoin pve’ where he can go afk and get those precious rewards by the same means.
He can… just stand in front of amber and tag a single mob every 5 minutes. You’ll have enough crests to buy the armor in like 3 hours. Much faster than you can afk the PvP armor.
He’d still have to do the PvE part, the shoulder box doesn’t show up on the vendor until you’ve finished the living story release.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
It seems likely since dry top got a reward track, but this armor set isnt even fully released to pve players, so dont expect to get it til the story is done.
If you want the shoulders right now it takes at most an hour to do each chapter if you skip the dialogue, i know pve is scary and intimidating but its not that hard
Also has anyone ever actually tried to complete a reward track just through hotjoin? Its more miserable then getting 100 soloq skyhammers in a row vs 5 engy teams. Not that it should be easy to get glorious armor but saying its easy to afk hotjoin for it is a terrible point.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
(edited by Sizer.5632)
As soon as glorious PvP armor is available in PvE then sure.
As soon as PvPers can grind the Carapace armor set by afking in a PvE Hotjoin then sure.
I don’t understand your statement. PvE hotjoin? I’m unsure what this is, as far as i’m aware the only way to get glorious armor is to do PvP of some form.
I’m suggesting that if you want PvE exclusive armor you should have to PvE, just like the PvP exclusive armor requires you to engage in PvP.
And he’s saying PvEers don’t really have to PvP to get rewards when they can just afk in Hotjoin matches. Hot join is considered hardly PvP by those who take PvPing seriously. He’s suggesting he should have a similar form of ‘hotjoin pve’ where he can go afk and get those precious rewards by the same means.
He can… just stand in front of amber and tag a single mob every 5 minutes. You’ll have enough crests to buy the armor in like 3 hours. Much faster than you can afk the PvP armor.
He’d still have to do the PvE part, the shoulder box doesn’t show up on the vendor until you’ve finished the living story release.
And I still have to PvP to get the glorious armor. I don’t see a problem.
Carapeice: easy to get PvE only armor
Glorious: easy to get PvP only armor
Lumi: harder to get PvE only armor
Glorious Hero: harder to get PvP only armor
This is the set introduced in direct competition with the new PvP only set. It should remain PvE only until the PvP only armor is also introduced to both game modes.
Imho, Glorious armor is way too ugly compared to Carapace armor.
I am a PvPer myself; and really disappointed with something called PvP “exclusive” armor.