(edited by Deihnyx.6318)
Celestial Blue infusion bug?
LOL i love both of them if that a bug fix it and abb them both in the drop table of the fractal and the vendor. Also didnthey fix the dyes in the light legendaty set?
And btw this is not the Celestial red, it does say Celestial (Blue) Infusion, but it looks more red than blue :P so confused…
And yeah if it’s a bug I’d like to keep that color too.
I prefer the charr version personally, I could do some amazing fashion things with that….
So tell me, how does one acquire said infusion? Because I have a very dire need
I looted it for finished level 100. Not CM. So CM is not needed so far.
I’m probably gonna sell it if they turn it all the way blue though.