Despite the blog post saying any craftable stat would be available with magic find removal, I was pleased to find this afternoon that celestial wasn’t among the available stat combos for Exotic Explorer’s gear. After a while I concluded this was to prevent people from avoiding the absurd hurdles one must traverse to attain celestial in the first place – but then again, what are those there for??
Think about it: Celestial is a very niche stat combo. Only effective in a very small number of builds only for certain classes. It is far from overpowered and most would consider it less useful now that MF has been removed. Anet argues against it – saying Celestial is balanced without that added MF, effectively confirming it is no better than any other combo.
So why all the gates? First off, it can’t be purchased: if you want Celestial you’re going to have to craft it. That wouldn’t be so bad if its recipes weren’t more or less discontinued; the vast bulk bought up by speculators leaving you to gamble rng style dumping untold amounts of mats just to attain the recipes you want. Even after thakittens primary resource is time gated, the refined version of which is also time gated, meaning a full armor set will take 30 days to make, assuming you don’t miss a single, godkitten , day. To top it all off, you can’t even sell it, and it’s not even Ascended.
I’m genuinely curious at this point: the time gates may have had their use at the stat’s inception, but now that the materials and recipes are crafting only, extremely scarce, time gated and account bound as well, it doesn’t seem like Anet could have devised any greater turnoff to the whole stat.
Understandably I am a member of a very, very small minority but nevertheless I feel the issue should be addressed. If the time gates can’t be removed, some sort of rationale may provide solace or at the least be greatly appreciated.