Celestial gear?? OUCH
get ascedned jewel. that’ll save you some time.
if you do fractal. 3/4 of the armored chest is celestial. and 1/4 of the chest is raiders(which is the popular one). If you do fractal 38 and 50 everyday, the drop chance is 12.3 and 7.1 respectfully.
So basically if you do fractal every day, you’ll have an average of 1 armor chest every 5 days.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t think celestial gear was all that good in pve.
I don’t think he ever said he’s using it for pve. fractal is a really good source for celestial gear though, since 3 of the armored chest have celestial.
I don’t think he ever said he’s using it for pve. fractal is a really good source for celestial gear though, since 3 of the armored chest have celestial.
I don’t really do fractals, but isn’t other sets of gear better then celestials though even for fractals?
I thought the only real use for celestials is pvp. Now wvw roaming may get awesome great use of a roaming celestial ascended ele, but thats because right NOW, they get great use of celestials. Though I’ve heard a lot of ele’s complaining on the trait changes reducing that, they claim that they’ll be completely useless and it’s going to break everything and the world is ending. We all know thats not true.
Celestial is great in PVE for a handfull of classes/builds. Ele is one of them, since it uses ALL of the stats at all times, it’s basically a universal buff. Depending on how you play ofc. If you sit in fire spamming staff 1/2 as per the meta it won’t matter.
OP, consider getting ascended trinkets and standard armor. I’m currently running all Cele trinkets (2 rings, ammy, 2 accessories, crafted back) and Berserker armor. The results have been exceptional. And you get to skip the time gated materials that way.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
Depends on how you define better. For blowing up bosses no, celestial is not the best choice for that but for regular play a full celestial party can sub 30 a fractal 50 average length just fine but of course that is going to vary depending on the skill levels and experiences of your members and how well you synergize.
Use ascended trinkets to save time and craft only the armor. Some celestial weapons also drop (mace, shortbow, greatsword, I think…). With 250 vicious fangs (or claws?) you can also make a celestial ascended backpiece in the MF.
Make a habit of charging once per day for the rest of your play time.
By the way, I used to play full celestial for a long time, but eventually i switched to full berserker. I still use celestial on my support build with 145%+ outgoing healing that allows allies to even tank 25 stacks of bleed, and I keep the cele stats on that build so that I still do some damage for my party. But otherwise, I play zerk d/d in open world and staff in dungeons (where its more dangerous to melee).
Once mastered, d/d offers incredible survival and utility and you will never need to worry about your gear set again, and i’m not even a huge fan of DPS.
Cele and zerk also manage to mix well because cele preserves the high crit dmg.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
If you PvP on a regular basis you can get your celestial armor that way. You should be able to get 2 armor pieces a week through PvP (choose the glorious reward track), which will save you a lot of time especially if you get half of your armor in PvP while crafting the other half the traditional way.
Then if you get ascended trinkets instead of crafting the exotics you’ll be done even faster.
Once you have a set of ascended celestial gear, you’ve got the ultimate all around kit to share among all of your level 80’s of the same armor class….
can’t you just mix and match ? berserker + nomad . yes not exactly not the same numbers for the stats, but more or less….
armor = full zerker
trinkets = mostly nomad + 1 or 2 zerker.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I’ve been saving up quartz, I plan to make a set of asc celest, and have just way too much silk to find for it as of yet. So… if aiming for asc, I don’t think it matters, prolly have the quartz long before the silk if gathering it yourself mostly hah.
I figure I’ll have it complete sometime around the next expansion after HoT is released…
can’t you just mix and match ? berserker + nomad . yes not exactly not the same numbers for the stats, but more or less….
armor = full zerker
trinkets = mostly nomad + 1 or 2 zerker.
It’s not the same. Celestial actually gives you higher stats in total, that’s why it’s so good (in pvp).
It’s not the same. Celestial actually gives you higher stats in total, that’s why it’s so good (in pvp).
Yeah I believe the greatest benefit is in spvp, and where you don’t craft it there. In pve, less so, but useful if you want to respec a character a lot and not have 3 different sets of armor. So for my engi, I think it’s doable. But then as well, I don’t use that char for dungeons, which is probably the least celestial gearing friendly.
Just buy lot lot of Trick and treat bags you get lot of quartz crystals there and there is good change you can sell mats for profit+ you get luck max out easy to
The home instance quartz node can also give charged quartz. Not sure if the open world ones can.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t think celestial gear was all that good in pve.
For an optimal set up, it’s not for open world/FotM/Dungeons. It may have some play in WvW I’m unsure. But OP may not care about “what is best”.
Regardless of whether celestial is ‘good’ or not, it does take a long time to craft, due to the time gating. I just get in the habit of parking a toon near a commune-type skill point (the one in the home instance is great, if you have it) and charge up one /day. Then, periodically, I check to see if I have enough to craft. If I do, great; if not, then I wait until later.
I don’t get my celestial quickly, but then I also don’t worry about how long it takes. I realize this method won’t work for everyone; it’s just good for some of us.
Celestial is only really for PvP (where it is overpowered). It has much less stats on actual armour. Which is why it should not be timegated.
Here is the thing that I base as my playing as per zerker vs celestial though ..
I try to do WBs everyday (never know i might one day get a good drop though I also admit i am still WAITING) .. BUT with zerker gear my down time is a lot higher i think
WBs all have AE damage often over a large area so dodging is not always possible (Teq and the stupid circles can be nasty to dodge since I often find another drop right where I end up time and again< Claw has fear and KB as well as AE ice comets when you are in zerg all of which end up dropping me time and again due to lack of health from zerker gear)..
I now have 5 out of 6 armor as celestial and 1 zerker with zerker staff and zerker jewelry (equivalent made from my jeweler as NONE of those exotic items are BoA) and I find I can take a fair bit more damage without downtime and my heals are A LOT better when in water ..
The numbers for zerker gear only is wonderful in PvE BUT it doesn’t take into effect the idea that you are often paper thin and will drop from very little .. if you go down often enough reviving from actual death is also a lot slower and during this time you over all contributions to a fight = 0 ..
i have noticed there are a lot of players that will help and revive after you are down (I will go out of the way myself to revive players as it makes the fights faster) BUT there seems to be more and more who can’t be bothered to help anyone and are more concerned with DPS only
I am not questioning the over all stats but I do wonder how well the number take in effect of the downtime you are spending and IN the case of ele’s the fact that IF you are using water for healing at all or for the mater guardian if in a dps/support role.
IT is one of the weaknesses and benefits of a game that tries to ignore the unholy trinity of tank/healer/dps that all classes end up DPS but it seems that a lot of these fights JUST don’t work as a all out DPS as glass cannons if in cloth armor (guardians aren’t so bad mine is ok BUT heavy armor really helps out here)
I am sure someone will say I NEED to learn to play and all I can say is MEH..
today was the first day I played my ele with 4 pieces of celestial gear and the first time I was constantly gold in events for bosses as I wasn’t down all the time WHERE as in full zerker gear I was pulling in silvers from time to time..
I think it is still up to the player what gear they were BUT I still also say they made making celestial gear ridiculously harder to create than any other type and think it really could be curved a bit (you can make more ascended items with times every 4 to 6 hours I think BUT celestial is 24 hour CD and seems a bit excessive)
can’t you just mix and match ? berserker + nomad .
No celestial has a much HIGHER sum of attribute boni, e.g. for Mask 7*22 = 154 vs 47+34+34 = 115, Doublet 7*50 = 350 vs 106+76+76 = 258, …
If you mix berserker + nomad you will end up having only around 75% of the total attribute boni you will have wearing celestial.
This makes celestial superior for any build (class) that has good use for at least 5-6 of the 7 attributes.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Riddle me this:
Why is Charged Quartz still time gated?
Why is Celestial Exotic armor account bound?
Riddle me this:
Why is Charged Quartz still time gated?
Why is Celestial Exotic armor account bound?
Testing ascending crafting. No idea why did they left it like this, though.
Why would they change it? Do you think they will change ascended after enough time passes?
Both armors have significant advantage over standard exotic so if you want it, it will take time to craft and once crafted it’s bound to you. No Daddy Warbucks can shortcut the process by buying charged crystals or the armor itself off the TP.
RIP City of Heroes
Why would they change it? Do you think they will change ascended after enough time passes?
Both armors have significant advantage over standard exotic so if you want it, it will take time to craft and once crafted it’s bound to you. No Daddy Warbucks can shortcut the process by buying charged crystals or the armor itself off the TP.
Celestial Gear gives a significant DISADVANTAGE over other exotic gear.
Why would they change it? Do you think they will change ascended after enough time passes?
Both armors have significant advantage over standard exotic so if you want it, it will take time to craft and once crafted it’s bound to you. No Daddy Warbucks can shortcut the process by buying charged crystals or the armor itself off the TP.
But Ascended Time gating makes (somewhat) sense. You can sell/buy Damask, Deldrimor etc.. That’s meant for even if you already have fully ascended gear, it will still be worth carfting, as you will always profit because of the time gating (meaning people will pay more to skip time gate). I remember Anet themselves saying this in some blog post or forum post.
Yet you cannot sell anything (save grow lamp, which was introduced way later) with Charged Quartz. So I ask again, why is it still time gated?
I wanted to try gearing up my ele with celestial gear (as per some people saying it is the best option) but my gawd..
Those people are wrong. Celestial gear in PvE or WvW is far from the best option for an elementalist. I do not recommend using it.
The celestial amulet works in sPvP because you cannot mix and min/max your individual armor pieces there, therefore you can take advantage of the stat spread whilst complimenting your damage via might stacking as d/d. Everywhere else, you have the option to focus on stat thresholds of your core stats and build an armor suit around those from more specific pieces.
This min/maxing is only really worth it in WvW, tbh. Feel free to check out the link in my signature, specifically the armor area, for WvW armor ele setups. For PvE you can just run full zerk (or mix in a few soldiers/zerk+valkyrie accessories if you need to tank up), which is also more than viable in WvW if your positioning is good.
celestial will provide benefits to your playstyle when 2 condtions are met:
1 You do not care for max dps It isn’t important due to the fact you can buffer with healing/ vitality and toughness, AND you will derive some damage from condition damage, both can be buffed by might leaving a decent hybrid, though not max damage…
2 You use 6 or more stats…. when using 5 stats the total used and beneficial stat points are lower compared to a normal 3 stat armor…
For elementalist, necro, engineer and guardian the use of celestial can be worthwhile, leeaving you a powerfull support build….
About aquiring mats:
1 buy the celeastial ascened items trinkets,they’ll cost 1 months, laurels/ fractals, guild missions
2 get celestial armor, try to figure out if this is a final choice and if so try to make the chest and legs ascneded as well (costs way more though)
3 make a selectable back item (250 v. claw recipe in the forge (for book/quiver) allows celestial selection.
Celestial sysngizes very well with the old now fallen divinity runes, they set you back 60 silver a piece but still provide most stat points…
Persoanlly I recommend a Zerker staff, but if you want you should get a celestial one.
I own a ele with 2 zerk armor(s) 1 with scholar, 1 with divinity and a celestial armor with divinity and both zerk and celestial weapons and trinkets including backs.
Last: get your hands on some dragon’s revelry starcake (45 to all stats, 20% MF comparable to the birtday blaster (40 to all stats) but food lasts 30 minutes and blaster only 10…. for food…
you NEED sharps/oils to mainitain some DPS…. and any measure taken to up your crit chance will pay of… (in dungeons use dungeon sets ELSE/ OR bloodlust and accuracy)
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Ask yourself this – will you be spending the majority of your time playing as a roaming ele in WvW? If the answer is no, the time investment for celestial is probably not worth it.
Do fractals. All ascended chests have Wupwup (Celestial) prefix. I almost fully geared my elementalist simply doing fractals. The coat came from ambrite collection, and I crafted the leggings.
The home instance quartz node can also give charged quartz. Not sure if the open world ones can.
I’ve never gotten any charged from the Dry Top nodes, and I’ve been hitting those every blessed day for months now. Unfortunately, DT only gives you 19 crystals per day, with the additional restriction of requiring a t4-or-better sandstorm to get into Cragrock Palace. As if the time gating weren’t already restrictive enough, this means that you can only charge a crystal three out of every four days if you don’t buy crystals or a home node.
Why you do this to us, ANet? Do you scour the interwebz looking for trolls so you can offer them jobs as developers? At least give us the other two nodes we need to get 25 per day!
As if the time gating weren’t already restrictive enough, this means that you can only charge a crystal three out of every four days if you don’t buy crystals or a home node.
I am very happy that I foresaw this at the last Zephyr Sanctum party and bough 5000 for 9b each. Should have bough even more, such that I could not only build 200 charged ones, but could sell them for 20 times their buy-value
you can buy the basic quartz crystals on the TP, you only need to charge them…
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
you can buy the basic quartz crystals on the TP, you only need to charge them…
But you are stuck charging once a day. I think that’s one of the complaints here.
RIP City of Heroes
Do fractals. All ascended chests have Wupwup (Celestial) prefix. I almost fully geared my elementalist simply doing fractals. The coat came from ambrite collection, and I crafted the leggings.
It’s true. My ranger is in full celestial ascended from fractals. Not necessarily ideal, but I didn’t have to craft it so how can I complain. Plus I only WvW with that character and celestial suits me just fine for those purposes.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If you PvP on a regular basis you can get your celestial armor that way. You should be able to get 2 armor pieces a week through PvP (choose the glorious reward track), which will save you a lot of time especially if you get half of your armor in PvP while crafting the other half the traditional way.
Then if you get ascended trinkets instead of crafting the exotics you’ll be done even faster.
I read this in this thread a few days ago, completed the glorious track, went to select the stats and…. celestial is not one of the options. Just a heads up for anyone else who saw this tip. Don’t grind in vain :-(