Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Celestial is a special snowflake
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
It’s been nerf batted so many times.
Can we seriously stop blaming the combination of stats and look at the real problem, the overloaded kits the 2 classes have that abuse it.
In case you didn’t spot the sig I main ele and necro, do you think I want cele nerfed lol?
The stats are the problem. I’m kittening tired of looking at every build and thinking “this would be better if I just went cele instead”.
Cele is literally mathematically better for no reason. There’s nothing to argue there. It’s just a fact.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
In case you didn’t spot the sig I main ele and necro, do you think I want cele nerfed lol?
The stats are the problem. I’m kittening tired of looking at every build and thinking “this would be better if I just went cele instead”.
Cele is literally mathematically better for no reason. There’s nothing to argue there. It’s just a fact.
Funny before the “Spec patch” you weren’t running Cele necro, no one was. Remind me what changed again ?
Cele was nerfed and Your Classes Kit was BUFFED.
Ergo, cele is not the issue, the Class kits being overloaded is.
In case you didn’t spot the sig I main ele and necro, do you think I want cele nerfed lol?
The stats are the problem. I’m kittening tired of looking at every build and thinking “this would be better if I just went cele instead”.
Cele is literally mathematically better for no reason. There’s nothing to argue there. It’s just a fact.
But it isn’t…. You lose way too much power……
I think the problem is more that when you play Elementalist you can’t pick a weapon that either does DD or Condi, you always get half and half for no good reason. I think Celestial wouldn’t be such a big deal if the weapons had a definitive bent toward either condi or DD rather than being so all over the place.
Cele has a greater total amount of stats because it’s a jack of all trades prefix; it’s master of none of them. So the point is that there’s another stat prefix that is better for any given situation; where cele is useful is being able to adapt to lots of situations quickly and it wouldn’t be without a greater number of total points.
Arguing that the amount of points is unfair misses the point: there are fewer points dedicated to specific uses in a game where the mechanics favor specialization.
Cele has a greater total amount of stats because it’s a jack of all trades prefix; it’s master of none of them. So the point is that there’s another stat prefix that is better for any given situation; where cele is useful is being able to adapt to lots of situations quickly and it wouldn’t be without a greater number of total points.
Arguing that the amount of points is unfair misses the point: there are fewer points dedicated to specific uses in a game where the mechanics favor specialization.
This is the misconception. PvP encourages self-sufficiency and versatility, which is why cele is so strong in that mode. The moment a class gets enough mightstacking to take advantage of the hybrid nature of the set, it takes over the class, anet starts balancing around it, and then the class is unplayable in any other set.
The only place specialization is encouraged is PvE, in which cele will never be a serious consideration anyways so who cares.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Celestial does what it was intended to do. It makes anyone wearing it a jack of all trades and a master of none. I wouldn’t say it’s overpowered, but I would say some classes can make much better use of it than others. The same can be said for any stat combo really.
Your suggestion for a nerf would really just bury celestial gear altogether. If it had the same total stats as any other stat combo, it would be far beyond useless.
Can we nerf zerker stats instead?
Cele was nerfed in the past already. As already mentioned, it’s a problem with the traits/skills the classes that use it have. Not the set itself.
Stop wanting to nerf the hardest set to craft in the game, due to the stupid quartz timegate.
This game has no trinity, so every class does everything…and cele gear supports everything so it’s kinda a no-brainer why it’s so good.
This game has no trinity, so every class does everything…and cele gear supports everything so it’s kinda a no-brainer why it’s so good.
To be honest, celestial gear only truly shines on specific build with specific classes. Sure, all classes can do everything for the most part, but not all classes can do them all at once. Elementalist is one of the exceptions, because their elemental swapping gives them a good mix of damage, healing and conditions, all at once, without the need to swap out weapons. Celestial gear is good for them because of that.
In most other cases, it’s better to focus on fewer stats and max them out. If you’re using a weapon or build that has little or no condition damage like longbow ranger, for example, then it seems rather pointless to stack condition damage on gear.
- celestial is a nice set on some proffesions,
- it works nice
- but the 639 max stats is peanuts compared to 981 from minor and 1381 from major
then again looking further:
Base: 639 * 7 = 4473 Stat pts (celestial armor/trinkets /weapons) ( + 35% vs 3st. armor)
+ 78*7 = 5019 (runes of divinity) ( + 39% vs 3 st with 2st runes)
+ 45*7 = 5334 (dragons revelry starcake) ( + 41 % vs 3st w 2 st runes and food)
sharps will add 176 power ( + 76% vs sharps on zerk)
Base: 961 * 2 + 1381 = 3303 stat pts. (zerk armor/trinkets /weapons)
+ 175 + 125 = 3603 (runes of the pack)
+ 100 + 70 = 3773 plate of truffle steak
sharps will add 100 power
This is the comparison in stat points… Also a zerker build will gain a flat 100 power from sharps a celestial build using this setup will gain 176 points…
Final comparison for my selected options
- pwr 1938 vs 2656 ( -718 ) ( might will add 750 max )
- prc 1762 vs 2156 ( -394 ) ( 40% vs ~58%) (fury will add 20%)
- fer 762 vs 961 ( -199 )
- cnd 762 vs 0 ( +762 ) ( might will add 750 max )
- thg 1762 vs 1000 ( +762 )
- vit 1762 vs 1000 ( +762 ) ( + 7620 hp)
- hlg 762 vs 0 ( +762 )
stat, celestial, zerk (celestial compared to zerk)
As such is the things. Maybe you will hit harder, celestial will be tougher, have more HP (7620 HP) have a decent healing , a basic condition dmg (break even was at ~700 points, so it is not a ‘nerfed’ variant) and still has a 45% crtitical and + 190% critical dmg, only place where you lose a bit is on pure power, BUT if you might stack well you will perform as any build while being way tougher as long as they do not stack might. also some dmg could come from utility options providing conditions… else these conditions would be wasted.
(so celestial with might will do the same damage as zerk without.)
(so zerk with might will do the same condition dmg as celestail without)
While celestial might be very strong on elementalist;
OTHER proffesions having good uses for celestial would be :
guardian, ranger, necro, elemetalist, mesmer, and engineer as is. warrior tends to work beter imho with 3 stat, thief the same as they tend to rely a lot on full dmage trough DPS spikes.
Now you think about it…
It will not allow for speedclears in dungeons, but you’ll never wipe again. the fact it’s resilient vs dps and dot, can use both DOT and DPS and has buffed healing makes it suited for nearly anything as long as you do not consider rushing a neccesity…
1 distinct problem is most condition weapons scale bad to truly horrendous with power and power weapons seldomly do enough conditions to make use of them… with regard to condition dmg… but if you can find loops you’ll be golden. Axe for ranger, Sword/sword for warrior, Just firefields for gurdian S/T and GS, Elemetalist will scale with fire and earth, mesmer will benefit with staff and scepter and any offhand.
engineer will have a lot of synerges with grenades and te gasgun… in all cases builds are very well possible and VERY DIFFERENT from META. This as meta is limited and mostly applicable to DPS, sometimes you can gain intimate knowledge from DOT (condi PvP builds) lastly A buff to precision and Might stacking (sigil of strength) and or boon duration, are very usefull..
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
This is getting as bad as mounts in terms of beating a dead horse. Celestial is fine, it doesn’t need touched. There is a real tradeoff in using celestial that merits the gain of the ‘bonus’ stats. God forbid something that isn’t zerker is being used, let it be.
Omg leave Celestial alone, the real problem is the 2 classes that can abuse it because of the cluster**** of utilities they have. Celestial for example in a class like a guardian is barely decent, or a thief… lol, what I mean is that it’s far from being as powerful as an Ele where they can obliterate people at the same time they also have ridiculous high sustain.
(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)
Omg leave Celestial alone
I tried to resist, I promise. But the flesh is weak…
I’ve never though celestial was any good. Its a set filled with a bunch of mostly useless stats and the good stats are all much lower than anything else. The short version is that celestial generally sucks.
If celestial is so great why is everyone running around in zerkers?
Snowflakes makes Givers gear…not Celestial. >.>
but really, Celestial is good on some classes because of how they work and it’s fine the way it is.