Certain click macros allowed now?
Personally I wouldn’t risk it because what does and does not give a gameplay advantage is a very grey area.
My understanding has always been that this is one the reasons Anet have stuck to simply saying macros are not allowed – that way they can ban anyone they consider to be taking unfair advantage without having to argue the point.
This topic is talking specifically about playing in-game instruments. I wouldn’t assume that extends to anything else unless it’s confirmed by a dev.
But that’s just my take on it, what risks you take with your account are up to you.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
As long a your software runs outside the client, say on an os lvl, Anet has can not say anything about it, nor can they detect it either.
For instance certain mouses like the Razors have their macro set ups, that is not up to ANET to judge how you use your hard/soft/os.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
If ANet really expects people to legit click the insane amount of 250 stack items we need to open/activate then quite frankly they must be high on some good stuff.
The ToS specifically states that the use of third party software that influences your guild wars gameplay is not allowed.
In past discussions, Macros were said to be allowed only if they perform one action (one keystroke, one click, etc.)
Basically a “turbo” button.
Anything beyond that is a bannable offense.
The ToS specifically states that the use of third party software that influences your guild wars gameplay is not allowed.
In past discussions, Macros were said to be allowed only if they perform one action (one keystroke, one click, etc.)
Basically a “turbo” button.
Anything beyond that is a bannable offense.
Yeah, and they would detect it how exactly?, for the game client it is no different than a signal sent from any other impute device.
That is the same problem they have with bots, bots are not banned based on commands input but rather on reported behavior.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
The problem with allowing macros that don’t give a “competitive” game play advantage is it will quickly spread to the competitive areas as the player becomes comfortable with getting away with multi-click type macros.
If Anet doesn’t want multi-click “competitive” macros, they should not allow any multi-click macros, period.
The problem with allowing macros that don’t give a “competitive” game play advantage is it will quickly spread to the competitive areas as the player becomes comfortable with getting away with multi-click type macros.
If Anet doesn’t want multi-click “competitive” macros, they should not allow any multi-click macros, period.
What is exactly the point of coming up with an unenforceable restriction?.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
The point of the thread is not that you can use macros undetected …I’m sure you can.
It’s that they are, for the first time, officially allowing macros in certain situations (musical instruments). And their reasoning for allowing it (not affecting gameplay) can seemingly be applied to other situations such as opening stacks of loot bags.
So if they are working on a logical set of rules — which is not necessarily the case — you should be allowed to use macros to open those stacks.
I think they are making a mistake by allowing certain situations to be free of the ‘Macro restriction’. It is going to cause problems elsewhere when players use them here, there, and everywhere, and then some players’ accounts are actioned.
Using a macro to click on alcohol consumables was strictly forbidden in the past, but instruments is ok? When players use those macros in the Bell Choir, it’s going to cause other players to be upset, I am sure.
I do not see this turning out well. /shrug
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Bell Choir is the only place where this could be a problem, as that does actually constitute a gameplay advantage. That aside, I’m not buying this ‘slippery slope’ fallacy. It’s pretty evident that instrument macros aren’t going to provide a gameplay advantage in most situations.
Also, there’s a difference between “officially allowing” macros and choosing not to action their use in certain situations. It’s a parallel with decriminalization vs. legalization.