(edited by nmoral.3876)
Champion weapons skins: outstanding!
Staves do need some work, but at least we had the jade staff (the best looking jade weapon behind the shield, IMHO) and the super staff. I do agree that we need good looking staves, but IMHO they should focus on good looking pistols and daggers first, several weapon skin released have skipped them already.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I like them, but sadly most of them are (like the mytsic forge skins) just retooling of old assets.
They mostly plastered some effects on them and bam. “New” Skins.
I like them, dont get me wrong.
However i would like to see some new unique skins here and there.
But hey, its finaly something to hunt for, like the green skins in GW1 (and yeah i know you heard the compairson again and again)
But please A-Net, tone down the particle effects on weapons and go more for design. Shiny gets annoying if its too much…
Does anyone know if there is a long bow equivalent for Stardust?
I would love to have a matched set
This is the only real disappointment I have from this otherwise awesome patch. No staff love, once again. There was only one staff-skin given out as Champion loot, and it couldn’t have been more lackluster… more blunted, more boring.
If they want to continue to appeal to females within this game, they have to improve on the appearance of staves. We want pretty staves, and you are supplying us with extremely little to work with.
We want amazing staves. Beautiful, colorful, detailed staves. Particle effects or not. Care, effort, creativity, and femininity put into the design of our staves. Why is this so difficult for a company that does so outstandingly well with art and design in every other aspect of its game?
The Dragon’s Jade Quarterstaff is beautiful and very detailed, which is exactly what we want more of. However, it is the color green and it is masculine. The staff given out as a reward for “achievements” was super exciting, for about a minute, until you realized the theme and appearance of it is identical to every other weapon in the set, and that all of these weapons are far too easy to attain. Lets face it, everyone has them, and that makes them undesirable. Lastly, the Super staff skin. It’s pretty… sort of? It has potential, but seriously… it’s a see-through wooden bird perched a stick, which is kinda hard to get past as it pecks its little bird beak all up in your face.
I just think you guys can do much, much better than this.
(edited by Cicatrix.6149)
The focus looks like a roll of toilet paper.
Are they going to be adding more skins from champs? I mean, is this just starting with a plan to expand on it?
I love the new weapons, specially Genesis which Im ust waiting til the price goes below 10 gold so I can buy it, IF i dont get it as a drop before that.
It pains me seeing the serious lack of cool staves, the only one with “worth” effects is bifrost, that other than the footsteps IT SHOULD NOT BE LEGENDARY, INSTEAD THE BASELINE
Anyways, once again we get great looking swords and greatsword, nothing new.
Love the new wepaons, please make Staves desirable, keep the GSs coming.
Legendary SoloQ
I’m glad they added the Rapier. Nice, elegant, looks like an actual sword. Perfect for my Mesmer.
The rest are pretty good to although the stakitten are a bit boring tbh.