Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


Before I start on the topic, I just want to write a paragraphs on what I think about the complaints on champs.

  • Say no to DR.

I read about the recent complaints on wanting to nerf champ loots, and I find it completely ludicrous that people actually want a DR on it. Why do you people want to fault other people for “farming” as long as they like? And that number of thumbs up? It’s the collective voices of the majority trying to suppress the minority.

Some people do find fun in “Farming”. I find fun in opening all those boxes and getting happy over an exotic, where it almost never drops from the regular mobs. That is all.

ANet’s changes to the rewards (more gold/tokens to dungeon runs, more rewards from JP, more rewards to DEs), should more than easily compensate the fact that players with limited time to play can’t get their basic ascended materials when it comes in. Why are you focused on trying to limit the source of income instead of asking for it to be equalized?

  • Fixing the solution to bad behavior of not rezzing dead players.

Now, moving on the main problem about champ events farming. The biggest problem comes from the biggest servers. As the blobs from the top population serves move around, the champs scale up so high that they mow down everyone, and TO TAG them you need to deal a certain amount of damage.

The reason why people don’t bother to revive people? Because you can’t GET the loot if you don’t tag that champ. So instead of fixing anything else, ANet should fix the code to do a certain damage threshold and receive loot. Everyone can receive their loot and people will be kind and helpful. The mechanics of ANet drives players’ urgency to get the loot (I must do a minimum of 5% mob HP to tag it), not the other way around (where I must kill champs as fast as I can possibly can to get to the loot).

If you take a look at the ember farm, whenever the champs aren’t up, players tend to start raising dead people.

How people seem to miss this point just makes me raise my eyebrows.

(edited by LoneWolfie.1852)

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: callidus.7085


I wonder how hard it would be (and if the community would like it) if instead of a damage threshold, there was a variety of factors that could contribute towards a mob tag such as reviving people within a certain radius of the mob, doing damage to the mob, granting to buffs to people within a certain radius of the mob etc. I kind of find it surprising that only doing damage is seen as being helpful when I would think reviving others and giving boons should be a rewarded play-style.

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Sorry but if you’re dead, you’re selfish for not running back. Most of the meta events in the map are close enough to a WP. If you are too cheap and selfish to pay the 1s to WP, then you don’t deserve my time to rez you. And people who wait for a rez probably don’t even realize that they are missing out on loot.

If I had to rez every single person who had died I would spend the entire event doing no damage.

Now if you’re downed, it’s a different story (but more often than not you need to play smart and realize that if there is a mob nearby that is almost dead, you can rally off him rather than waiting for a rez)

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Magic find works.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


Now if you’re downed, it’s a different story (but more often than not you need to play smart and realize that if there is a mob nearby that is almost dead, you can rally off him rather than waiting for a rez)

People aren’t even rezzing downed players, though I personally do the best I can to help anyone I see downed, unless it would mean getting downed myself. Luckily I’ve rarely died since my aoes as a necro have tagged enough other stuff for a rally eventually, but it is seriously discouraging, frustrating and depressing to be downed and see people around you completely ignoring you because they’re so caught up with getting enough damage in on a champ for loot.

Honestly, I worry less about the impact on the economy as a lot of people are and more about the impact on the community (especially when you see cursing and verbal going on in map chat in other areas if someone dares start to kill a champ too early or another group messing up a rotation. I’ve done more reporting this past month than in all the months since the game started.)

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Another one of THESE threads. Theres already one on the front page, not to mention these ideas are terrible, stop trying to make farming harder than it already is. It’s not hard to dodge the red circles stop dying, if you do oh well WP and come back…

Oh and btw you aren’t getting a res bc standing still = death, not because ppl are focused on farming, use your brain.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Magnus Steelgrave.6580

Another one of THESE threads. Theres already one on the front page, not to mention these ideas are terrible, stop trying to make farming harder than it already is. It’s not hard to dodge the red circles stop dying, if you do oh well WP and come back…

Oh and btw you aren’t getting a res bc standing still = death, not because ppl are focused on farming, use your brain.

I agree with a fair part of this. While I do try to rez downed people as much as possible there would be ALOT less downed people if players would realize they have to put a little more effort into their gameplay during these events by staying mobile and not just leeroying into the champ mobs.. people aren’t rez’ing you because they’re missing out on loot, at least in my case, I’m not rez’ing you (on the occasion I don’t) because you have a pile of enemies on top of you and didn’t bother to try to move away when you were dying. People just need to step it up a little bit.

Another tip… do these events with guildies and friends so you always have someone to have your back…

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travlane.5948


I wonder how hard it would be (and if the community would like it) if instead of a damage threshold, there was a variety of factors that could contribute towards a mob tag such as reviving people within a certain radius of the mob, doing damage to the mob, granting to buffs to people within a certain radius of the mob etc. I kind of find it surprising that only doing damage is seen as being helpful when I would think reviving others and giving boons should be a rewarded play-style.

bingo. i couldnt have said this better myself.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


if I see a blob of dead players I tend to not rez them, why? if they’re in a blob it’s because they weren’t playing smart, I’m not really sure we as a community should be rewarding players who aren’t trying to improve.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


To the OP, the second half of your problem would actually be partially fixed by implementing DR. The reason why nobody bothers to res downed/dead people is because they know that if they do, they might miss out on their chance to tag the Champ. It breeds an “every man for himself” mentality, and I agree that it’s not ideal to have in the game. Simply beefing up the health of Champs/World Bosses isn’t a good solution either, because that just turns them into HP piƱatas, which most players consider boring (and time consuming).

What we need is LESS people farming the Champs, and DR is the most effective way to do it. I honestly feel that farming all Champs in Queensdale 5 times (which is my suggested cap), and then encouraging players to move on to another map is a fair compromise.

That said, I do agree that the game should also take into account other means of contribution during an event. Healing players, repairing walls/turrets etc. should all count.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


if I see a blob of dead players I tend to not rez them, why? if they’re in a blob it’s because they weren’t playing smart, I’m not really sure we as a community should be rewarding players who aren’t trying to improve.

Its actually nice to help other people.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


if I see a blob of dead players I tend to not rez them, why? if they’re in a blob it’s because they weren’t playing smart, I’m not really sure we as a community should be rewarding players who aren’t trying to improve.

Its actually nice to help other people.

A lot of the time they’re also the same people that die 8 times in 1 fight, When you notice it enough you kind of get “eh, they aren’t even trying to improve, they’re just wasting my time” sentiments towards it.

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

Champs events: Right idea, wrong execution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


if I see a blob of dead players I tend to not rez them, why? if they’re in a blob it’s because they weren’t playing smart, I’m not really sure we as a community should be rewarding players who aren’t trying to improve.

Its actually nice to help other people.

A lot of the time they’re also the same people that die 8 times in 1 fight, When you notice it enough you kind of get “eh, they aren’t even trying to improve, they’re just wasting my time” sentiments towards it.

I understand that and I’ve done it myself. However, giving people the benefit of the doubt to start with isn’t such a bad thing.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?