I make PvP & WvW videos
Change On Swap Sigils
I make PvP & WvW videos
The ‘on swap’ still has an internal cooldown, so even if an Elementalist flipped through all their attunements as fast as possible it would still restrict the triggering. Those with two weapon sets can have two different ‘on swap’ effects; those with one weapon set only get one effect. I’d say it evens out well enough.
Since they all have the same 9s CD having fewer weapons doesn’t provide any sort of benefit. On the other hand some builds do benefit from it more than others.
They are fairly powerful already, even with the current limitations.
You can put the same sigil into both weapon sets and activate it every 9 seconds on each swap if you’d like (thus functioning just like Engi and Ele’s one-weapon sigil swaps). Offhand, I think the only classes that can take advantage of different swap sigils every 9s are Warrior and Necromancer (with fast hands and shroud, respectively)?
The suggested change will break existing use of certain sigils. For example to guarantee a crit with a particular skill using Sigil of Intelligence. Having sigil of energy being wasted while when you don’t need it would also be bad.