Change map, lose event.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aophts.9862


So, this is the second time that this happens.

I was on Frostgorge Sound and the Jormag event was starting and that change map prompt appears, you know , the one about few players on the map. And for the second time, i’ve lost the event because i’ve accepted this map change, i was put on another map with the event already done.

This isn’t fair at all, is there any way to change this?

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Click no next time.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Don’t click until the event your’e doing is over. You have an hour.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

Different servers have different events going on at the same time. Even something like a World Boss event(which should start at the exact same time) could be off by a few minutes. So if you’re in the middle of an event, please wait until the event is over and you’ve gotten credit and loot before changing servers.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


ignore message and finish the event reason why you get pop up is the other server/servers have finished the event and your map shard was a extra instance created becouse the other were full…. so the game want to funnel you back to the normal map and close the extra ones.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Different servers have different events going on at the same time. Even something like a World Boss event(which should start at the exact same time) could be off by a few minutes. So if you’re in the middle of an event, please wait until the event is over and you’ve gotten credit and loot before changing servers.

World Boss events have pre-events and while those all start at the same time on all shards of the same map, they can take different times to complete. And then the fight itself can take different amounts of time, especially with a long one like Jormag.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mcwurth.2081


just dont click it at all, it will give you a “leave map icon” above your minimap and you can click this as soon your event is over. simples.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So, this is the second time that this happens.

I was on Frostgorge Sound and the Jormag event was starting and that change map prompt appears, you know , the one about few players on the map. And for the second time, i’ve lost the event because i’ve accepted this map change, i was put on another map with the event already done.

This isn’t fair at all, is there any way to change this?

So the game asks you if you want to relocate to a more empty server and you accepted. Working as intended.

Different servers have different events going on at the same time. Even something like a World Boss event(which should start at the exact same time) could be off by a few minutes. So if you’re in the middle of an event, please wait until the event is over and you’ve gotten credit and loot before changing servers.

And here is the reason why you get placed in empty servers, because every one else has left already. Knowing is half the battle.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


So the game asks you if you want to relocate to a more empty server and you accepted. Working as intended.

No, it is not working as intended. At the very least the popup wording is wrong.

The popup says there are too few players on this map and do you want to go to a more populated version of this map. It also says this map will be closing so the first few times you see it you will assume it is something you need to answer right away.

While I do wait for an event to finish (especially if it is not a timed one) I assume it means most people doing the boss battle are elsewhere and the shard I am on is closing because of that. If you ask 100 people what that popup means they will most likely say the same thing.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So the game asks you if you want to relocate to a more empty server and you accepted. Working as intended.

No, it is not working as intended. At the very least the popup wording is wrong.

The popup says there are too few players on this map and do you want to go to a more populated version of this map. It also says this map will be closing so the first few times you see it you will assume it is something you need to answer right away.

While I do wait for an event to finish (especially if it is not a timed one) I assume it means most people doing the boss battle are elsewhere and the shard I am on is closing because of that. If you ask 100 people what that popup means they will most likely say the same thing.

Since we do not know how the popup is worded and on what basis, it might be the correct wording at an unfortunate time.

Imagine if you are on one of the semi full maps compared to multiple full maps. The game now decides to warn you that your map is empty. Or maybe the amount of people leaving the map spiked shortly before the event, who knows.

You get the warning, you click yes, the game now tries to place you in a map that has room but is more populated than your own. Bam, you end up in the only maps that are full and have room, the ones where the boss just died.

But again, since we don’t know how the coding/parameters work, we can only speculate.

What remains true is, you are in the middle of an event, the game asks you if you want to switch maps, and you click yes → you get sent to a different map.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Don’t click until the event your’e doing is over. You have an hour.

It’s not unfair (although frankly I’ve seen so many different usages of fairness I’m starting to doubt if even I know what that is anymore) since you’re given the option and you have more than enough time to finish any events.
Any confusion is easily resolved the first few times you use it.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


The exact wording on the Volunteer notice is “There are few players remaining on this map. Would you like to move to a more populated version of this same map?”. So, if you’re new and didn’t know that it doesn’t work as it say it does, you’d think this would be sending you to an active map every time. That being said, after having it do that to you a couple of times, you should learn to not click on that until your business in that map is finished.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


So, this is the second time that this happens.

I was on Frostgorge Sound and the Jormag event was starting and that change map prompt appears, you know , the one about few players on the map. And for the second time, i’ve lost the event because i’ve accepted this map change, i was put on another map with the event already done.

This isn’t fair at all, is there any way to change this?

So, you see an option to move maps, click yes. You did it once, saw the effect it had on the event. Then went ahead and did it a second time on a later date, and somehow this is a problem with the system?

Gonna save you a lot of trouble and tell you to go ahead and click on “No” next time.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


If you’re at a world boss and asked to volunteer, it almost always means the map they will send you to has finished the boss. Their map finished, thus some people have vacated so the system is trying to close map overflows. If you want the volunteer blessing just wait until your map is finished.

Change map, lose event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


You were sent to a more populated map. It doesn’t mean that the same event is running on that map. Short of world bosses, events can be manually spawned or spawn after a cool down since it was last completed. They don’t run on a clock like world bosses.

And now you know.


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